
Furthest Right


During a time of decay, the actions which would end that decay are demonized, and for that reason, seem inconceivable to those who live in that era. Civilizations only enter into a dying age by inversion, or making taboo practical methods so that a goalless self-parasitism can endure.

Currently “remigration” may or may not be discussed in Germany, depending on which news source you believe. The idea is simple: ethnically homogeneous societies have a chance to thrive, while diverse ones do not, so it is important to repatriate all who are not of founding the ethnic group.

This means Germany for ethnic Germans, and everyone else — Poles, Albanians, Turks, Africans, Jews, Arabs, Americans, Chinese — go home. The mixes probably go as well. At that point, Germany can do the other stuff necessary for a thriving civilization, like removing home-grown criminal parasites, insane, retards, and perverts.

This sounds unimaginable to us now. A modern government, endorsing policies from the 1940s or more likely, 1939 BCE? We quiver at the thought, but the principles which form the foundation of the modern time are not doing so well. Diversity has shown us that it is suicide. Equality means class war. Democracy is floundering.

It is all so tiresome, watching the herd stumble to realizations that it should have had centuries ago but was too infested with defiance that someone else might know better to accept. The raging demonic soul of human hubris rears its ugly head again and shows that it would rather destroy everything than accept second place.

At this point however, the only way out of continued failure that interrupts our lives is to go to the root of the failure, such as our conjectural symbolic beliefs in equality and diversity, and identify that as our problem. From there come a number of other realizations, like the need for culture and social hierarchy within each ethnic group.

Two other mysteries are about to reveal themselves. The first will be the mass transition away from Christianity, which is finally being seen as a middle eastern occupying force, and the second is the acceptance of monarchism. We ran to democracy out of fear of everything else, but democracy just did the same bad stuff those did but worse.

Even worse, democracy did the destructive things that other systems did, but slowly, so they snuck up on us. Remember that “boiling frog” theory, where the frog will stay in the pot if the water warms slowly? Obviously they were familiar with the electric stove in my first apartment, but the principle is the same.

As illusions fall, the unthinkable becomes possible and eventually, becomes accepted. Democracy collapsing around us provides the motivation, but more importantly, we are out of ways to patch up the existing system and have faith in it. A transition arrives on the horizon to the fear and trembling of a cowed, neurotic, and self-negating population.

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