
Furthest Right

Leap Into Life (#21): Unions Are Parasites

All we do these days, it seems, is to try to deprogram ourselves from the lies of democracy. The “Big Lie” is equality itself of course, which really is a disguise for the individualism of those in the herd, since parasites want to be mandated to be equal so that people cannot exclude them for their parasitic ways.

In a non-egalitarian society, you notice a parasite, call them a parasite, and everyone avoids the parasite. In an egalitarian society, society defends the underdog, therefore if you call someone a parasite, the entire herd attacks you and the parasite becomes a sainted victim.

For this reason individualists love egalitarianism. It shelters them from criticism for their behavior. Egalitarian societies only recognize crimes against equality, which includes the basics (murder, assault, most theft) but also any noticing that other people are untermenschen, parasites, idiots, retards, or useless.

This means that people now exist in an anti-realistic consensual hallucination of a false universal reality, based in equality. They believe that there is a truth for all people and we are safe because we all agree, but really there is a public illusion and in private, most people plan to cheat on it and act for their own gain instead.

A stream of happy symbols goes past in the media and social chatter. We are told that it is progress and we are defeating our primitive instincts and moving toward a society of Utopia through equality. The happy symbols are there to put us to sleep by convincing us that everything is going well, not decaying from unrealistic thinking.

For example, a few weeks ago we were told that workers’ rights triumphed over greed with a union victory against the evil automakers:

General Motors expects new labor contracts with the United Auto Workers and Canadian union Unifor to increase its costs by $9.3 billion and add approximately $575 in costs per vehicle during the terms of the deals.

Most of those cost increases stem from GM’s deal with the UAW that’s set to expire in April 2028. The pact, which was ratified earlier this month, includes at least 25% hourly pay raises, the reinstatement of cost-of-living adjustments and enhanced profit-sharing payments, among other benefits.

Some of the increased costs could be passed on to consumers in the form of higher vehicle prices, however GM — as well as fellow Detroit automakers, Ford Motor and Stellantis, which also negotiated new labor agreements — has several other options such as operational cuts, headcount reductions and other means to help offset costs.

We are supposed to cheer here because the workers got pay raises, cost-of-living adjustments, profit sharing, and other benefits. In the view of the average voter, these rich corporations are big meanies who sit on giant pots of money and simply will not share because they are mean.

In reality, they are trying to keep solvent in a highly competitive market where thanks to unions, their cars already cost twice as much to manufacture as those of their competitors. They are beholden to their shareholders, who want to know that their investment is performing at an optimum.

Ironically, those shareholders are everyday people. You want your retirement fund to gain value, not lose value, so when GM has raised costs, you are the voice pressuring them to slash whatever they can so that profits remain consistent, because your retirement fund depends on it.

Remember how it said “headcount reductions” above? It turns out that 1300 workers are losing their jobs:

General Motors will lay off a total of 1,314 employees at two factories in Michigan in connection to ending production of vehicles.

GM filed a WARN notice posted Thursday that said it will cut 945 jobs starting Jan. 1 at its Orion Assembly plant in Orion Towship.

Those cuts are related to GM’s October announcement that it was delaying production of two all-electric pickups at the plant by a full year, thereby idling the factory at the end of this year and transferring about 1,000 workers to other GM facilities in the state.

When cash is tight, products that are not earning enough money go away, and with them go the jobs. Programs that might have lingered on go away, and while workers may be offered other jobs, they may not find these to be to their liking. When costs go up above market rates thanks to unions, the jobs go away.

In the larger picture, GM now has an easier calculus to make: automation is expensive, but the workers just got more expensive, which makes automation cheaper relative to other costs. This and more offshoring of parts production to other countries will follow the usual path.

But let us go back to those warm feelings about the unions again. It seemed like they got more money from their workers; however, it turns out that when you take money from somewhere else, you end up passing that cost on to someone else, and then they react in turn.

If the workers were honest, they would admit that what they do is not particularly hard, but thanks to the legal status of unions, they are able to squeeze more money out of their employers. This is a government-created disaster that artificially makes cars more expensive and less competitive.

Similarly, we are told, the voters are confused by how free money for COVID-19 and BLM has somehow resulted in massive inflation and a mean, cynical society where no one wants to help anyone else. What can one do, when the people in charge — the voters — are so delusional they belong in an asylum?

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