
Furthest Right

Beware of Systems Designed to Evade Accountability

The power of democracy comes in part because when groups make decisions, it is never the fault of any one person, nor the duty of any one person to fix it.

This extends the mentality of the cities, called bourgeois, where the duty of the individual is his job, taxes, and personal desires, but nothing more.

A good bourgeois person steps over the bodies in the streeet. No point risking his life, or delaying his pursuit of income.

City people are carrot/stick type people and therefore the bureaucracy loves them. Offer them money, and they act; threaten their money, and they stop. Committees and bureaucracy have no accountability either.

When the populace votes, the vote decides the outcome, and that means that no one is specifically responsible, because the vote can be blamed instead of the voters. It also encourages people to shrug and move on instead of doubling down to fix a problem.

Not surprisingly, our term for political activity is both singular and plural to reflect how mobs make the choices and then the choices themselves are blamed, but never the mob itself.

plural in form but singular or plural in construction

When politics is plural, it refers to people being involved in it. When it is singular, it refers to outcomes and how quickly people are going to dodge them.

Actual leadership involves people making decisions, then checking to see if results were as anticipated, and adjusting the decisions accordingly.

That however requires more power in the hands of one person than democracy will grant, so instead decisions happen through compromise (this is actually not a nice word) and quid pro quo instead of clear action toward a goal.

However, politics and democracy remain popular because everyone “feels” represented, and like a lottery, they can just blame it on bad luck when the vote chooses something insane.

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