
Furthest Right

Independence Day

Under the globalist New World Order, class structure became reshaped to reward those in government and relegate everyone else to a third-world style mass. Those who want the “Great Reset” globalist world order blame populism, but really, this shift shows the results of globalism, itself created by the rise of unions and government as a replacement for culture and free markets:

We are in the middle of a global transformation, the painful construction of a global market economy. In the initial period dominated by financiers and rent-seekers, a new global class has taken shape: the precariat.

The transformation started in the 1980s, with a vision of open liberalized markets. Less noticeable was the strategy of dismantling institutions of social solidarity; they stood against the market. That weakened labour’s bargaining power.

Crucially, the integration of China and other emerging economies into the world’s labour market added 2 billion workers to the global supply, most of them used to earning one-fiftieth of what OECD workers received. As productivity could rise faster in emerging market economies, there has since been downward pressure on wages in all OECD countries.

This was intensified by labour flexibility policies and the silicon revolution that facilitated the relocation of production and employment to where costs were lowest. All this shaped a global class structure superimposed on old national structures.

This translates the Left-Right political structure into a vertical structure based on degree of obedience to the System, much as it did in the Soviet Union and partially does in China. This gives us a brand new class hierarchy:

The precariat feature in this as those whose existence is precarious, and therefore are forced to conform to the treadmill wage slavery of corporate McJobs:

Below it in income terms, the precariat is growing. It is not an under-class; global capitalism wants a workforce with its core characteristics. It can be defined in three dimensions. First, it has distinctive relations of production.

The precariat’s second dimension is distinctive relations of distribution, its structure of social income. It relies largely on money wages, without non-wage benefits, rights-based state benefits or informal community benefits.

In addition, the precariat lives in debt, which is a systemic form of rental extraction.

In sum, the precariat lives in economic uncertainty, usually in chronic unsustainable debt, in which one shock, mistaken decision or illness could tip them over the edge into the under-class, cut adrift from society and probably condemned to social illness or an early death.

In other words, the precariat are people without specific careers, working extended temporary jobs, living in debt, and without owning anything that can get them out of this situation. They are permanent entry-level employees.

You can end up in the precariat with a college degree, since we handed out lots of those, and this means that only those who got in the top ten percent of their classes in grad school went on to the good jobs. Everyone else makes do with corporate work where they are easily replaceable.

These might be your average Uber drivers, Amazon warehouse workers, and Etsy sellers, but they also were the people who formerly made up the middle class. They went through school, did OK, and figured that they could prove themselves on the job, but only then found out that corporate loyalty no longer exists.

Those in power like having people in this position, of course, because it keeps them hungry. They will always jump for a little more money and do anything to avoid losing it, sort of like illegal immigrants paid under the table. They can be manipulated and controlled easily.

When it comes time for them to retire, that will be a problem for the state, which is one reason why business loves Social Security. Instead of spending real money to help people retire, we spend cheaper debt money and pay it off pennies on the dollar whenever government finally defaults.

You will notice that the proletariat (old working class) is above the precariat, so that the pesky populists on a global scale will, over time, be “disappeared” genetically. The proletariat work cheap jobs but live off of state benefits, which keeps them as stable low-quality labor for Walmart.

All of this happens “above” normal people and while a few do notice this narcissistic behavior, the general realization is a loss of control, following the idea of precarious in the name:

It leads to what I call the “precariatized” mind, a feeling of being out of control of time.

Since an international body associated with the United Nations defined this plan, it can be opposed by a counterplan. For example, imagine that a city manager decides to undermine his own suburbs for the benefit of downtown business owners; it would be logical for the suburbs to establish their own counterplan.

The law does not really support such intelligent action, for example, should a city de-fund its police in order to appease downtown mobs, then suburbs would have to establish their own security force which is generally not supported by the law, and either way, they would pay taxes to fund both city police and private security (or hire the private security directly).

On an international scale, the Precariat would have a similar problem countering the United Nations. International Law does not really support pirates, because it is the pirate, just a sanitized and official version like organized crime given a place in the political system.

However, in the light of the precariat already identified as a global threat, it is clear that the precariat exists globally and can therefore take global action. Lot of citizens in America, Britain, France, Germany, Hungary, Poland, South Africa and Australia have already been given the populist badge of honor.

The global attack is multi-pronged requiring individual attention for each prong as follows:

  1. Occupation. Big Tech applies its own law across national boundaries, which means that they must be treated more like political entities than business ones:

    Big Tech has effectively imported European speech law into the United States. Big Tech has created a massive internal framework that blankets the nation and imposes European-style standards in direct opposition to the robust, absolutist American rule.

  2. Political machines. Vote fraud should be rooted out, which can only happen with coordinated efforts to remove fraudsters:

    “If we don’t root out the tremendous and horrible fraud that’s taken place, then we don’t have a country anymore,” President Trump said in a pre-recorded speech posted on his Facebook page on Wednesday.

  3. Internationalism. United Nations Security Council membership should be addressed or entirely changed, since it supports international Leftism:

    South Africa will be perceived as a critical African voice in the Council, especially in its first year. To forge its relationship with other Council members, it may use its own history and critical self-reflection as an asset to build legitimacy.

  4. Campaign finance. Rotten election money trees apply to all democratic countries, but there is no control over legitimacy of spending:

    For equity’s sake we must ask them who pays for their air tickets, accommodation, and other upkeep expenses abroad to where they often make expensive trips.

  5. Globalism. Crimes against humanity caused by International bodies should be held accountable.

  6. Soft genocide. Demographic and other threats should be addressed and solutions enforced:

    All Africans must be clear that only in a massive campaign for our unification Africans in a Government will halt the recolonization war that is already causing genocide in Africa.

  7. Communication. Language and vocabulary should be structured and controlled to reflect our ideals:

    The world over, the term “white trash” has now become a staple of the left-liberal mainstream media and leftist politicians alike.

  8. Religious fanaticism. Church-assisted migration must be stopped at all costs, since it works around immigration law much as Big Tech works around free speech law:

    A dozen global and regional religious organizations released an advocacy statement on the situation of migrants and refugees in Europe that defines their calling as Christians to “welcome the stranger,” and urges the creation of a world in which “we become human together.”

Clearly our revolution has failed. We have an Independence Day, but we are celebrating our enslavement toward the system which was trying to save us from the old one.

As an antique poem goes, “nothing gold can stay.” All we can do as humans is to make one nice place, and give it order, for a short time, because eventually, the human tendency toward hubris will lead people to exploit it for their careers, drama, and need to be important through ideology.

When that happens, we have to declare independence again. As populism indicates, this time we need to separate from the globalist system entirely and achieve sane national orders that are less susceptible to this madness, in addition to previous bouts of madness.

Only then can we be independent in the best sense, meaning that we are not going down with the rest of them. We will go our own way and succeed on our own merits. In this way, we will declare a new Independence Day.

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