The more choices we have, the more attention we pay toward them, and the less to reality.
Silwood was arrested after posting a message on social media saying Sawyers should win the “Baboon d’Or” – a sarcastic reference to the Ballon d’Or trophy – following his team’s 5-0 defeat to Manchester City at the Hawthorns on January 26.
Ah, “freedom.” I guess when MiniTrue said FREEDOM IS SLAVERY they were actually correct. We are doing the same thing in the USA.
The curse of modernization: people become more individualistic and stop caring about family, culture, faith, history, sanity, and reality. Mob rule is a giant egomania devouring the world.
All of the actions government takes come in one or more of two forms: giving away free stuff, and signaling denialism. This vaccine mandate benefits California because White people are going to pull their kids out of school, but they still pay those property taxes, so now the schools will educate third-worlders with White dollars and, since results will always be bad, can reduce standards further and pay more administrative salaries to SJWs.
Funny, that seems to be the same thing that took the Soviet Union out. It turns out that raising costs via taxes and firing the unvaccinated has a long arm, and not many people want to sign up for the new wage slave jobs to pay for government, equality, and diversity.
Seems like Leftist government and stolen elections do not inspire confidence in the markets. At least this way — when Social Security, socialized medicine, public education, welfare, Section 8 housing, and refugee aid have collapsed — we can get back to what actually functions, namely culture, free markets, and humans of higher biological quality. Equality has failed.
The rest of the world is slowly figuring out that the experts, bureaucrats, and media from democracy are not to be trusted.
Trump’s solution — transparency — was better, but fits with the business mentality instead of the lawyer mentality. Speaking of lawyers, any halfway good one will figure out a way to kick up bills that works around this law, in about thirty seconds.
You will have to stop hiring ethnic Chinese workers and anyone who works for or has a spouse that works for a US company that does business in China. Now we see how the Clinton economic plan has permanently screwed us.
Under the guise of “human rights,” we have created insane laws that say that if a refugee/migrant sets foot in your land, you have to take care of them. When this law changes, the deportations begin, because diversity has failed.
This handy resource lets you look up the number of PC/SJW incidents at your college or a prospective college. Lower numbers are better.
Bullying seems to be the only tactic the Left has. A better strategy: force them to fire you, then sue after this Narrative collapses, since already many nations are rolling back COVAIDS-19 panic policies.
None of this stuff is serious; it is done to force you into compliance, to break your will, and make you make yourself subservient so that government can trickle a few breadcrumbs into your hands.
We’re going to find that antibiotics and high-carbohydrate diets altered our gut flora, leading to lower Vitamin B series levels and consequently, mental health problems.
These government shutdowns are democracy theater and nothing else. They know we are broke; this has been the case for decades. They want to terrorize us with the fear of not getting “muh disability checks” so that we blindly vote in panic for whatever new borrowing they want, all of which will be spent recklessly so they can get their “ten percent for the big guy” in kickbacks.
The mainstream media refuses to admit this or even cover it, but the audits have found enough suspicious activity that the election must be decertified for America to have legitimate government. If that does not happen, the states will go into revolt and individuals are going to stop obeying laws.
Ahoy, the beginning of the end of the transsexual (transgender, “tranny”) narrative.
Modern society gives hope to sociopaths but everyone else drifts without culture, purpose, faith, and hierarchy. This could also explain why people have trouble sleeping.
We have been saying this at Amerika for years.
It only takes a few, repeating the same message, and doing so fanatically, which is why this is the basis of the civilization renewal strategy talked up around here.
It is one thing to be eccentric, weird, an outlier, a misfit, or an oddball. The people who support the Left are losers who would be unimportant without it, and they want to kill off those who are not losers. This causes society to collapse into loser entropy, which is what happened to the third world.
We have gone past the point where political neutrality is possible because the Left sees anything that is not fanatical Leftism as an enemy. Solution: physically remove Leftists (permanent exile to Venezuela).
