
Furthest Right

Back to the Carter Years

When Trump was running for his first term, my opinion that his presidency would resemble that of Andrew Jackson received the usual scorn from the “intellectuals.” Having read the New York Times article, they would say, “Don’t you mean Andrew Johnson?”

No — Trump presides over a divided country fractured by diversity as a touchstone issue much like Jackson did, and opposes a corrupted political machine fueled by diversity just like Jackson did, and has similar solutions, namely a brusque practical realism focused on building function and wealth.

When POTATUS Joe Biden shuffled into the White House on a bridge of Chinese printed ballots filled out by community organizers for non compos mentis old age home occupants and winos, my opinion that this was the second round of Jimmy Carter also met with derision.

However, now we see the gritty figures behind Bidenomics:

In 1982-84 dollars, which takes account of inflation, average hourly earnings were $11.39 when Mr. Biden took office but started to decline immediately and didn’t stop falling until inflation peaked in June 2022. They have bounced up a little but were still back only to $11.03 in May. That’s a 3.16% decline in real earnings for the average worker across the 29 months of the Biden Presidency.

Carter like Biden wanted to appeal to the Leftist audience and the diversity crowd, so he engineered government giveaways to Keynesian “pump prime” the economy while concealing how much of everything was falling under the control of the enlightened intellectual crowd.

They are truly the inheritors of The Enlightenment™: individualism over social order, tradition, nature, and even logic. They want the individual to be the only focus so that we can cruise on the wealth provided by the past and indulge in our narcissistic fantasies.

Problems arise when this clashes with reality, since those old mouldy traditions arose from people learning painfully what worked and what did not, therefore are more realistic than our egotastic conjectures about the ideal way to live in peace and harmony.

As time goes on, we will see the Carter economy — permanent malaise — where “stagflation” really means that our currency loses value because the economy that is backing it has lost value even as the numbers of dollars go up (values can rise because of added value or decrease in value of currency).

All Leftist systems go this way because redistributing wealth and power punish competence. The incompetents take over and, not surprisingly, value declines. America is suffering a competence crisis fueled mostly by diversity and trace admixture Hwite hybrids, but also from entrenched apathy.

We will again learn the painful lessons of the past, which is that liberalism sounds really good to any group of humans, but they are wrong. It is merely illusion like telemarketing, gambling, eating just one potato chip, thinking you can dance after twelve drinks, and other common mistakes.

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