
Furthest Right

People Want Religion Because They Recognize That We Are At War With Evil

When Fred Nietzsche wrote that we should be beyond good and evil, he meant that people relied too much on categories and that these proxies or symbolic replacements for assessing reality eventually became more important than reality itself.

These intellectual tools were able to become reality replacements because people respond to them socially, which is the sole means of power in an advanced society, and this shift in reliance created social decay.

He did not mean that evil or what evil symbolizes, which is destruction through our own need to control our reality within our minds and those of others, does not exist. He merely meant that we came to rely on the symbols instead of understanding why some things were good and some are evil.

We have entered a difficult time where people are just starting to see past the veneer and realize that we have plunged into a great darkness. Our civilization is in decline and the honeymoon period of that decline has ended; now everything just stops working, all that we care about is destroyed, and we become another third world ruin of a once-promising empire.

Previous generations have known this, or at least the best among them have, which is why they warned us generation after generation. Our “wise” proles, merchants, and middle class sages told them that they were Chicken Littles who were reacting with panic to “normal” variations in human existence. It turned out that this was a lie.

All of us on the underground Right — those who tell truths which go contrary to egalitarianism, which defines what is “socially acceptable,” such as the Alt Right, dissident Right, European New Right, paleoconservatives, and most of all the Old Right — recognize that our society has chosen a wrong path and now is in decline as a result. Every generation was correct in seeing that the end was near because it was nearer each generation.

We wonder what to do about it because we have to get to the root of the problem. Most of us, in the sense of Nietzsche or Aurelius, see a spiritual decline as the core of the matter, but this becomes complicated because in our Pavlovian modern lexicon, “spiritual” means religious, where really we mean a gut-level lack of wanting to be good, to do excellent things, and in short to each outside of our own selves.

No one chooses democracy unless they are exhausted with the constant battle to assert coherence over incoherence, sanity over insanity, realism over fantasy. They get tired and throw in the towel, “Well, do whatever the hell you want. You’ll see.” They forget that the core of the idiot is denial of anything that does not fit into their worldview of themselves as divinely inspired, wonderful, interesting, and unique people. Every peasant thinks he is a genius, and every factory worker believes he would be a better CEO than anyone else.

People who allow egalitarianism/individualism — and, thinking clearly, they are the same thing: domination of human wishful thinking and self-expression over clear feedback from reality, “validated” by the group so we have an alternate reality to crowd out the hurtful actual one — to dominate their society have given up. Out of energy, they want nothing more than to go home and take a nap, and if the crowd runs everything into the ground, serves them right for being so exhausting in the first place.

Civilization makes smart people sick because, by including the incompetent and delusional among “Us,” it forces the intelligent to become slaves of the stupid. Those who know anything must constantly battle back those who know nothing, and it is an uneven fight because there are many more inept, delusional, insane, corrupt, mentally lazy, and morally obese people than there are good people.

If you wonder why the ancestors of the modern Aryan were nomads, it is for this reason: you can easily break away from the herd. “Me, Lars, Hans, Anders, Nils, Kurt, and our wives and families are forming a new caravan. We’ll see the rest of you… sometime.” You just pick up and leave the herd behind.

In fact, a genetic history of humanity involving future technology may point to a lone group moving between Europe, Asia, and the middle east, shedding bad genetics every generation. Perhaps 20% of each generation are born screwed up; they have deleterious mutations that make them morally bad, stupid, prone to illusion, or otherwise useless.

When we were wandering hunters, there was no need for a caste system; we had a hierarchy of leadership, but everyone was about at the same level. There were no people who were so stupid and lazy that they had to be constantly instructed or they would start doing moronic and destructive things, as there are when we have drones, proles, serfs, peasants, sudras, plebs, helots, and thralls (these terms refer to the same group).

This sickness of civilization wore out our ancestors. They succeeded, and for some reason expected that The Good Life would begin then, but instead found that they had leveled up, and now faced even greater challenges. At that moment, they experienced a profound lack of energy at exactly the same time as everyone else in the world, seeing that we had a good thing going in a world of mediocrity caused by human solipsism, came knocking at our door, either as invaders or as pitiable migrants.

For kicks, remember that this happened over a thousand years ago. It is still happening now, but the newcomers confront a weakened society, its blood thinned by admixture and poor quality breeding, and its smartest people driven into hiding by the vengeful tendencies of the crowd, who will burn or crucify any who point out that it is doing things wrong, even if simply by providing a contrary example.

If we wanted an eternal parable of human civilization, it would be a village of subsistence farmers where one person figures out basic irrigation. The group will either burn him as a witch (third world), force him to subsidize everyone else (socialism), or put him in charge and then wearing him thin by forcing him to force others to see reason that they biologically cannot comprehend (the West).