And then… and then COVID-19 did its most dastardly deed: it took away the clowns, and with them, all happiness in clown world.
People are searching for meaning. When interpretations of reality are politicized by our slavish need for “equality,” they will not get it.
Worldwide democracy wants to filter out everyone but the goodthinkers. That way, it can reign in perpetuity, or so it thinks (hint: very little ever turns out the way bureaucrats, boffins, and theorists intend).
It turns out that endless self-expression takes us nowhere, but having a sense of purpose and fortitude gets us everywhere. End navel-gazing pity culture!
Reading between the lines: democracy has shown that it cannot govern and, worse, has driven everyone insane. Enjoy your obese transgender mixed-race atheist corporate treadmill future.
Since jobs seem to be going to vaccinated minorities only, look for this number to keep shooting upward.
Current students are good with the technology they know, but they never got the 8-bit roll-your-own-data-structures education that Generation X had, so when their favorite framework is not installed, current CS/IT students are without a clue.
Facebook algorithms are like Amazon algorithms: if other people clicked on a certain thing after clicking another thing, the system will recommend that to others who also clicked the other thing. Academics want to change this by filtering data by source just like Wikipedia does, effectively excluding everyone but the M5M.
Nobody trusts the Leftist rigged elections.
They want to ensure that unless you drink the Kool-Aide, you will never be able to get a good job and have enough money to escape the treadmill.
This happens again and again. The bureaucracy wants total control, so it micromanages a control nexus. Bureaucrats have utilitarian accountability, but not realistic accountability, so they get it all wrong. Everyone starves while chanting slogans.
The family said they are desperate for donors of Hispanic and Latin descent, as the patient’s ethnicity plays a huge factor in matching – and numbers are low in Diego’s demographic.
“About 13% of the Be the Match registry is Hispanic or Latino, and it is a fairly low number,” explained Erica Sevilla with the National Marrow Donor Program. “We absolutely need more diversity.”
Scientists used a phenotyping method called Snapshot to predict the men’s ancestry, skin color and facial features. They found that the men had light brown skin with dark eyes and hair; overall, their genetic makeup was closer to that of modern individuals in the Mediterranean or the Middle East than it was to modern Egyptians’, according to the statement.
Five years ago, this was just as inconceivable as decertifying an American election is today.
The official Holocaust narrative is part-lie, but the Holocaust happened. The bigger question is whether we learn from it that diversity is death, whether by oppressing the minority or oppressing the majority.
Assimilation and integration were political delaying tactics in argument form, not anything believable out there in reality. Then again, when you live in a symbolic reality like democracy, only socially pleasant lies make sense.
If we send money to the third world, it gets stolen and empowers warlord tyrants. The real global climate activism we need is to stop globalism, which relies on all those container ships, and to end diversity, because that way third world population overgrowth will not have a “pressure release vale,” and therefore will be forced to regulate itself.
Socialism follows the usual path, including Monopoly money.
This is Leftist sleight-of-hand. Instead of open borders, he wants an immigration policy that admits anyone who fills out a one-page form in some semi-plausible combination.
Diversity does not work, which is why humanity needs to send only Jews and all Jews to Israel. Relocate the Palestinians to Mexico for kicks.
Democrats love sin taxes, since that way they can get the 47% to fork over some bucks too.
There is lots of water on Mars. We are now in a race to see who can colonize it and escape the dying human civilization on Earth.
A significant number of people learn nothing from history. The Dunning-Kruger Effect dominates mob rule societies (“democracies”).
China has it easy these days. Just look at what the West is doing and do the opposite.
Voters love the idea of moderates, bipartisanship, a third world, and other pleasant fictions. In reality, you either accept egalitarianism and go down the path to Communism and Genghis Khan styled tyranny, or you reject it. Conservatives reject it, just not in public… yet.
Socialized medicine working about as well as the rest of socialism.