
Furthest Right

What Motivates the Left?

To outsiders, Leftist actions often seem incomprehensible because they make life worse for just about everyone. Similarly, human actions seem self-destructive and the people involved afraid to do anything else.

As with all things in nature, a pattern exists in parallel between the two. Humans adopt a pathology that life is bad and only human-specific sentiments make it better, and form a pact to force these on life.

That commitment — both revenge and a desire for dominance — causes humans to deny what is obvious in reality (a.k.a. realism) and replace it with a pseudo-world of human thoughts, emotions, and socializing.

We might then see the core of what goes wrong with humanity as denial, or rejection of the evident in order to preserve a mental state in which human preferences are more moral, good, and logical than how nature operates.

This psychology demonstrates a number of problems. For starters, it is fatalistic in that it assumes that the world is bad and must be corrected. Next, it rejects reality, opting for a journey into the vortex of human emotional symbolism.

Those alone would make it insane, but it has a final glitch: since it is conjectural, or in other words not based in reality at all, it is optional, and since it is optional it is cult-like because those who believe it need others to believe it in order to feel justified in their belief.

Following the pattern set forth by other types of Crowdism, Leftism operates through this pathology: avoid reality because it insults us by making us feel powerless, form a clique of others who have the same need, and then with the power of that group, take revenge on those who have no problem living realistically.

That bonds that individual to the group in a co-dependent relationship. The individual needs the group, and the group needs to avoid mass defections, so the two are linked, but even more, they share a sense of guilt for a belief they know deep down is unreal, and with that, an emotional need to harm, subjugate, dominate, and humiliate others.

Even if the members of this group are successful — wealth, power, status — they unite themselves around a concept of victimhood and lack of success. They view life as obstructing something they need to succeed, and themselves as victims of life.

This allows them to bond easily. Complaints attract more attention than clarity because complaints like vice offer up a distraction, deflection, and scapegoat all in one.

Think of schoolkids out in the yard. Some are A students, some B students, others barely passing, but all of them feel unfulfilled and powerless. Suddenly one pipes up about how his parents have oppressed him. Now they have something in common, a group comes together, they have something to talk about, and best of all, they have a mission: evade the morally bad (oppressive) parents and do the opposite.

Denial groups tend to start with the idea that reality is not how it seems, but instead of looking beneath the surface layer of reality, they dive straight into what makes them all feel better. They discuss how their mental activity — emotions, socializing, abstractions, cleverness — is superior to reality, which is bad because it kills you but worse because it makes you feel powerless, anonymous, and insignificant.

Where the winners in life accept the mystery of death and meaning yet go on to find something that bonds them to life through which they can both contribute and enjoy the experience, the losers in life reject life itself and live in a human mental ghetto instead that is shared with their social group.

The psychology of manipulation that results distinguishes itself by being fundamentally dishonest. It rejects observable reality and replaces it with a false reality made by selectively choosing facts to support its thesis that human judgments, feelings, emotions, and social impulses are better than the order of nature.

From there the dishonesty turns to control. Since it is conjectural and optional, it must avoid any competition, therefore it insists that all use the same methods, language, and symbols in order to control their thinking so that uniformity of mind results and therefore, the dishonest illusion goes unchallenged.

It does this by having one giant principle, usually “equality” or “altruism.” Where the Right insists on an overarching general goal and a handful of principles derived from observation, the Left demands one single unifying method which serves as a principle.

Through this device, the Left confuses cause and effect to its advantage. By orienting itself toward method, it deals with effect alone, and overlooks underlying cause because exploring that would reveal that egalitarian and altruism do not exist in nature, but are used by humans to manipulate because of their nearly universal appeal.

In the end, the denial cult of the Left operates by offering a simple, abstract, and all-encompassing answer: we can have Utopia through altruism and equality, those who refuse to support this are bad, and therefore, the only path to Utopia lies in suppression or extermination of non-conformists.

Not surprisingly, this produces a society with many neutered followers and a few virulent leaders.

These often act in ways that seem pointlessly destructive until you realize that these self-sabotages make society less stable:

The Biden administration says it is canceling three oil and gas lease sales scheduled in the Gulf of Mexico and off the coast of Alaska, removing millions of acres from possible drilling as U.S. gas prices reach record highs.

“Unfortunately, this is becoming a pattern — the administration talks about the need for more supply and acts to restrict it,″ said Frank Macchiarola, senior vice president of the American Petroleum Institute, the top lobbying group for the oil and gas industry.

An unstable society unites itself through self-pity and therefore strengthens the complaints cult of the Left. Even more, it offers total Control: since everything is bad, the only way to rise is by joining the cult or gang of the Left, and therefore everyone obeys and the Left faces no competition for its unrealistic fantasy.

We can see the history of the pursuit of Utopia in the ancient tales, even the parable of the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve seek to salve a mental state of feeling powerless, so they eat from the tree of knowledge in order to have power.

It is as if they said, “if I just do this one thing, I will not be powerless over nature, and therefore everything will be good.” They hope for a single thing — a symbol, or even emotion — to make their mental state right, and therefore make everything feel right, even if the underlying conditions have not changed.

As soon as the inhabitants of the Garden of Eden adopted that view, they started lying to themselves, then doing what made no sense to do, and finally lying to an omnipotent being in one of the earliest triumphs of Jewish comedy writing.

When Joe Biden talks about a Dark Winter, he is operating according to his political heritage as a Leftist running a political machine kept afloat by minority voting. He wants to make everyone equally poor so that the only way to be a winner is to join his political machine.

That way, he gets total Control and complete obedience. Like Boss Tweed in Tammany Hall, he sees himself as a guy who “does favors,” but only those who trade in quid pro quo get his favors, so soon he controls everything.

