
Furthest Right

Western Europeans Want To Clean House

by Neil Jetter

Sunday afternoons are the hardest time of the week to know what to do with oneself. The big activity of the weekend is over, pretty much everyone is either napping or watching old movies on Netflix, and so one finds oneself casting around for a book, and willing to take some chances on what is chosen.

For such reasons, I found myself nose-deep in The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing by Marie Kondo. This book was trendy some time ago and someone bought a copy that ended up near my desk in a heap of stuff no one knows that to do with.

Tidying Up is one of those books that takes a simple idea and spins it into many more words than it needs, but does so with such personality that the pages seem to read themselves. The basic thesis is that people are miserable in part because their homes are cluttered with stuff that has no actual utility, which both gets underfoot and creates a sense of confused mission in life.

Kondo offers simple advice through a series of principles about how to know what to remove and how to value what you keep. As I read, my mind kept returning to three major problems in the West that all of us wish would clean themselves up:

  1. Immigration. “Diversity is our strength” is the modern Wests’s equivalent of “the Party is always right.” Unless race riots, crime, social distrust, political marginalization of the majority and constant low-level ethnic conflict are strength, diversity has been a failure, just like it is everywhere else it is tried. Immigration — both legal and illegal — is swelling the West with third world peoples who are biologically different and so cannot integrate, seem to want to conquer us, and are not bringing us any greater joys than ethnic restaurants. And yet, no one seems to know what to do.
  2. Sociopaths. Another intractable problem is the presence of sociopaths among us. These occur both at the low level, with constant petty and violent crime, and at the high level, where we are ruled by people like John McCain and Nancy Pelosi. If the organized crime style tactics of the Clintons and Obamas did not appall you, there is the nation left in debt while all of its policies failed. Somehow, we have become cattle, and the sociopaths instinctively know how to manipulate and outwit us, so we live in an upside-down world where stupidity, insanity and cowardice always win, and anything sensible or wise is burned at the stake.
  3. Mental viruses. In the midst of the tropes, memes and fads it is clear that our society has no center or purpose and therefore succumbs to whatever plausible-sounding ideas come along, and along the group soon moves on to something else, these ideas have taken up residence and we cannot get rid of them. There are so many taboos, assumptions and precedents now that are both illogical and carved in stone that every new idea is crippled by its need to be backward-compatible with them.

Kondo presents what she calls the KonMari method of “tidying,” or removing junk and putting everything else in a place that is both accessible and useful. This makes the house have an inner flow that is comforting to people, ends distractions and allows them to keep their focus on their goals and day-to-day purpose in existing.

Her statements doubly apply to the three major problem areas in the West. For example:

In essence, tidying ought to be the act of restoring balance among people their possessions and the house they live in.

Replace “house” with country. We have too many possessions; we are drowning in stuff just as we are in information overload. More importantly, we need balance. Every part has to has its place, and we need only what is necessary. The result should be pleasing to the eye and easy to use, not ugly and awkward like… well, like it is now.

Get rid of those people that no longer spark joy. Make your parting a ceremony to launch them on a new journey. Celebrate this occasion with them. I truly believe that our possessions are even happier and more vibrant when we let them go than when we first get them.

In this hilarious spin on intentionality, she imparts agency and emotions to our possessions. Why not extend that to people? Those among us who do not belong — sociopaths, Leftists and other ethnic groups — need to go home. They have a place, but it is not here. They will be happier when we let them go and they can pursue their actual destiny instead of trying to share ours.

I, however, am very conscious of the important role the house plays because whenever I visit a client’s home I can feel how much it cherishes its inhabitants. It is always there, waiting for my clients to return and standing ready to shelter and protect them. No matter how exhausted they are after a long day’s work, it is there to refresh and heal them.

Our nations are houses. They are there to shelter and protect us. They refresh and heal us as we go through life. If we do not tidy them up, they cannot serve this function, and we will not feel like cherished inhabitants but alienated outsiders. People who do not feel at home tend to act out against whatever is sheltering them, furthering social decay.

You won’t die if your house isn’t tidy and there are many people who really don’t care if they can’t put their house in order. Such people, however, would never pick up this book.

Some groups need more order and balance than others. Western Europeans are one such group: we care very much about tidiness, both intellectually and in daily life, but because not everyone shares this vision, we are afraid to do it for ourselves. When we overcome egalitarianism, however, we realize that our path requires we do this, and others are incompatible with it.

The true purpose of tidying is, I believe, to live in the most natural state possible. Don’t you think it is unnatural for us to possess things that don’t bring us joy or things that we don’t really need? I believe that owning only what we love and what we need is the most natural condition.

“Natural” foods and products have been a mania in our society for decades. Maybe what we need is not natural objects, but a natural order to life? We can only own what we love, which is our people and culture, and everything else must be relocated. That includes the merely incompatible like other races, and the outright harmful like sociopaths and Leftists.

By putting our house in order, we can live in our natural state. We choose those things that bring us joy and cherish what is truly precious in our lives. Nothing can bring greater happiness than to be able to do something as simple and natural as this. If this is good fortune, then I am convinced that putting our house in order is the best way to achieve it.

Our only power in life is choice. We can choose the life that gives us joy, but to do this, we must exclude everything else. We will not have a sense of existential well-being until we put our housesnations in order, and to do that, we must “tidy up” and remove the things that do not belong and send them to their destinies elsewhere.

If you are going to put your house in order, do it now.

There is no better time than the present, since the alternative is misery, and we will not know how miserable we were until we experience the alternative. So perhaps, we should be promoting the idea of tidying our countries. Who would have thought that a nice Japanese lady could drop so many red pills?

We can remove those bad ideas from our thinking because they are untidy. They do not reflect balance and a peace of mind, or a house designed for its inhabitants. We can send the sociopaths away. Why keep them, even in prison? They belong else. Similarly, those of other tribes need to arrive at their home countries full of new ideas to help their own peoples.

It just goes to show you that those who have examined/accept reality closely often share similar insights, and that metaphors are often more real than trying to tackle problems literally. Our house is a mess and we are uncomfortable as a result, and because of that, we view life through a negative lens. Let us cheerfully accept what we must do, and tidy up the West.

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