
Furthest Right

Ultright (3)

Since we are on the topic of biology, we should ask what we as creatures struggle against.

Time. Maybe entropy. Perhaps frustration itself; life becomes frustrating, and over time we become hair-trigger to the frustrations while taking the good parts for granted. Maybe the root of it all is repetition. When something is no longer new, it cannot be a goal in itself.

This is why even biology has transcendent goals. We live in a universe that chose to make butterflies, hummingbirds, tigers, seahorses, and flowers. Biology aspires like anything else to arete, or ascending excellence, which means that it improves in quality as well as quantity. The latter is limited by the former over time.

The same entropy that makes us grow old, tire of our marriages, and get sick to the soles of our feet of clearing the air filter on the lawnmower also ensures that over time, excellence prevails over mere quantity. This only happens above a certain threshold of complexity; for bacteria, more is always better because there is no much difference between units.

Over time, humans become frustrated with life and fixate on the frustrations.

This causes them to ignore the things that do not yet exist, but which are important. Our culturally liberal attitude, like the futurism in futurist traditionalism, favors always looking toward what can be of quality and greatness in the future.

We balance this with a recognition that what works never changes in essence, although it can be improved upon in the details. We are open to technology, to new ideas, to discoveries, and to exploring the stars.

We are ends-over-means people, and that is inherently futuristic. What works is what works; there are many paths to achieving it. Do you care if your monarchy is derived from divine right, nature, or a multi-layer examination of practical minimums in human relationships? No, you only care that you get there.

Moralism comes from method over goal style thinking. Murder is bad, they say. What if the morality of killing depends on who is killed? If the result is better for civilization, although not for the dead, we say that something good has been done but like most actions it had an opportunity cost. And we move on.

Our goal is to reduce frustration in life in order to reduce the desire for convenience. These two are part of the talisman-scapegoat dichotomy. People scapegoat their frustrations because these are daily sources of trauma/inflammation; they create a talisman of unrealistic hopes like convenience.

What is convenience? It is reversed thinking: instead of data in search of a thesis, we have a thesis in search of data. We have passivity. People do not want to make decisions, but to have options thrust upon them and to choose the best tradeoff; this way, they do not have to think, and they always can blame whoever made the options.

That way leads to the French Revolution, Communism, Fascism, National Socialism, theocracy, and pacifism. All of these are talismans.

Society becomes inverted because method replaces goal and effect replaces cause. People react to society instead of reacting to nature, and this limits them to certain methods, at which point they remove the methods that scare them (death, violence, hierarchy) and replace them with distractions that make happy emotions.

This turns civilization against itself, and even more importantly, against its citizens. It attacks them on a psychological level by forcing them to pretend that its methods work and are not absurd. This creates an outbreak of mental health issues and society goes down the toilet, slowly at first, but always surely.

Convenience has us reacting to the immediate past and the immediate future. It is biased toward the new because the new is a form of false hope, since the “grass is greener” until you get to see the downsides of the new thing.

People in the grips of convenience react to trends and past traumas, but they never look at the whole structure of their lives and their civilization, asking if they are doing right and if there are better options.

Instead, like a Hegelian Stepladder, they react to what is happening right now (trends) or what just happened. They become blind to the question of the future.

This produces neurotic and resentful people. It is a flaw of permanent civilization.

Conservatives win by following the metaphor of making the trains run on time. People turn to us for realistic solutions. The further society goes into decay, the more anti-realistic it becomes, and therefore the more alienated people are from the hope that is required for wanting realistic solutions.

Ironically, the method that conservatives choose, which invariably confuses “repeat the past” for “preserve the best of all time forever,” is to slam the door on flexibility and therefore make civilization even more fragile while incorporating the decay as part of how things are done around here.

Our only way out is to aim for the transcendentals. Anything which does not produce healthier biology is dead; anything which does not orient toward arete for eternity is also dead. Anything which is not futuristic and culturally liberal at its core is death incarnate.

On top of that, we should adopt some antisocial heresies that turn out to be eternal; that is, every rising and healthy human society has its version of these:

  • Eugenics: promote the good, destroy the bad, and leave everyone else alone for natural selection to sort of. Obviously, a sane society deports all diversity with a one-drop rule and then exiles the retards, insane, sociopaths, neurotics, career criminals, promiscuous, and psychopaths. Most important however is “good to the good, bad to the bad,” specifically the first part: reward contributions.
  • Monarchism: simple systems are strongest; complicated systems are weak. Find your best people, have them find other good people, and set up a caste of your smartest, noblest, wisest, healthiest, and most aggressive people. These are your war-leaders and those who give your society forward direction.
  • Caste: also called the “Victorian class structure” or “Edwardian social rank,” this system means that we separate citizens into IQ bands and those that are smarter and nobler get more privileges and duties, while those who are dumber and more opportunistic get fewer privileges and duties. This protects them from themselves and gives them a social group in which they can be appreciated for who and what they are.
  • Capitalism: every other economic system fails. Free markets, like common law, adjust to events that happen in real life and gradually adapt more refined forms of dealing with them. They do this on as close to a case-by-case basis as possible, which makes them much more sensitive and finer-tuned than the endless rules and subsidies of the socialists.
  • Culture: very little should be done by government; the more government does, the more citizens let go of those functions and defer to government, at which point government must do more. With ethno-nationalism, we can have culture, and let everyday people sort out the little bangs and scrapes of life instead of building a bureaucracy to do it. They will also through culture find aesthetics and thus transcendental goals and through that, a religion appropriate to their culture, race, and ethnicity.

Our world is one in which there is less government, red tape, and consumerism. There is more reverence for nature and excellence. We pay attention to the absolutes of survival like biology. We look forward toward a future of more prosperity, knowledge, and quality.

As the old story goes, in a river you are either swimming upstream or being pushed downstream. You cannot step into the same river twice, but more importantly, you cannot be still (neophobic) nor can ingore the current (neophilic). You need to move with the flow of the river in its direction.

Entropy occurs through reptition. Over time, things get scattered. Biology reacts with a constant sorting mechanism called natural selection. Until we bring that into our civilization, we will always be getting pushed downriver. This too is part of cause-effect logic.

The Ultright seems like a dream today, until you consider that nothing is working and worse, no one is really content or joyful. We are going through the motions, afraid to lose what little we have, and desperately scared of reaching out toward something greater.

For this reason, if the Ultright has one founding commandment, it is the transcendental: we must always be reaching toward something, or we go fully into decline, and to reach we must go through the sorting process of promoting the good and removing the bad. Hierarchy is inherent to mathematics and nature.

Democracy has for too long been the codependent narcissist relationship for which we have “settled” from fear of all the other options. As the past swallows up the modern era, we have to look toward something not just for the immediate future, but for all time, and the Ultright is our only realistic option.

Parts: I II III

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