
Furthest Right

Why Your Governments Want Diversity

In the past, it was assumed that the model of democracy involved active citizens paying attention to what government did. In reality, it turns out that they treat it like a sandwich shop: they demand special items, pay for the sandwich, and walk out without a second thought.

This means that citizens to the five nines — 99.999% — have almost no idea how government works, but more importantly, no idea why it does what it does, so they invent wild theories of paranoid scapegoating (Left) and conspiracies intended to seize power it already has (Right).

Since the voters have no idea what is going on, politicians communicate through symbolism. Some things are good, some are evil; some things are free, some are not. This kind of binary appeals to most people because it is mentally tangible, meaning they can easily wrap their minds around it.

Of course, reality does not line up with the symbols, which are basically two-dimensional categories like good and evil. Consequently the voters run between one extreme and the other, trying each of the two options they see, forgetting that behind the options there is an unspoken need.

For example, the voters wonder why they cannot get rid of immigration and diversity, since these things have never been popular. They see the surface, where diversity is praised widely, but the reason why is located far from that vision and is invisible to them.

Since the 1820s, Western states have been adopting some of the ideas of the French Revolution and socialism in order to keep people from demanding the full thing. If we buy off the voters with enough benefits, they will not demand full socialism, goes the reasoning.

When the Cold War ended, the string of conflicts for democracy that began in WW1 finally ended with the assumption that worldwide democracy and mixed-economy societies — “globalism” — had obviated warfare, so there was no need to prepare for war.

Consequently these countries spent freely and excessively on entitlements, or payments directly to citizens, and ended up spending themselves into debt that hit at the same time their over-taxed, bored, alienated, and miserable population stopped breeding at replacement rates.

For this reason, no first world country can end third world immigration because it depends on cheap labor, new people to tax, and permanent Leftist voters in order to keep the System running, which turns anti-immigration candidates into pro-immigration politicians once they get into office:

Meloni is presiding over a country that is economically stagnant and in demographic decline. Over the last decade, Italy has shrunk by some 1.5 million people (more than the population of Milan). In 39 of its 107 provinces, there are more retirees than workers.

It’s numbers like these that prompted Italy’s Economy Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti to warn earlier this month that no reform of the pension system would “hold up in the medium-to-long term with the birth rate numbers we have today in this country.”

So who did this to you? You did by voting for all that free stuff from government that makes up most of the budgets of our nations, and guarantees we will be dependent on immigration if we wish to avoid default.

Like all committees and bureaucracies, democracies avoid conflict by giving people what they demand if enough of them make enough noise about it, instead of tackling the issue head-on and making a case for why we should not go down the path that has led others to failure.

Instead, competition works against us. If the Communists offer free healthcare, we must offer free healthcare too in order to remain competitive. The Soviets gave us an upper limit, but when that failed, our Leftists went for a kinder, gentler form of Communism.

This process taxes the productive to pay for the merely participating, which causes the former group to stop breeding at replacement rates:

South Korea’s fertility rate—a snapshot of the average number of babies a woman would have over her lifetime—slumped to 0.78 last year, from 0.81 in 2021, according to new government data. And the slide has worsened in recent months, falling to 0.70 in the April-to-June quarter.

Countries need fertility rates of around 2.1 to maintain the population, demographic experts say.
Hwang Miae, a 33-year-old office worker, took a full year of parental leave when her first child was born three years ago. The government subsidies covered the cost of diapers and baby formula. She had always thought she would have a second child, but the prospect of raising another child while both she and her husband work has made her reluctant.

“The government subsidies are helpful when you first have a baby, but thinking about education costs long term, I’m hesitant for now,” Hwang said.

The best that our moron governments have come up to counteract this is… get this… more of the disease. Their cure is more government spending on people who have babies, instead of simply cutting taxes so that our most productive, competent, normal, sane, and healthy are able to afford more babies.

Socialism is a deathtrap and the workers fall for it every time. As soon as you have a society of equals, duty is forgotten and replaced by entitlement, at which point the coffers open and it becomes a free-for-all until the money runs out and society collapses.

If you go to any third world nation on Earth, you will be walking through what was once a more prosperous place, but it decided to equally share the wealth, and so made itself not only equally poor but demoralized and apathetic, leading to the run-down ruin you now see before you.

As usual, the voters are their own worst enemy. In the name of doing good they do great evils, but since this will make them feel insecure they refuse to address it, and so the society goes out kicking and screaming while ranting that it is doing “the right thing.”

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