
Furthest Right

Jewish Genetics Point to Origin in Israel

Right now the far-Left and far-Right are joined in a celebration of hatred for Jews and Israel. The far-Right targets Jews because they are a diversity group that outcompetes its hosts, and they fear that, and the far-Left sees that Israel has outpaced its third world neighbors and therefore made “equality” look like the comedic deceptive fantasy it is.

For me, neither of these make sense. I grew up in the most diverse area on this continent and have lived in other diverse cities. I know good people of all backgrounds; however, I have never seen diversity itself — the condition of having more than one racial, ethnic, religious, or cultural group in a society — do anything but destroy.

It also makes sense for practically-minded people to notice that cultures differ and cultures are genetic. You can convert a Jew to Christianity or Islam, but he will still have a Jewish soul, just like how an East Indian converted to Republican Christianity will still have his wiring for how they do things in India.

Add to this the knowledge that there are never really “good guys” and “bad guys” but competing groups, and whichever is more competent should triumph, and you can see a heck of a mess. I can empathize and sympathize with Israel, Hamas, and Gaza, but in the end, all that matters is what works.

Since diversity does not work, a sane person would favor immediate repatriation of Palestinians to Egypt, Syria, and Jordan, just like any sane person would favor repatriating all Jews on Earth by ethnicity to Israel. There needs to be a nation for each ethnic group, and Israel is the nation for Jews, which is why ethno-nationalists defend it.

The American Right defends it for other reasons, namely its obsession with Christian eschatology. Metaphysical dualist religions are opposed to reality (this includes secular ones like Leftism) because of a desire for individual control, therefore they want the world to end on their terms instead of being ambiguous in its survival.

On the Left, it is popular to insist that Jews have no historical claim to Israel. Never mind that this is irrelevant — we know Jews were there in the Biblical era, and that we need a place in the middle east for Jews, a middle eastern population — but it is also factually wrong.

It turns out that not only are Jews — Ashkenazim, Sephardim, and Mizrahim — intensely related, but they are also related to populations that emerged in Israel from the admixture of Caucasian, North African, and Asiatic elements over three thousand years ago.

This means that the Jews of today are descended from ancient Jews and the Semites before them; Jews were probably formed by the mixture of ancient Levantines with Canaanites and other European tribes, resulting in a smarter grade of Semitic population that quickly dominated the commerce inherent to Israel being where three continents join.

We can track this through research. First the notion of common Levantine ancestry dispels the idea that modern Jews are a different population from their ancient roots:

Furthermore, the non-Ashkenazi Jewish populations sharing the Ashkenazi mtDNA Hg K lineages turn out to be from Jewish communities that trace their origins to the expulsion from Spain in 1492. Either a shared ancestral origin of the two groups or, alternatively, a postexile admixture between neighboring Ashkenazi and Spanish-exile Jewish populations may explain the sharing of these maternal lineages. However, the very presence of the Ashkenazi founding lineages, albeit at low frequencies, in North African, Near Eastern, and Caucasian Jews, supports a common Levantine ancestry. The maternal subclade from which the Ashkenazi mtDNA lineage K2a2a arose was not found in any other of the populations reported herein (table 6). The Ashkenazi K1a9 and K1a1b1a lineages were not found in non-Jews, with the exception of the former in a single Hungarian and the latter in a single Ukrainian, both of unknown ethnicity.

Jews are generally divided into three groups: the Western European influenced Ashkenazim, the Southern European influenced Sephardim, and the Jews that stayed in the middle east and environs, the Mizrahim. All of these share a founding lineage.

Even more, we see the suggestion that Sephardim and Ashkenazim in fact interbred, especially after the Spanish expulsion, and that Jews consist of North African, Near Eastern, and Caucasian admixture. The Semites were born out of Caucasian-Asian mixing with North African drift present in the mix.

It turns out that an Asiatic contribution to the Jewish came in through admixture with prior existing groups in the middle east, and that Jews are distinct from Eastern European populations although admixture went both ways, but not as much as one might suspect, as the diaspora took Jews through eastern Europe and eventually into the West:

While our survey of one of these, M582, in 2,834 R1a samples reveals its absence in 922 Eastern Europeans, we show it is present in all sampled R1a Ashkenazi Levites, as well as in 33.8% of other R1a Ashkenazi Jewish males and 5.9% of 303 R1a Near Eastern males, where it shows considerably higher diversity. Moreover, the M582 lineage also occurs at low frequencies in non-Ashkenazi Jewish populations. In contrast to the previously suggested Eastern European origin for Ashkenazi Levites, the current data are indicative of a geographic source of the Levite founder lineage in the Near East and its likely presence among pre-Diaspora Hebrews.

