Nationalist Public Radio 
- News (June 24, 2022)
- Nationalist Public Radio, Episode Seven: Carolyn Emerick
- Nationalist Public Radio, Episode 19: Death of Consumerism and Equality
- Nationalist Public Radio, Episode 18: FLOYD-19
- Nationalist Public Radio, Episode Seventeen: Kveldulf Gunnar Larsson
- Nationalist Public Radio, Episode Sixteen: Interview With “Ramen” Of The “Art Right” Movement
- Nationalist Public Radio, Episode Fifteen: Social Justice
- Nationalist Public Radio, Episode Fourteen: Permaculture
- Nationalist Public Radio, Episode Thirteen: Interview With Richard Spencer
- Nationalist Public Radio, Episode Twelve: Interview With Laura Loomer
- Nationalist Public Radio, Episode Eleven: France
- Nationalist Public Radio, Episode Ten: Interview With Brett Stevens
- Nationalist Public Radio, Episode 9: Interview With Jared Taylor of American Renaissance
- Nationalist Public Radio, Episode 8: Equality
- Nationalist Public Radio, Episode Six: Education
- Nationalist Public Radio, Episode 5: Foreign Policy
- Nationalist Public Radio, Episode 4: Milogate
- Nationalist Public Radio, Episode 3: Copyright Law
- Nationalist Public Radio, Episode 2: Social Conservatism
- Nationalist Public Radio, Episode 1: The Alt Right Rises
What We Are
With the elevation of God Emperor Trump to President of the United States, there has been a spike in interest in what has been termed the 'Alt-Right.' While it is a term that is, arguably, not particularly well defined (nor should it be), a few key strands are consistent amongst adherents. Specifically, if we can say anything positive about the Alt-Right, we can say that it is, at its core, a reaction to modernity and post-Enlightenment Liberalism. That can, of course, manifest in many forms. The Identitarians of Europe and what might be called "the Right Reloaded" in the United States have inherited much of the intellectual legacy of the French New Right, including the thought of Guillame Faye and Alain de Benoist, among others. The neo-reactionaries (NRx) have inherited the thought of Hans-Herman Hoppe, Moldbug, and classic capitalists, while the primitivists and tribalists have looked to Jack Donovan and Pennti Linkola, among others, for their inspiration.
While we don't claim to know what the Alt-Right is -- nor do we want to define it -- we each have differing views on modernity and, while ideologically similar, have taken different forest paths and arrived at slightly different places. The question is how did you get here? Perhaps you found the Alt-Right through Milo Yiannopoulos, Mike Cernovich, or r/The_Donald. Perhaps you found the Alt-Right by way of your edgy cousin sharing "based dank memes" on Facebook. At the end of the day, however, most mainstream coverage and understanding of the Alt-Right has been focused on "sinister frogs" and anti-SJW rhetoric. The Alt-Right, on the internet at least, is as Lawrence Murray accurately noted, "Frog memes and hate speech."
While we’re not opposed to those things at Nationalist Public Radio -- everyone loves a good Pepe meme now and then --, we, as intellectuals want you to know there is more than that. We want to give you more. Indeed, by revolting against the modern world you are the inheritor of a long and rich tradition of thought, and Nationalist Public Radio is here to broaden your horizons. McDonalds is convenient, but filet mignon it’s not. Pepe is funny, but not intellectually engaging. Sometime you want to laugh, but eventually most people want to know the deeper answers to questions they've been forbidden to ask. So tune into Natoinalist Public Radio and learn how deep the rabbit hole goes. We invite you to think.
Who We Are
- Roderick Kaine is an American who has a degree in biochemistry, and he has done professional research in both Biology and Neuroscience. After moving on from this work, he has focused on writing and independent scholarship. His journey towards being red-pilled started early on in his college career in the mid-2000s with alternative narratives such as those provided by radio personality Tom Leykis and The Bell Curve by Charles Murray, among many other influences. Around 2010, he began his work on his book Smart and SeXY, which describes in great detail the biologically based cognitive differences between the sexes citing the latest research in neuroscience and genetics. Smart and SeXY was published in 2016. He has been active in the neoreactionary movement since 2014, where he writes under the name Atavisionary. He has also run the subreddit /r/darkenlightenment, also since 2014. Roderick Kaine has also been published on
- Everitt Foster is a novelist and historian living in Texas. He is currently a doctoral candidate expected to graduate in 2017 with his PhD in European History. He is writing on cultures and people of Slavic Europe during the Cold War. He writes for A Natural Reaction where he talks about culture, literature and the right as well as how the three work to shape politics. He is the co-host of Nationalist Public Radio, a podcast on politics from an intellectual, perhaps NRx, perspective and emphasizes the study and importance of historical perspective when doing political analysis. He can be reached at [email protected]
- James Price is a Writer, Media Consultant, Troll, Entrepreneur, and the Public Relations Director for He was born and raised in New York and quickly found his political foundation in paleoconservatism from a young age, mostly inspired by cynicism of Western Civilization in its current form. This quickly evolved over the years through raw empiricism of the leftist pathology eroding every facet of culture and society. He would identify himself in the present day as a ethnographic pan nationalist, eugenics advocate, mild misanthrope, and partially inspired by the neoreaction movement. You can reach him on both the Amerika discord and at [email protected].
- Peter Vilzik is a student of philosophy whose research and writing mainly focuses on Heideggerian, Schmittian, and deep ecological thought. His philosophical interests have taken him around the circle of theistic thought, political philosophy, and most recently, down the rabbit hole of ontological realism. Taking a more philosophical and abstract approach to political problems, as co-host of Nationalist Public Radio he provides (much to Everitt's dismay) a counterfactual and, sometimes, ahistorical analysis of the topics being discussed. He can be contacted at [email protected].
- Brett Stevens is an author and thinker who writes on the topics of nihilism, deep ecology, nationalism and anti-work. He opposes diversity in all of its forms, including racism and anti-Semitism, and favors a society ruled by aristocrats, organized around hierarchy, oriented toward transcendental and realistic purpose, and ruled by culture which requires extreme nationalism. He has been published at American Renaissance, Right On, Alternative-Right, Return Of Kings, Nihil, and the blog where he serves as editor, His first book, Nihilism: A Philosophy Based in Nothingness and Eternity, was published via Numen Books in 2016.