Extraversion Kills Civilization
(March 2nd, 2018) by Johann Theron | Comments.
Anti-Darwinism Is The Basis Of Leftism
(May 28th, 2017) by Brett Stevens | Comments.
What To Do When A Natural Selection Event (NSE) Happens
(June 15th, 2016) by Brett Stevens | Comments.
Multiculturalism leads to monoculturalism and fragmentation
(January 23rd, 2009) by Steve Harris | Comments.
(October 11th, 2007) by Brett Stevens | Comments.
The First World War
(August 27th, 2006) by Brett Stevens | Comments.
Creating the African Superman
(August 17th, 2006) by Brett Stevens | Comments.
Winner Takes it All
(May 2nd, 2006) by Brett Stevens | Comments.
(November 17th, 2005) by Brett Stevens | Comments.
Solutions vs Distractions
(July 2nd, 2005) by Brett Stevens | Comments.