Despite small amounts of admixture in the lands of their guest tenure during the diaspora, Jews of all types have a common ethnic root that branched off from the ancient middle eastern populations, and easily survives admixture from its constituent groups:

Here, genome-wide analysis of seven Jewish groups (Iranian, Iraqi, Syrian, Italian, Turkish, Greek, and Ashkenazi) and comparison with non-Jewish groups demonstrated distinctive Jewish population clusters, each with shared Middle Eastern ancestry, proximity to contemporary Middle Eastern populations, and variable degrees of European and North African admixture.

The founding event for the Jewish people seems to have been Western European people, particularly a cluster of ancient Italian women, moving into the middle east and mixing with the Semitic populations there, resulting in a higher IQ group from which all contemporary Jewish groups branched:

Overall, we estimate that most (>80%) Ashkenazi mtDNAs were assimilated within Europe. Few derive from a Near Eastern source, and despite the recent revival of the ‘Khazar hypothesis’16, virtually none are likely to have ancestry in the North Caucasus. Therefore, whereas on the male side there may have been a significant Near Eastern (and possibly east European/Caucasian) component in Ashkenazi ancestry, the maternal lineages mainly trace back to prehistoric Western Europe.

This dovetails with research into proximate populations which finds that steady gene drift from Europe caused population changes in the middle east:

We find that all three Ashkelon populations derive most of their ancestry from the local Levantine gene pool. The early Iron Age population was distinct in its high genetic affinity to European-derived populations and in the high variation of that affinity, suggesting that a gene flow from a European-related gene pool entered Ashkelon either at the end of the Bronze Age or at the beginning of the Iron Age.

With the admixture of these Philistines (and Canaanites) into the original Levantine population, a new group of hybrids rose and spread throughout the rest of the middle east, forming the basis of the ancient Jewish population at the end of the Bronze Age:

We show evidence that different “Canaanite” groups genetically resemble each other more than other populations. We find that Levant-related modern populations typically have substantial ancestry coming from populations related to the Chalcolithic Zagros and the Bronze Age Southern Levant.

Analysis of Ashkenazim — Jews who dwelt in Western Europe — found that the population was closer to Sephardim than previously thought, but picked up admixture snowballing in its travel through Eastern Europe:

Taken together, our results suggest that Erfurt-ME is a population genetically close to Sephardi Jews that has left nearly unadmixed descendants in modern AJ of Western European origin, while Erfurt-EU has experienced additional Eastern European-related admixture.

Taken together, this shows us that the Palestine lobby is wrong: Jews have an ancestral claim to the land in Israel because they were formed there and created a significant civilization there, then fled the Romans and embarked on a diaspora, but are for the most part the same population as they were then.

It also shows us that the Jewish founding occurred through European genetic drift into the middle east that raised the Jews above their neighbors in intelligence and ability, leading to the creation of Israel. This fits with lore that says Jews are a mixture of Caucasian, Asian, and North African, albeit indirectly.

Most likely ancient Asiatic elements, merged with North African and Caucasian neolithic people, formed the basis of the Semitic cultures which were common in the middle east before the second European expansion. These Asiatics are today the Arabic populations of the region, and are related to Jews but genetically distinct.

Palestinians cluster with other Levantine and Arabian populations, coming from a similar Afro-Asiatic expansion as the original Semites, making them more closely related to other Muslim populations than to Jews, although there is significant overlap:

Populations from the Levant and Iraq (Lebanese, Syrians, Jordanians, Druze, BedouinA, and Iraqi-Arabs) clustered together, while Iraqi-Kurds clustered with Central Iranian populations. Arabian populations (EmiratiA, Saudis, Yemenis, and Omanis) clustered with BedouinB from the HGDP.

This suggests that a realist, Palestinians and Jews are divergent populations which will not have much in common despite sharing some ancestors. Ethnonationalism would separate them, which would also allow each group to continue the branching process that has made them distinct from each other up to now.

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