
Furthest Right


Normies do not like to think of it this way, but they are killers of the potential future we might have had and the people we might have produced. Every choice kills all other options, and when you choose the harmless and material over questing for something greater than the sum of its parts, you destroy all of those options.

Then again, normies love doing that, because obstructing greatness and annoying the intelligent are the only real powers that normies have. They cannot create; they can, however, thwart creation, and in that they feel a sense of power and confuse that with being important, relevant, and therefore having significant lives.

Instead of focusing on the quality of life itself, they fixate on significance to the social group, and therefore to them all things are a means to the end of increasing their social power. This occurs because they lack inner speaking or introspection, self-reflection, and the ability to analyze from any perspective other than stimulus/wants:

Assuming (and probably correctly) that this man is part of the arts/creative “Western campus program,” a woman at our table exclaims, “Those Western people….! They just think all of the time!” My friend and I give each other the side-eye, and he later asks incredulously, “Really? Is there any other option?”

It turns out there is, at least in the sense of having an inner conversation in unspoken words. About 30 to 50 percent of people, according to psychologist Russell Hurlburt’s research, regularly think to themselves in internal monologues. Inner or “private” speech is something most of us likely did as very young people seeking to develop our language skills, and later as a way of rehearsing information to successfully encode and retain working memory. So it’s clearly functional and not a sign of mental disorder.

People without inner monologue experience rather than analyze existence. To them, life is like a movie that goes past and they react to it with emotions, fears, opportunism, or criticism. They categorize these as “feelings” meaning that they are sensations coupled with a reaction but no analysis or creative ideation.

Depending on how you measure, it may be that only about a quarter of the population have inner analysis, while the rest are merely experiencing reality as a movie with reactions:

As shown in Table 2, each of the five common phenomena of inner experience occurred in approximately one quarter of all samples. Note that several phenomena can and frequently do occur simultaneously. For example, a participant might be experiencing an inner seeing and a feeling at the same moment. Thus the sum of the frequencies of these phenomena exceeds 100%.

Additionally, Table 2 shows that there were no substantial gender differences in the relative frequency of these phenomena. The largest gender differences were for inner speech and feelings, where the percentage for males was greater than the percentage for females, 31–23% for both. Neither the difference for inner speech nor the difference for feelings was statistically significant, t(28) = 1.09, ns, and t(28) = .89, ns, respectively.

Civilization and its greatest parts — technology, art, philosophy, wisdom — were built by those who had connection with an inner intuition that allowed them to peer into the external world, rather than reacting to it or using the external as a way to control their internal responses or those of others.

Those who lack inner speaking tend to see it as bizarre and threatening, therefore will always try to destroy it, which they do by using peer pressure to enforce a means-over-ends conformity in which inner thoughts are suppressed in favor of reactions. This is why they talk about poverty as causing crime and other externalized notions.

These murderers do not so much directly destroy as they gradually dominate the discourse and exclude anything but what the feelings people can understand. In doing so, they foreclose certain brighter futures; sane societies arise by prioritizing the inner speaking people over the meatsuits, and in doing so, become both analytical and creative.

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