
Furthest Right

What Is Wrong With White People?

This question came up in correspondence with a nationalist activist of another race and ethnicity. How do we explain the evils of racism at the hands of white people, he asked? My answer came immediately in twofold: first, diversity itself is racism, and second, that white people possess a disease which is killing them and everything they encounter.

Diversity seems like it could not be racism, but that is only if we ignore the Iron Rule, “all things — ideas, people, groups, genes, plants, animals — act only in their own self-interest alone.” When you understand that, diversity stands revealed as we might see in it the context of game theory: an attempt by multiple groups to take over the world by turning it into a multiculture and then absorbing it.

With diversity, conflict becomes inevitable because each group will vie for the ability to set its moral, aesthetic, genetic, and behavioral standards above those of all other groups. This means that eventually, one group must “win,” and then by incorporating other groups into its own gene pool, ethnically destroy itself.

Once it ethnically destroys itself, it has no cultural standard, so it becomes an atomized society of “me firsters.” This is why failed civilizations end up with lots of cultureless, individualistic, and morally fluid people. Everyone else dies out or is bred out.

In this way, diversity is the cause of racism. Without diversity, no one thinks much about other groups. With diversity, they find themselves competing in an undeclared war against other groups. Ultimately, diversity leads to genocide of all of the groups involved.

White people brought on our original diversity by incorporating the “off-whites” — partially mixed whites, usually with Asiatics or North Africans — from Eastern and Southern Europe and the Mediterranean area. These were designed to displace the lower classes, who kept revolting for more pay despite having few skills of value.

In America, for example, we began bringing in the Irish in the 1800s as labor to reduce our reliance on the Anglo-Saxon-derived lower classes. The Irish in turn created some of our most virulent racism because they were competing directly with former slaves for jobs.

With diversity, society self-destructs from lack of unity. The “glue” that holds it together consists of social trust and social capital. This only exists in societies that have zero diversity. The instant you bring in a single Other person, standards must relax to include new behaviors and differences in ability, and so people can no longer instinctively know how to behave, which results in them withdrawing from society, seeing it as an enemy, and adopting a posture of ressentiment.

Most of the whining and wailing about Jews from European history had to do more with the problems of diversity than those of Jews themselves. Once you introduce the foreign, you lose your own culture, and for most people, they blame the tangible form of this as a symbol of what has gone wrong.

Through this, we see how diversity has brought about the ills attributed to white people and Jews. If we look at causes, it is actually the cause of everything people complain about with minorities — crime, neglect, disorder, incompetence — because diversity brought them here, selected for the weakest ones to use as low-skilled labor, showed them that this was not really their land, and made them engage in the type of passive-aggressive, grudging subtle and undeclared ethnic warfare that is the racial experience in America and now the EU.

Naturally, we have to look at causes and effects. Diversity did not “just happen,” at least with any group beyond the Amerinds we found in America (and the Lappinoids in Europe). Other groups showed up, and starting with the Jews and Roma/Sinti/Gypsies, we let them in and let them stay, only periodically acting out some kind of moronic pogrom or genocide but leaving the basic problem — our tolerance for outsiders among us — unchanged. White people suffer from constantly inviting in the Other only to find out that those people are not like us under the skin, and that even if these groups are “nice” and intelligent and mean well, they are not us and therefore, their presence — not them — causes our societies to collapse.

This leads us to the question of the evil within white people. Something bad lurks within us and we spread it like an infection. Everywhere we go, we bring it, and we tend to draw others into our confusion. It makes us miserable, but we share it, thinking that if others participate in our misery, it will at least be a good social event. We know that it is evil, and yet we embark upon it, which turns us into people with a dirty secret to hide who end up manipulating others so that they do not tell the secret, and so that by participating in it, they too become duty-bound to hide it. There is evil inside us that we do not recognize, and so we do its work and spread it.

White people, after all, are responsible for Clown World. We invented corporate jobs, modern democracy, fast food, bureaucracy, tons of gadgets, and the special snowflakes and “Karens” who always want to see the manager. We decided on a lifestyle based on the utterly meaningless so that we could settle for material comfort, drive big fat SUVs, live in suburban tract homes, and never encounter anything more controversial than sports talk or the weather. We make a Hell that we cannot live in anywhere we go because we can, and we think that if we can, we either should or can get away with it so we might as well.

