
Furthest Right

Neo-Nazism Is Whites-Only Socialism

Socialists, like all Leftists, worship equality. They believe the State is a family. They believe you absolutely cannot have society without socialism. Anyone who disagrees is nothing but a stoned Libertardian who doesn’t realize flush toilets would be impossible without common infrastructure to dispose of the wastes. People who live in society’s family, on the other hand, can lead the Life of Julia.

But wait. This was Barack Obama. This was socialism that catered to minorities and brought in more minorities. It subsidized the importation of inferior people and therefore got inferior outcomes. Heck, if stocked with moron, affirmative-action pozzoids, Wall Street could even blow up the housing market or something. Put them in charge and major energy companies will immediately steal their employee pension funds and lie about their earnings to boost the CEO’s compensation package. Get too many of those people in charge of the government, and they’ll start pointless, unwinnable wars in countries that have virtually nothing to do with America’s national security intrests. And you don’t really even want them in Congress either. They’ll keep asking NASA scientists where on Mars the US astronauts put up the flag.

Now if you’ve read this paragraph and followed the links, you may well notice that it subtly inverts a common meme you’ll read on one of these websites. Two of the villains in the paragraph above were pozzoid poachers of the worst order. But what of the other three examples? Ken Lay, Ken Lewis, Jamie Dimon and The Bush Cuck Dynasty are all nasty in a common way. They also share a common nastiness with Barack Obama and Sheila Jackson Lee. All five sets of malefactors share the common malady despite the politcally correct !DIVERSITY! of their skin pigmentations. All five examples I’ve cited are at least somewhat incentivized by ideologies that feature large government intervention in markets to improve outcomes. In other words, it’s the introduction of the negative incentivization implicit to socialism that leads every person I’ve mentioned above to do or say remarkably evil things.

To describe things further, the problem with any sort of system where the government takes resources from some people and uses them to benefit the tribe, the order, the race, the umma or whatever, is one of moral hazard. Moral hazard occurs when people recognize that they are able to mine the system, tribe, corporation, nation or whatever we are discussing for benefits without putting any skin in the game. They get membership in the collective without having to pay for it and then start receiving “Lebensraum,” entitlements, artificially inflated stock options or any other collective benefit paid for with the taxes, property or blood of other individuals in the group. This invariably gets abused. This ability to parasite off the system invariably allows the worms to multiply and to eat the beautiful and complex higher-order organism.

The problem here is that many people, even those supposedly on the Alt-Right, believe that socialism involves nothing more than publicly governed, owned or financed property. This is not accurate. Socialism is an ideology that argues that people are entitled to use and enjoy this property regardless of whether they are required to do anything to earn that right. There is some inherent characteristic that allows them a special right to inflict The Tragedy of The Commons on others without concern for the societal outcome. The typical Communist version of this is that a member of The Proletariat gets to do this as redress for past slights or depredations. They even have a potemkin Theory of Surplus Value to accuse anyone who expects them to get a job and support themselves of being an exploiter.

Civic Nationalists subscribe to The Magic Dirt Theory. Get plopped out in the right country and you get all the benefits of that country. You can even directly and deliberately insult that nation like Lt Rapone or Colin Kaepernick and still get all the rights, benefits and privileges of a heroic Combat Rifleman who got an arm and leg shot off back in The Tet Offensive.

Credentialists argue that getting the piece of paper from the right University and knowing all the right people allows you to take over a corporation and run it like Ken Lay, or more recently, Heather Bresch. Again, neither of these individuals has to contribute, they have the right papers so they get to be CEO and rape it for what the futhermucker is worth.

In case of White National Socialists, the entitlement mentality is no different. They are !WHITE! Maybe even genetically white enough to pass as Shuan King. Therefore, they actually expect to receive that Platinum White Privilege Visa Card in the mail that Mr. King hypocritically and dishonestly accuses them of walking around with and using to get unfair benefits. National Socialism, as practiced under the auspices the White Nationalist Movement; is simply dishonest socialist entitlement based on racial characteristics. It’s still a one-way ticket to hell. Hitler’s Berlin ended up just like Democratic Party Detroit. Both were governed by Socialists. Both wound up in ruins. The means vary. The result doesn’t. Socialism leads to death.

And I get the case for preferring white cultures to others. I get that not just because of the fact that I’m corusucatingly white like the undershirts in a Tide commercial. White culture gave us this:

Euclidean geometry. Parabolic geometry. Hyperbolic geometry. Projective geometry. Differential geometry. Calculus: Limits, continuity, differentiation, integration. Physical chemistry. Organic chemistry. Biochemistry. Classical mechanics. The indeterminacy principle. The wave equation. The Parthenon. The Anabasis. Air conditioning. Number theory. Romanesque architecture. Gothic architecture. Information theory. Entropy. Enthalpy. Every symphony ever written. Pierre Auguste Renoir. The twelve-tone scale. The mathematics behind it, twelfth root of two and all that. S-p hybrid bonding orbitals. The Bohr-Sommerfeld atom. The purine-pyrimidine structure of the DNA ladder. Single-sideband radio. All other radio. Dentistry. The internal-combustion engine. Turbojets. Turbofans. Doppler beam-sharpening. Penicillin. Airplanes. Surgery. The mammogram. The Pill. The condom. Polio vaccine. The integrated circuit. The computer. Football. Computational fluid dynamics. Tensors. The Constitution. Euripides, Sophocles, Aristophanes, Aeschylus, Homer, Hesiod. Glass. Rubber. Nylon. Roads. Buildings. Elvis. Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors. (OK, that’s nerve gas, and maybe we didn’t really need it.) Silicone. The automobile. Really weird stuff, like clathrates, Buckyballs, and rotaxanes. The Bible. Bug spray. Diffie-Hellman, public-key cryptography, and RSA. Et cetera.

Let #BLM go off in the woods and live without that stuff for a month because #CulturalAppropriation. White culture is why you use a functional toilet instead of a cat box or a hole in the ground. White Pride, without a pestilential background of hatred towards the other, is understandable, logical and should be cultivated in all of our children.

Staving off White Genocide, promoting White Pride, celebrating various white cultures and keeping the successful and positive traditions of all of these societies alive should be an unquestioned good that people of good will should actively pursue. You can protect yourself, respect yourself, continue your kind and elevate them yeah, verily to the stars without any sense of entitlement. The sense of entitlement is not what made the White Race great. We didn’t take over and redefine the planet as a Great Society Program. Socialism is not the key to accomplishing this goal. Whitewashing the tragedy of the commons will not somehow make it less tragic. Socialism can only lead to death in the end.

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