
Furthest Right

Liquid Simplicity

The more one looks into things, the more the details align with relatively simple central principles. This forms a liquid state where one can change the central principles and watch the details re-align, almost as if by magnetism.

Civilizations of the permanent sort — agriculture- and industry-based — fail because they confuse their goal with how they previously got there. They succeed by roping everyone together and having them do the same thing, at first.

As time goes on, they read this backward. In order to succeed, they think, they need to get everyone on the same page, and that matters more than selecting the good people that they need.

By doing this, they forget that their goal is a healthy civilization, and one of the inputs to that is having only healthy including mentally and morally healthy people. A good society sheds excess people, not keeps them.

However, like Christianity, Leftism, and education, they try to make the bad into the good by teaching them behavior as well as cognitive skills. This causes the bad to lump it along and be good except when they are unobserved.

That in turn results in a surveillance society because you have to watch the bad constantly or the minute your back is turned, they are doing venal, opportunistic, or destructive things.

When you do this, society enters its death phase. It is starting to die from waste accumulation. Like a waste lagoon, low quality humanity pools around the working core of society and eventually submerges it.

These waste product people have a simple approach to life: if they are viewed realistically, they will be seen as waste product people, so realistic views must die. They do this with equivalencies.

The first equivalency they like is something along the lines of “there is no reality” or “we have a higher reality.” The former is usually achieved through pluralism and relativism, the latter through religion and humanism.

In either case, the waste people win. Good = bad, and bad = good, therefore stop making distinctions based in reality; simply accept that everyone belongs in society and you cannot point out that some people are dangerous idiots.

Consequently, the waste people make their way through life with ironism. They devote most of their time and energy to explaining why things are not as they appear, but instead how someone who is not useful would wish them to be.

This gathers around a large audience of people united by social fear. These people fear they are useless or will never have a place, so they join the crusade against usefulness and realism.

When no one needs to be useful, they reason, then everyone will be accepted, and therefore the big problem that they see — social hierarchy with the most competent on top, excluding the useless — will be solved.

They ignore all other problems to chase this symbolic, conjectural, and messianic ideal, and construe it as absolute and universally good in order to browbeat, guilt-trap, and bully others into accepting it.

Such actions convert society from a race toward competence into a jihad for incompetence, at which point the whole thing disintegrates and incompetence takes over.

The useless have their brief moment in the sun. Against all odds, they won! Then they look around, and realize that they have won possession of a corpse, and all that they hoped to enjoy has long departed, leaving only a husk.

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