
Furthest Right

#MEGA: Make Europeans Great Again


The Alt Right has drawn attention for its heroic mixture of libertarian laissez-faire with hard Right views that Europe and America have excluded from public mention in the year since WWII. This outlook reveals the two quests of the Alt Right:

  1. Get the Leftists off our backs and out of power in the near term.

  2. In the long term, restore the greatness of European civilization.

Unlike the mainstream Right, the Alt Right is not about extremely short term measures and winning the “game” of politics through compromise and oversimplification. Its goal is to end the decline that has made Western Civilization into an existential hell where the intelligent are troubled and idiocy is the norm.

Following the Donald Trump slogan (borrowed from the Reagan/Bush candidacy) “Make America Great Again,” the Alt Right might propose one of its own: “Make Europeans Great Again” (MEGA). Dislodging Leftism as the single party ruler of the West is a means to this end. We do not oppose it for ideological reasons, but because it is destructive.

With the removal of the Leftist stranglehold on the West, and the consequent ability to discuss non-Leftist ideas as well as Leftist ones, we as citizens of these countries face a choice: we can build an ascendant civilization, or one that aspires to excellence and mastery of itself, or we can keep kicking along with half measures until we fade out of history.

The brilliance of this approach is that it speaks to the deep need of the fifth of our population that does all of the thinking, which is a need to have purpose, to believe in something worth sacrificing for, and through that, to find personal meaning. As Fred writes:

Let us face ourselves. We are Hyperboreans; we know very well how far off we live. ‘Neither by land nor by sea will you find the way to the Hyperboreans’—Pindar already knew this about us. Beyond the north, ice, and death—our life, our happiness. We have discovered happiness, we know the way, we have found the exit out of the labyrinth of thousands of years.

Who else has found it? Modern man perhaps? ‘I have got lost; I am everything that has got lost,’ sighs modern man. This modernity was our sickness: lazy peace, cowardly compromise, the whole virtuous uncleanliness of the modern Yes and No. … Rather live in the ice than among modern virtues and other south winds! We were intrepid enough, we spared neither ourselves nor others; but for a long time we did not know where to turn with our intrepidity. We became gloomy, we were called fatalists. Our fatum—abundance, tension, the damming of strength.

We thirsted for lightning and deeds and were most remote from the happiness of the weakling, ‘resignation.’ In our atmosphere was a thunderstorm; the nature we are became dark—for we saw no way.

Formula for our happiness: a Yes, a No, a straight line, a goal.

We have become soft because egalitarianism creates a facilitative society in which the only objective is to secure for individuals the ability to pursue their individualistic dreams. This is why we admit immigrants recklessly: if not our dreams, which are soft and weak, why not the simpler and more powerful dreams of these people who come to conquer?

Under individualism, there are as many goals are there are citizens, and these concern individual pursuits, which almost always distill to personal comfort, convenience and wealth/power. We are divided by this approach and it makes us soft and weak because we have no higher aspiration than to live well and bloat out as the end inches toward us, hoping — like for our personal mortality — for a painless end.

This individualism occurred because long ago we went off the path of sanity by choosing to give leadership to those with wealth and power, instead of giving wealth and power to those who showed leadership ability. The older principle rewarded caretakers; the newer principle benefits opportunists, and since then our fortunes have declined. Our rulers are cynics and our people are so miserable they have stopped reproducing.

When individualism takes over, thoughts which do not affirm the universality of all humankind — “we are all equal” and “we are all one,” which are both statements of universal inclusion — are excluded from dialogue. This reverses the meaning of all useful terms and turns them into symbols of dogma, with those who fail to laud them becoming excluded if not demonized and destroyed.

This means that it is time for us to “reboot” our society by removing its government, media and financial elites, and replacing them instead with our people with the best potential for leadership. As Mencius Moldbug wrote, a society must be rebooted once it becomes deceptive:

This is why I prefer a different test for triggering a reboot: the level of systematic deception that a regime inflicts on its subjects. From a strictly military perspective, my belief is that any government of any modern state can maintain its own security without subjecting its population to any sort of a reality distortion field. Therefore, deceptive governments are not necessary. And therefore, they can be rebooted and replaced with honest ones.

…Therefore, my reboot test is that a government should be rebooted if it systematically and successfully promotes essential pseudoscience or pseudohistory. I simply see no reason at all to tolerate this kind of crap. If there are only one or two examples, perhaps they can be corrected individually. Otherwise, it’s time to hit Control-Alt-Delete.

Again, rebooting doesn’t just mean replacing a few politicians. It means completely uninstalling the present government, and installing a new one from scratch. All laws, regulations, policies, procedures, and personnel from the old regime should be replaced.

Once we consider the necessity of reboot however, it makes sense to do so in such a way that we do not repeat the same pattern. History has already changed; in 2016, liberal democracy died in a cloud of its own failures. Instead of choosing other variants of modernity, we should look to an approach that has worked in every age, and always will, because it recognizes eternal truths of the struggle between individuality, morality/realism and civilization.

Unless we make such a change, the people around will in the time-honored way of herds simply choose to remove the most immediate problems and then continue down the same path, like a pair of pants that has been patched so many times it has lost internal integrity. With that, we may delay the end, but will have affirmed its certainty.

In this way, we follow the ancient Greeks in the pursuit of self-destruction: instead of maintaining civilization, once it reached a peak it declined because it could not discover another purpose. Perhaps in these dark times we have found a purpose, finally, and can begin to resurrect and then improve our civilization.

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