Over the centuries we have ground down our most promising people and replaced them with those who could never invent what those promising people did, but can read it in books and therefore, assume that they have the wisdom that created those books, when in fact they are merely very advanced serfs.

The challenge of finding a will to rise above that exhaustion requires that we see a beauty to the life we can have that is mundane and of infinite depth, instead of novel and of vast temporary excitement but no enduring sense of satisfaction.

We cannot fight evil; we can only create good, and then point to evil in contrast as less satisfying, and therefore move away from evil and leave it to those who find it more appealing than good. Evil is an absence of will toward the good. Good is tautological because it is both cause and effect: we want good, so we make ourselves good, and through good behavior, achieve good results, with the results being more important than the intention.

This shows us that even if we are completely secular, we will need a will toward good and toward fighting evil. Most spiritual sources recognize that evil is an agent of good, much as darkness is necessary for light to exist, and so a will toward good means also a will toward asserting good over evil, like someone cleaning out a closet or storage room wanting to assert order against disorder.

If we have to define evil, then, we would see it as all human weakness and lack of organization. When a human being lacks organization and a will toward strength, they give in to doubt, disorder, confusion, disorientation, perversity, dysfunction, hubris (narcissism/solipsism), masturbation, pretense.

We might see good, then, as a belief that the universe is good, enough to organize ourselves so that we match it, and evil, then, as a belief in doubt, or that the universe might not be good, and therefore that there is no point being organized, purposeful, and realistic.

We just fall into ourselves because doubt makes us distrust the world and comfort ourselves with what we know best, which is ourselves, sort of like how abused children rub their feet together to “self-stim” and remind them that no matter what horrors are going on out there, they are safe in here — inside their own heads — where at least they are in control of what goes on.

Evil wins over us when our doubt becomes strong. People fear social disapproval most of all because they rely on their social group as a mirror of their own sense of self-importance, and so when the group disapproves, they have a sense of vast inner doubt. This is why evil spreads through negative people who infiltrate otherwise normal groups.

Humans tend toward groups because people seek to avoid being judged for their actions. When you join a group, you give up on being known for your independent contributions, since your only value will be in contributing to the group. However, you will also suffer no blame, because the group is perceived as having an agency of its own, even if each member has to make a yes/no binary decision about whether they want to participate in each action of the group.

This reveals the evil inherent in groups: they cannot have creative ideas, only reactive ones. The group requires a stimulus to respond, because then each member can make that yes/no choice, where there is no unity on a creative idea for all members to respond; not everyone will perceive it at once. The group can only react to what already exists, which is why the ideas presented to it tend to be of the form of “kill these guys,” “steal this thing,” “destroy that thing,” or “go to this place.” Groups are like yeast, where the individual can demonstrate the faculty of choice and even creativity, or generation of an idea of something that does not yet exist.

Creative ideas happen within an individual and because they concern things which are not yet extant, cannot be communicated, since people use different tokens and have different depths of understanding with them. The creative idea must be realized by the individual who invented it or those under the direction of that individual; it cannot be communicated to a group, which requires tokens of what it already knows or at least tangible things to steal, destroy, or demand.

Not surprisingly, human history consists of a vast group of people doing the same stuff while one breaks away and does something different, which if it turns out better, becomes emulated by the group. This is why people are so sensitive to social judgment: having people who know better threatens the stability of the group, which is only at equilibrium on a political and social level when everyone is about equal in wealth, power, and prestige, which guarantees a lukewarm mediocrity. Groups pull down the individual who knows better unless the group is disciplined, sort of the way weeds take over a farm, entropy destroys order, and obesity results from prosperity.

If we are to rise again, we must be the group which goes against the evil that is the norm in our time, and that begins with the decision to be good, which in turn requires that we have a will toward order, beauty, harmony, excellence, and honesty (sometimes called “realism” around these parts).

To want order, in turn we must desire something more than ourselves, or to have reached peak loneliness and alienation and to desire instead constructions of the good. This requires leaping over our fear of social disapproval and the emptiness of self, and instead embracing an order larger than ourselves.

In turn, this requires a creative sense of what is good. We have to abandon shopping for symbols like products on the shelf, and focus on making ourselves into something new and unforeseen, something which tends toward order and through that, discovers what “good” can be.

Even if you are a die-hard atheist, and I welcome those among our ranks, you can see how our time is a battle against evil. You either want order or you want a world of yourself alone, which shows that you are in the grips of doubt.

We are not going to win this war — and we are at war not so much against things, but for our future — by simply removing evil and hoping the rest is good. No: we must create good, and it must begin in ourselves, even though that is the hardest path on Earth.

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