We have perfected a dozen types of hellish lifestyles. Whether it was the snotty country clubs, the banal and terrifying office water cooler discussion, the complete pointlessness of Keeping Up With The Joneses, or even our pursuit of a dozen fads, we have mastered making the simple task of being alive into drama, which is basically just signaling for self-importance. White people fix problems, yes, but then they waste the efficiency they gain on neurotic attention-seeking and passive-aggressive behavior.

This sickness comes from our own cleverness. If you have been around WASPs, you know that clever is a nasty word, meaning someone who has geeked out enough to figure out technology, finance, or a niche for himself in the social world, but is not wise to the whole and the importance of things that are not obvious like culture, values, customs, literature, and philosophy. “Clever” is how WASPs say you are a nasty little egghead who knows nothing of real life, and when you hear it, you should walk quickly backward without making eye contact. It implies people who have solutions that seem intelligent on the surface but are the opposite of wise. And yet, what ails white people may well be our cleverness.

Our cleverness comes from a mania for control. We need the world to be a certain way to feel good about it. That is, we need it to conform to how we think. We project ourselves onto the world because ultimately, we are so clever that we like our thoughts better than the harder work of understanding how things in the world actually work. We make exceptions for technology, finance, medicine, and social concerns, of course.

If you want an image of white people, imagine a chicken sitting on her eggs, plotting how to shape her offspring to fit into the ideal order. She will eliminate all risk, and make everything safe, by smoothing the “rough edges” of nature and making everyone obey some universal laws of how to behave. She will conquer nature by designing around its inconsistencies and ambiguities. Instead of the wild forest, she will create nice square evenly spaced dwellings. Everyone will do the same thing, not just to be equal, but to be easy for her to understand.

White people need a sense of well-being to feel good about life, and originally we got this from nature, simply by observing it. Once our cleverness made us prosperous, we no longer had much contact with nature except in a human-controlled form. We thought then that we had beaten nature, and it did not occur to us that even within our own cleverness, there were grades of intelligence. Some were smarter than others, but to those others, the intelligence of the some remained inscrutable because the others lacked the ability to understand it. In other words, instead of making our way to enlightenment and great wisdom, we had settled on the smartest version of stupidity that was possible, bypassing even dumber forms but not escaping the limitations that idiocy imposes on a society.

This made us powerful dilettantes and nothing more. We lost touch with the world, proclaimed ourselves wizards, and promptly drifted off into our own navel-gazing substitute for reality. We then projected this back onto the world around us, since if we made everyone agree and act as if it was real we could live as if it were real, at least for a time. Our fatal weakness originated in the fact that our sense of well-being no longer came from an understanding of the world, but a series a human homilies designed to obscure reality and replace it with a social, moral, legal, intellectual, and economic framework. Clever idiots tend toward bureaucracy and a desire to control everything so that it conforms to the model in their heads, without updating that model to take in new information.

Our thinking became inverted. When you believe that the world is good and the order of nature is good, you can think clearly about what you must do, which is to make something good in the same way the world is good, or imperfect and possibly unfair but at a bottom line, always highly functional. When you give up on the world being good, or alternatively decide that you are good and by implication the world which held power before you must be bad, then you no longer think from cause to effect. You think solely in terms of effects, how to explain them to other people, how to symbolize them, and how to use those symbols to motivate groups of people to pretend that what is true is not true. Symbolic thinking — where the symbol is more important than the reality to which it refers, and in a linear context where the symbol stands for part of the thing it refers to, and only in one certain context — shows us the downfall of white people.

Bad things happened when white people decided that they were so precious and intelligent that they did not need nature or the divine order of reality which we see through its beautiful, elegant, and most of all good results. The world in which we live and the existence which we live is, at its core, an amazing experience, born of some desire (or something like an intention) by the universe to be good and make goodness. Life is beautiful, despite all of its horrors, which is why we do not simply give up and die. When we no longer see that, we become inverted, or people who want to project our own vision of the world onto the world in order to blot out what we see as a negative condition of existence. We become death-obsessed, cruel, resentful, hopeless, and negative.

