
Furthest Right

Ultright (2)

So what do we do, when we actually want to save civilization, and no one else will listen?

It starts by knowing what we want. We can then visualize this, communicate it, and most importantly, sabotage and destroy anything that does not lead in this direction.

However, first we have to understand it.

The Ultright centers itself on a single principle: every cause has an effect, and every effect has only one specific cause. This means that the whole of reality, both physical and metaphysical, operates by the same principles.

In other words, God is very close to biology. Morality is close to biology. And biology mirrors the design of the universe itself and is not some weird arbitrary influence in our lives. Biology, cosmology, religion, science, and everyday commonsense wisdom are all parallels of this design of the universe.

All things are tested against this design of reality. The things that fit, stay. Conservatives aim to cherish what stays and enhance it while excluding that which will not stay, meaning that it is an opposite of the enduring and therefore, a parasite and vampire of time, energy, focus, money, and peace of mind.

We on the UltRight are best described as “culturally liberal and methodologically conservative.” That is, we are open to anything new, but it has to fit with the universe so that it stays. We are not tied to the past. However, we recognize that the conservative method of finding what stays is superior to anything else.

We are also realists. Perfection is a human concept, which is why the Abrahamists had to invent “Heaven” and a moral god and stow perfection there, because in reality, perfection is far from perfect. In fact it is static, and therefore stops life from thriving, which means that it is a vampire parasite and must be rejected.

The same goes for justice, fairness, and peace. Justice cannot exist; losses are losses and it is what it is, if you know what I mean. You can murder a murderer, but you cannot bring back the victim. All you can do is make the next generation better. Fairness does not exist in nature; peace is an absence of achieving your goals. These are all vampires.

Our orientation points toward functionalism. Our morality is functionalistic. That which functions, is good; there may be something better, so we stay “culturally liberal” in that regard as well. Our goal is to make good people and have them thrive, and we do not care about the others; nature will sort them out.

In any society, genetics comes first. That means not just race but ethnicity and social class. We need culture, so we need absolute zero diversity racial and ethnic separation; one ethnicity per nation works, anything else fails like Communism.

We are also by nature eugenicists. The highest goal is breeding a healthier next generation. This means that criminals, even petty criminals, must be segregated from the good people. The intelligent and healthy must be prioritized over the dumb and weak. We are opposed to equality, which is the victory of the parasite over the good.

In all things, we follow the ancient maxim: “good to the good, bad to the bad.” We add to that “and leave everyone else alone for nature to sort out” in the ways of Darwin. Any gods we choose to believe in must be compatible with this vision, and must be of our people and for our people. Religion must parallel biology.

Politics also must be a tool of biology. Our goal is not to socially engineer a better world; it is to apply biological principles so that we can maximize what we have and exclude anything that threatens it. As a result, we are ends-over-means thinkers; we set a goal, and it does not matter how you achieve it; what works is what is moral.

You may notice that this clashes with the core principles of our present society, but not much with anything else. Life under us would resemble the present time but be simpler, cleaner, and more logical. There would be fewer distractions. Otherwise, life is what it is, and we would not change most of what you do or want to do.

Part of being culturally liberal is that we apply our ends-over-means philosophy literally. Crowdism begins when a group decides that some things offend them, and therefore, these are cut out from the list of approved methods in the hope of influencing people not to think about them. This is a parasite too.

Instead we favor the idea of cutting nothing out, considering everything, and keeping an open mind. We are not like the Abrahamist religions interested in forcing everyone to behave; instead, like patient farmers, we want to promote the ones who behave and separate them from the rest. Let nature work on those which are works in progress.

For example, we are not concerned with banning abortion, criminalizing drugs, persecuting homosexuals, crushing dissent, or stopping smoking. We are convinced that nature will sort all of this out. We exist to promote the good, smite the bad, and leave everyone else to themselves, nature, and the gods.

This liberal-libertarian aspect of our belief has both light sides and dark sides. On the light side, we are not interested in meddling with that which causes no harm. On the dark side, we do not mind stepping over the bodies either, or simply nodding when one of us shoots a miscreant. If the result is better for our biology, it is a win.

We detest rules. Rules are inherently means-over-ends. We like clear goals: each person has a role, each role has an aim, and they achieve that aim however they can, by any means necessary. Our vision is of a functional society so that people have a lot of free time to figure themselves out and enjoy nature, family, friends, culture, and community.

It does not bother us to toss Communists out of helicopters. This, too, is eugenic. Some behaviors signal mental derangement so profound that nothing can save the person. Generally, however, we simply want to remove the defective and keep it away from the good people. We want to produce more good people.

We are not here to achieve Utopia; it is “no place” and will never exist. We distrust altruism because it is always a narcissistic manipulation, or easily can be if normed. Instead, each person acts as they would in nature toward maximizing their position, and as long as they do no harm, we are cheering them on.

An orientation like biology means that we oppose anything which takes energy away from this process, like a lot of red tape. We do not think that people should spend tens of hours yearly filling out taxes, buying permits, and fighting over minor squabbles in law. We like direct power quickly applied such that it improves the condition of civilization.

That means that we think of civilization as a whole. We cannot make everyone a winner; if we throw a bunch of Communists in the ocean, obviously that is not so good for them. However, civilization is stronger, and biologically, we have eliminated a bunch of bad DNA which led to bad mental health. Splash!

We think of the whole. Our time scale is always eternity. Our goal is arete, or ascending excellence, meaning that we always aim to be better than the past. We stand against all time-wasters and make-work, all distractions and compromises. We like clear goals and a sense of transcendental purpose.

Parts: I II III

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