
Furthest Right

America Experiences a Slow Slide Into Communism

A few years back, reality television ruled the airwaves, and the subgenre of “deserted island” shows was quite popular. On these, people were transported to some unoccupied island and left to fend for themselves, except for the army of television crew, staff, and caterers who were there to support them.

These shows tapped into a fundamental question: if we were just a few hundred people on a desert island, how would we rebuild civilization? Humans need civilization for a simple reason: they need to find appropriate mates for themselves and their offspring. Without organization, mating becomes a random, degenerative process.

In addition, specialization of labor allows us to actually live a little. Hunter-gatherers had more free time, but miss out on books, easy chairs, and quality beer (not that there is much of that around these days). Humans choose civilization because it is better than the alternative.

Once civilization is established, however, people take it for granted and start working against it. If enough of them get away with it, they form organized crime gangs and give each other mutual support in thwarting society for their personal gain. This leads to the conditions of unions and communism where theft becomes a moral good.

Unions and communism go hand-in-hand with diversity because diversity works against the majority and therefore empowers those who want to continue the organized crime, which at that point can legalize itself through political machines.

Right now, the United States is experienced a downward slide into Communism through the diversity bureaucracy that has been created by government fiat via affirmative action:

Of course, there’s a lot of other things going on right now—an ongoing communist coup, the Biden Rush at the southern (and now northern) border, the looming Constitutional crisis over the Deep State’s fanatical determination to block Trump, the very real imminent possibility of World War III, etc., etc.

But the key factor hurting fear of the “racism” smear continues to be hegemonic. America Firsters who are household names (I won’t name them—yet) tell us they are afraid to help us.

Patriots will not get anywhere until this taboo is broken down.

Our elected diversity — they are elected by demographic vote, so diversity-heavy areas have a diversity swing vote, therefore the only safe candidate is a member of a minority group — are interpreting laws to serve them, and they want a return to the third world system.

The third world system consists of warlords granting favors in exchange for obedience. It is the oldest human system; the little people share with each other while stealing from each other, but the big guys get organized and make prosperous farms, then end up owning everything and they just buy out whatever political system is there.

Plato called this tyranny because it is rule for its own sake. It is urban and bourgeois in nature, in that the bourgeois of all stripes take civilization for granted and focus on individualism: my career, my portfolio, my car, my status, my popularity. It ignores higher goals and focuses on keeping control for the sake of keeping power.

When translated in modern political systems, the third world system becomes Communism. Everyone gets an equal amount, and everyone gets stolen from, so the only way to get ahead is to join the power structure, at which point you are sworn in fatal loyalty to the warlords.

Stalin, Mao, Pericles, Clinton, Lincoln, Merkel, Biden… the names change, but the political machine does not. Its goal is to stay in power. Those who work it (the “deep state”) aim to have more jobs for bureaucrats. Whether it does anything good or not is besides the point!

Our leaders see the diversity vote as their ticket to Communism. This is an old strategy, dating back the weaponized Irish vote in the early 1800s, and reflects an ancient method of seizing control from a functional majority.

Consequently, they want to wipe out any mention of alternatives. Their system is conjectural — “if you do this equality thing, you will get Utopia” — and therefore anything else that works is its competition and, because it is unstable, thus its enemy.

For this reason they want to smite VDARE, AmRen, Unz, Amerika, and any other platform that shows us functional alternatives to Leftism. At its core, all Leftism is the same — egalitarianism — and the differences between Communism and classical liberalism are a matter of how long it takes to get to its final stage, the third world system.

The neocommunists set their plan into motion many years ago. In the 1830s, socialism of a pre-Marxist type was the rage in Europe. They saw it as the way to avoid revolutions and buy loyalty. To the bureaucrats, this clever solution seemed intelligent. This became the bleat-repeat of intelligentsia worldwide.

Intellectuals, by the way, are the biggest sheep on the planet. They are always looking for a new idea to talk about and do not care if it is accurate, only if it is novel and argues for something that makes everyone feel good. Intellectuals are the original influencers and e-thots.

Every time there was a war or depression, the momentum behind the Crowd push for the third world system picked up, really gathering steam after WW1 when everything seemed broken and people just wanted some security, so the income tax and welfare state came about.

That produced a lasting depression, but as soon as that was ended through a catastrophic war, the neocommunist intellectuals (not all of whom were Jewish, but it seems many were Southern or Eastern European) started again, this time in the cities.

That gave rise to neocommunism in its final form, which is a mixed economy where the government regulates business in order to force business to fund the welfare state, as we saw in NYC with rent control:

The rent stabilization law represents a startling threat to private property rights. For more than 50 years, it has also failed to deliver on its supposed goal: more abundant affordable housing.

Median rents in Manhattan are now nearly $4,400 monthly. Permissible rent increases are set citywide each year by the Rent Guidelines Board, which must consider tenants’ ability to pay in addition to an increase in the owner’s costs.

By factoring in the ability to pay, the law goes far beyond a simple universal regulation of rent level that allows an owner to recover reasonable costs and a reasonable return on capital.

Rent control means wealth transfer from landlords to renters. There is no other way to describe it, but Leftists will describe it any other way to avoid the spectre of Communism. They call it empathy, anti-poverty, altruism, tolerance, compassion, and so on, but they really mean taking from the strong to give to the weak.

As you may have guessed, this eventually produces equal weakness like in the full-blown socialist states of Eastern Europe.

In America, our intellectuals waited until the northern demand for textiles shifted the balance of power, and then kicked off a war on the pretext of anti-poverty and egalitarian efforts involving slavery.

From that they got the method of making America into a European-style 1830s socialist state, namely civil rights:

Though there has been no constitutional amendment or act of Congress changing this established legal principle almost a century old, the Supreme Court of the United States, with no legal basis for such action, undertook to exercise their naked judicial power and substituted their personal political and social ideas for the established law of the land.

This unwarranted exercise of power by the court, contrary to the Constitution, is creating chaos and confusion in the states principally affected. It is destroying the amicable relations between the white and Negro races that have been created through ninety years of patient effort by the good people of both races. It has planted hatred and suspicion where there has been heretofore friendship and understanding.

This document misses the point. The 14A was always designed to force government to socially engineer the lives of individuals through wealth transfer. Diversity was just the pretext, but it quickly became the new blank cheque for the bureaucrats to take over.

Now we get to the point that is a bit dicey for those in power. They almost have total control, but not yet, and they are going to use diversity to batter down the opposition by calling them “racists” and censoring, canceling, deplatforming, arresting, lawfaring, and otherwise destroying their lives.

We are in a fight for our future not just as a political nation-state, but as a people. If the neocommunists succeed, they will wipe out the Cro-Magnids as surely as they did in the Soviet Union. If that happens, humanity loses the one group that lifts it out of the third world system, and we slide backward into dark hominid times.

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