Inversion means that, as the old saying goes, “when you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail.” Our hammer is the attempt to create a human order, or one in which the individual has power over the parts of reality that he fears in order to suppress his own doubt about the goodness of existence. It also means that we have a thesis in search of data, instead of data in search of a thesis. When you have already made your conclusion from your assumptions, you filter out anything contrary to what you want to believe. This is where white civilization has been for a thousand years, although this disease hit slowly.

Do I believe that we have committed great crimes? I do: slavery was a form of diversity that interfered in the affairs of another society, and we should have avoided it. It was created by our rejection of manorial feudalism in which our own lower-IQ people worked as labor in exchange for lifetime income and pensions. True, slaves probably faced a worse fate had we not intervened, since captives in war usually get executed if they cannot be sold. Was colonialism an evil? It was pure commerce, exploiting resources worldwide so that some of us could get rich, mainly so they could buy their way out of the clever system controlled by others. Since that time, things have gotten worse, because every time we try to make our diverse societies better, we simply act further to destroy the natural cultures of the different groups in them. If our great crimes were bad, our attempts to fix them continue the same thinking, and so produce worse results.

Our original sin was civilization. When you create civilization, you take over from nature, and if you do not strictly uphold that order, you soon end up with utilitarianism, or doing whatever “most people” think is a good idea. This mob rule quickly turns everything into the lowest common denominator and is the root of our evil. We abolished manorial feudalism in order to have mob rule, and ended up with chattel slavery instead because someone must do the hard but thoughtless work. Once you have civilization, you have all of these people, and you must tolerate them, unlike in nature where the good break away from the rest and go on to have great lives somewhere. The good do not need slaves or colonies because in their societies, the productive are rewarded and there is no need to generate extra wealth in order to subsidize and manage the rest.

Civilization paralyzes us and makes us impotent. How can anything change, with so many fingers in the pot? Nothing can improve when you must move vast masses of people by convincing them with symbols that some path is the right one; you will be forced to reduce your ideas to simplistic caricatures, compromise so that everyone gets on board, and when you are done with, any new idea will have become the same old idea. Our evil may be that we tolerate too much of ourselves to be sane, instead of finding those who have wisdom and promoting them over the clever.

As mentioned, it took a thousand years for this decay to hit us and during our decay, we have become a force for evil. Our machines consume the Earth; our economies suck up its resources and leave behind landfill; our social order and institutions have reverted purely to marketplaces and socializing, and these create massive groups of thoughtless people who wreck everything they touch and leave behind hollowed-out, witless societies. We encountered this evil because we were the first to make a thoroughly efficient civilization, but when we did, we did not stop to think that we were clever and not intelligent and that there was something more we needed to do. Soon we bloated, and then became insane, and now we are destroying ourselves and the world simultaneously.

For us to escape our evil, we must escape social thinking. I remember a story about a young man in Russia who for some reason kept a hand grenade in his pocket. He was driving one day when he snagged the pin on something and yanked it out without knowing it; a huge explosion woke everyone up, and they found him dead in his car. In social logic, this was a tragedy. In logic, it was simply cause and effect: if you keep a grenade loose in your pocket, eventually you will snag it on something, and then there will be an explosion. Our logic holds that if someone is suffering, we must attend to this and make them equal so that our human order replaces the unequal order of nature, but this really amounts to us wanting to symbolically control the natural order because we fear it for ourselves. We, in the grips of doubt, believe that we might have a grenade in our pockets, ready to go off at random, and that lack of control makes us mad, so we insist that all carry grenades so that none may escape the fear.

I believe that the years of our evil are ending. We have finally seen that reality and nature are more important than our human desire to make the world safe, uniform, and impressionable so that we can control it. If we can escape this evil, we can create a society that will last for millions of years, explore the stars, and exceed its past heights of culture, learning, and organization. However, first we must stop doubting existence itself, and embrace it for its beauty, so that we may understand the beauty sleeping inside of us.

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