Is there an end goal? Not in reality, but in mental state. He will create a nationwide struggle session where people humble themselves, come crawling to him, obey, and then work to promote his power.

This group will finally feel, oddly enough, a sense of existential peace and wellbeing. They will have beaten back nature entirely and replaced it with an order based on the human individual.

To do that, they have to abolish consequences for being bad. While the ancient order was “good to the good, and bad to the bad” as in natural selection, the way of religious morality and ideology is “good to the good, and good to the bad” because that makes the group feel morally superior for not having (like nature) discriminated.

In that sensation, they feel all-powerful like gods, the givers of charity and the powerful people upon whose charity everyone else depends. They sense a group attitude of pacifism and obedience which lets individualists pile up as much money and power as they want with impunity.

Human societies do not die by homicide or even suicide, but by self-consumption. They eat themselves from within when a group decides that by pretending to be altruistic and egalitarian, it can take everything it wants and punish anyone who dares notice.

This is why the ultra-wealthy and ultra-poor find commonality in Leftism. The impoverished get free stuff, and the powerful get the sensation of power that comes from deciding who gets the free stuff and who starves alone in the gutter ostracized by all for having the “wrong” opinions.

Most people find this order comforting because it removes most of their agency. They only need to decide whether they comply or not, and everything else is taken care of for them.

Ideology and morality work as a sense of aesthetics designed to banish fears by replacing actual risks with phantoms and actual goals with a closed-circuit, circular goal of unity through sharing a mental state.

Groupthink as it turns out provides not only conformity and obedience but also a soma-like calming where no bad results are your fault. You obey by doing the prescribed methods, and if those fail, the White Supremacists did it to you, or something.

In that moment humanity defaults to its most ancient religion. You worship the idol, perform the sacred rituals, and then if you are good, you are rewarded. If you are not rewarded, it is someone else’s fault, or you might be bad, so you have to be seen very publicly doing the rituals.

Codependency results because when people give up their agency, they gain support for their illusions but must also support the illusions of others, which lays the groundwork for fragmentation.

In each generation, the illusions get more removed from reality, causing internal clashes among the Left as some try to keep a modicum of focus on reality. Every generation builds on the extremity of the previous one, always pushing further into the abyss.

We see it in the West as an endless replay of a 1950s movie. The gang of misfits — theater kids, nerds, outcasts — form their own little reality away from the cruel jocks and scholars, then retaliate with righteous revenge.

They frame a question of survival as a “moral” one, and morality usually means schizophrenia because it deviates from reality. The winners are seen as the “me-first” victimizers, and those who are not winning as victims, all based on the theory of equality and altruism which says that what one gets, all gets.

This justifies revenge, in their view, but also changes their psychology from one of wanting to achieve independent relevance, usefulness, and mental stability to one of needing to destroy anyone who has risen above them in order to feel good about their position.

That self-consuming society plays out by creating a dystopian nightmare where a few people gain power in the machine and everyone else starves, grovels, and begs for a place at the table:

We’re used to thinking about the Left as the side that cares about inequality and the Right as the side of the rich. So it might surprise you to learn that it is liberals who are living in the most unequal cities and states in America, areas divided sharply into upper-class elites and a struggling working class, while many Republican-led counties still maintain a strong middle class.

New Jersey counties voting for Trump were less densely populated, with a relatively larger proportion of military veterans and skilled craftspeople than counties voting for Biden. Meanwhile, the areas that went for Biden combined upper class professionals with low-skill, low income voters—people who need to supplement their meager wages with government entitlements.

In other words, they replace natural selection with social selection or choosing those who flatter the eternal human pathos of self-pity. When the world is viewed as bad, the group sees themselves as victims, and this justifies retaliation and subjugation of those who refuse to assent.

Their utilitarian Utopia claims to maximize happiness but what it actually does is foreclose the happiness that is found in accepting reality and finding a place within it, and replaces that with a need for obedience in order to regulate the mental state of the group in order to enforce unity.

These people like the fiction of equality because if everyone is equal, those who have more “earned” it and deserve it because they are superior as people, not merely more competent as an aristocrat would be.

The outcast nerd kids finally get the last laugh as they force everyone else down and are able to rise, and can then use this to mock the others. “You thought you were so cool, but look, I have the power now!”

People of this nature always want to take over the world for their altruistic fantasy Utopia because in this way, they are finally safe from attack. Any competition where people are happy makes the Utopians look bad, so they need to destroy any competing ways of life, which requires world dominance.

We call it “globalism” but really it is democracy taking over the world and regulating it through financial systems, since that way it alone determines who rises on the basis of their obedience, and it can punish those who do not conform enough.

They feel comfortable because they are all able to live in a happy bubble of denial where instead of seeing themselves as destructive, they rationalize themselves as good.

Someone in this bubble will inevitably say: “I’m good, everything is good, and we are all happy, except of course for those evil me-first natural selection people who want to choose some as better than the rest of us.”

In doing so they create a ritual of belonging which banishes the oldest form of human-identified evil, ambiguity, which in human minds translates into doubt.

Life is ambiguous by nature. We do not know how future events will turn out, and this makes us feel small. We have no idea what happens after death, if anything. We must rely on our qualitative estimate of the world to assess whether it is good or not.

Fatalism grips those who suffer doubt. Seeing nothing good in the world, they turn to a human world and then impose it on nature in order to beat down, homogenize, destroy, and make fungible all that might be tainted with ambiguity.

When you ask “what does the Left really want?” you are asking the wrong question. They are not a purposeful movement, but a pathology that seeks to banish doubt by smashing everyone into uniformity, which they call “equality.”

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