
Furthest Right

When A Crisis Isn’t A Problem

Words, like baseballs, shouldn’t just be carelessly chucked around. The average kid throwing a ball in the backyard will eventually shatter a window or two. This is tangible and obvious. Once the average kid has lost some money and received a good butt-spanking, he’ll generally learn to be more careful. Things easily understood are easy to correct with applied consequentialism and a good hickory stick.

Words are intangible objects. The casual observer won’t see the glass shatter immediately after the words are carelessly tossed aloft. Crisis is getting tossed to the wind and just perhaps, the meaning of this word has been either innocently misconstrued or perversely perverted. Let’s start be reifying the word be reconnecting it to its intended object. Noah Webster was good enough at that sort of thing that his dictionary survived his demise. Looking up the word crisis produces the following definition.

1 a: the turning point for better or worse in an acute disease or fever. b: a paroxysmal attack of pain, distress, or disordered function. c: an emotionally significant event or radical change of status in a person’s life.
2: the decisive moment (as in a literary plot).
3: a: an unstable or crucial time or state of affairs in which a decisive change is impending especially: one with the distinct possibility of a highly undesirable outcome. b: a situation that has reached a critical phase.

Crisis, when used carelessly, generally scares people by implying a negative or bad outcome. The Poverty Crisis and The Racism Crisis have been awesome examples of this. We became so frightened of poverty that our government gave Agribusiness enough money to kill the poor via Type II Diabetes. Scaring people is an awesome way to agglomerate unearned money and power.

It can also be used to avoid blame or responsibility. Crisis can be seen as overwhelming any agency that the figurative Prudent Man could typically be assumed to have at hand. This is of great convenience when said Prudent Man has just screwed up. It’s less professionally damaging to claim that The Peak Oil Crisis t-boned the Economy rather than oligopolistic bankster cronyism or flawed taxation structures. Scaring people is awesome method of unloading unwanted professional responsibility without surrendering any actual status or power.

A common error observers make when a crisis occurs is to assume benign carelessness or ignorance of those who cause the problem. Fred Siegel is positively cuckish in his willingness to excuse otherwise highly intelligent and capable people such as H.G. Wells for their maliciousness in his book The Crisis of Liberalism: Prelude to Trump.

In The Crisis of Liberalism: Prelude to Trump, Fred Siegel leverages New York City to uncover the key political conflicts and social contradictions in American liberalism over the last century. This wide-ranging collection of essays critically recounts how passionate intellectual debates and then heated cultural struggles over how to realize “the good life” in the modern city emerged from the writings of early progressive “thought leaders.” Herbert Croly and H. G. Wells once envisioned college graduates as a new elite that could pick up the project of enlightened democratic governance where the European aristocracy had failed. Yet, as Eric Hoffer observed, these graduates left top-notch schools as liberal technocrats wanting “power, lordship, and opportunities for imposing action.”

Any intelligent reader of The Time Machine will know that H.G. Wells is no more positively disposed towards the poor than other Progressives of his era, such as Margaret Sanger; who sought their systematic skimming out of the gene pool. Anything bad that happened to people who lived under leaders inspired by H.G. Wells pretty much happened as an indirect result of this “Progressive” leadership being inspired by Wells’ fundamental malice aforethought. Wells, while an entertaining author, was a very bad human being. Think of him as one of history’s initial Kakistocrats.

The second definition of crisis (i.e. the decisive moment) inspires some rather Machiavellian thought regarding crisis events. They can be seen as climactic or as a fulcrum as opposed to a disaster. Vladimir Lenin’s famous “the worse the better” line was a direct application to the Marxian Dialectic Process. Herein crisis is an inevitable result of mechanistic history reaching a proverbial fork in the road. Hitting the crisis forces a choice. Rig the decision, and you win the day.

Thus, it should surprise no one that people that want a certain outcome want to do three things. They want to force a decision if one doesn’t present itself. They want to control what options are available. They want to rig which option is ultimately selected. This often requires carefully and intelligently managed violence. Stephen Hayward explains this below.

Max Weber was merely the most explicit in a long line of political thinkers with his succinct reminder that “The decisive means for politics is violence.” It is the unique achievement of constitutional democracy to substitute ballots for bullets, but the experience of a peaceful transition of power from a losing party to a winning party is barely 200 years old—dating back to 1800, to be precise. That’s not even the day before yesterday, in the long human story. And as we saw, it lasted only 60 years until one party, southern Democrats, refused to accept the results of a free election and decided to revert to bullets.

What Hayward misses is that Democracy only buys a diverse society time to become more homogenous or work out a congenial way of segregating. There will never be peace amongst the non-homogenous. Patrick J. Buchanan accurately hypothesized that a society needed a adhesive glue to obtain a cohesive level of cooperation. He planted the axiom that a common race, religion, culture of language was a necessary precondition to peaceful internal nationalism. Amerika, he opined; currently clung tenuously to the mutual language.

This parlous state of impending disunity is a point of hope for those in need of a good crisis to advance their agenda. Perhaps COVID-19 is just the crisis (i.e. unstable or crucial time or state of affairs in which a decisive change is impending) that a certain caste of malefactors had sought for years. “Never let a crisis go to waste” spoke Rahm Emanuel. Here is one theory about how awesome Wuhan Wipeout has proven to be.

This pandemic “crisis” is being used as an opportunity to reset the world in a manner most beneficial for the Davos billionaires, by exploiting pandemic fear, engineered social chaos, a fake climate crisis and economic anxiety to implement a corporate fascist world order, disguised as a green new deal, MMT, socialist paradise. The apparently incomprehensible actions of left wing politicians, DA’s, the corporate media, surveillance state bad actors, compliant central bankers, and emboldened billionaires over the last few months begin to make sense when you realize it is part of the plan.

And how would that order be most beneficial? It would be an order that removed that entire meddlesome USA. Nation Magazine just lets it be said in public. Richard Kreitner presents us the possibility of just CHOPping the entire Left Coast.

The United States has never been an equal, peaceful, or functional nation, despite what the history textbooks say. It was built from genocide, slavery, and stolen land. This year, the Black Lives Matter protests and the abolition movement, coupled with a pandemic that preys most on people consistently excluded from the broken health care system, demonstrate the lie of our “more perfect union” even more. Will there ever come a time to abandon this myth and the 50 “united” states altogether? If so, is that moment already here?

…Kreitner shows that support for disbanding the union has always been present throughout the country’s history and among Americans with contrasting political beliefs, including abolitionists. As Kreitner notes in the book, abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison considered the Constitution “a pact with the devil.” While opposition to the idea of a union existed even within the original colonies, Donald Trump has highlighted the fault lines and contradictions in federalism significantly over the past four years, causing many, including Kreitner, to reconsider the value in staying together.

So what do? If it were just everything West of Vegas CHAZzing out, a condign handshake and their signatures in blood that they would never renege should pretty much seal the deal. Yet the Red State/ Blue State, Liberal/Conservative, Parasite/Producer divide is not that geographically convenient. A segregation is in process and is necessary. People sharing at most one or two of Pat Buchanan’s nationalistic ties that bind will compete and prey on one another like separate organisms in a natural ecosystem.

Thus, we come to the real crisis for which COVID-19, systemic racism, and the entire rest of the garbage that our trash panda media throws at us are merely useful propaganda proxies. This, not some gay Marxist misappropriating and lying about history, is the reason that Amerika is heading for the dung heap of history. Listen closely, and the song of our next age beckons. That sound you hear is the rehearsal. The rehearsal and sound check for the coming Symphony of Destruction.

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