The media had one gamble after Charlottseville: portray the Alt Right as horrible Nazis, drive the herd into a frenzy, and hope that this would settle the issue.
It did not.
Instead, the memory hole closed. The media wanted us to believe that a crazed Nazi had deliberately run down innocent Leftist protesters, but as it turned out, the Antifa “et al” were initiating the violence, and the car terrorist was a scared mentally unstable young man trying to escape as people beat his car with flagpoles, bricks and bottles.
And so the narrative collapsed.
Betting on this narrative, however, the Left embarked on a program of removing the Alt Right from the internet, and this backfired spectacularly as ordinary people realized that they prefer free speech to a neo-Communist dictatorship where all thought except the egalitarian Leftist ideology is excluded.
Recent polls suggest that Americans prefer free speech to “safe speech”, which shows their reaction to the crusade against the Alt Right as negative:
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that an overwhelming 85% of American Adults think giving people the right to free speech is more important than making sure no one is offended by what others say.
…Seventy-three percent (73%) agree with the famous line by the 18th century French author Voltaire: “I disapprove of what you say but will defend to the death your right to say it.â€
…Just 28% of Americans believe they have true freedom of speech today, and most think the country is too politically correct.
These numbers remain consistent with those in the past, but the bigger point is this: the biggest media blitz in recent history tried to change this perception and failed utterly in doing so. In other words, the Establishment of the media, academia, Leftists in government and the vast horde of SJWs and SWPLs out there are on the wrong side of history. People want fairness over political correctness.
This manifested in a number of ripple effects, including the fall of those who helped in the purge, showing that because the consumer base is against the Leftist pogrom, companies are following what their customers desire:
GoDaddy CEO Blake Irving, who reshaped the domain-name company over five years and helped it double revenue and quadrupled its market value to $9 billion, is retiring.
…“It’s been a long time — a lot of boots on the ground battling that takes its toll,” said Irving, 58, who last week dropped a neo-Nazi site, The Daily Stormer, from GoDaddy’s service.
“I had an unbalanced work life,†says Irving. “It’s time to focus on (the non-work) part of my life, which I haven’t done well.”
This sort of snapback does not occur unless the action taken by the CEO has failed, and Irving’s choice to join the group of companies like Google, Facebook, Paypal, Reddit and Twitter in using Charlottesville as a pretext for cracking down on the Alt Right has seemingly hurt him. In doing so, he joins Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz, who stepped down after making SJW/SWPL a cornerstone of his tenure, which came back to bite him in the plump regions after Donald Trump won the election. The shareholders and management committee knew what Schultz did not: that a seismic shift or sea change had occurred in public attitudes.
A similar shift has occurred with the Alt Right. People may not like them, but they see them as the extreme which will preserve the ability not to join the Leftist cult. The media bet on America being horrified by the display of neo-Nazi symbols and the car crash, which they referred to as “terrorism,” but not enough people outside of “the base” were convinced, and so the narrative turned back on the Establishment comprised of media, entertainment, academia and lower government (MEAL) because ordinary people want free speech and they want the right to quietly dissent from the Leftist narrative and not to be forced to participate in what they see as Soviet-style insanity.
It takes some backtracking to figure out how we got to this point. As always, the voters get played by extremes, and the media hyped up a full-on tirade against George W. Bush and, thanks to connections in entertainment, became very powerful. The voters, believing CNN as if it were law, ran to the opposite extreme and elected Barack Obama. Eight years later, they found themselves regretting it: society had become re-ordered to take from the white middle class and give it to the brown underclass, all while elevating Leftists to positions of power and summoning an army of SJWs, Antifa, SWPLs, Anarchists, BLM, etc. who waged public vandalism riots on our cities with the hope of scaring the middle class into giving over whatever the Left sought at that moment.
This approach worked with Obergfell, Ferguson and transgender bathrooms. But at this point, even the slow people were getting the point: none of these issues were about the actual issue, but instead, they were about destroying the power to avoid having Leftism invade your life. This is about total control, because the Left knows that when they get permanent power by ensuring that they will win every election, they can do as Clinton and Obama did and sell favors based on the expectation of their future power.
Voters found this fatiguing. Salaries were flat, unemployment was not terrible but no one was getting promoted and many were working jobs below their capacity, the economy was fake and flattening, and yet the media kept telling us that things were better than ever before. Then the shocks came: a debt raised by $10 trillion, falling American prestige and influence, corruption popping up at every level, and government always pushing another ideological agenda.
People elected Barack Obama for the same reason that they voted for William Jefferson Clinton: they wanted an end to the racial tension that has been a problem in America since the Civil War. They figured that by electing people who were sympathetic to blacks, they could avoid future violence. As it turned out, Obama had more race riots on his watch than Bush, because once you promise to be pro-black, any deviation is cause for alarm, while someone like Bush was seen as just acting for his constituency, no matter how many nice things he tried to do for black people. Despite more welfare, affirmative action and diversity propaganda than ever before, diversity still wasn’t working!
At the same time, people lost faith in the Establishment. When the press tells you things that you can see with your own two eyes are false, then you stop believing that the press is anything other than what it is, which is a for-profit industry which sells whatever sleaze and bad news it can, all while protecting its allies and business partners by printing bucketloads of propaganda. The press seemed to be our savior in the 1960s, but that image fell in the 2010s, and now, most people see it as a predatory business. Americans no longer trust the press, government, non-profits or academia, which leaves us few institutions to respect, indeed.
All of these institutions have failed. Academia got greedy, and used government money and easy degrees to sell college to a massive number of people who should never have been there in the first place; non-profits and the press became cheerleaders for a Leftist agenda that appeared to be shared by most people who worked for the government, and government was taken over by those who desired power for its own sake or at least to profit from it, and since Leftism justifies intrusion into every area of life to make sure that we are all “equal,” government swung Left and expanded massively both in its own size, and in the degree to which it created requirements for businesses and citizens, such that government compliance became an industry in itself.
The same thing was happening in Europe, where politicians imported third world people so that those could be worked and taxed to pay for the retirement benefits owed to the Baby Boomer generation. It seemed that our economies had become dominated by government, where it did things to force people to react to them, then taxed everyone and paid that out in benefits in order to keep the Keynesian pump primed, resulting in a tax-spend cycle which produced constant growth along with a steady lessening in actual wages and currency value. This circular Ponzi scheme originated during the JFK and Clinton years, and seemed to work until it collapsed on a ten-year cycle, leaving a Republican to inherit the mess and get blamed for it.
To those who survived the last few decades, the combination of taxing, spending, social benefits and strong ideological governments reminded us of something we do not like, which is the failed idea of Leftist Socialism, a mental cancer which takes prosperous, happy places and turns them into desolate, impoverished and architecturally bleak wastelands:
After reunification, East Germany’s GDP per capita was just one third of the West German level. The poorest West German region, Schleswig-Holstein, was still two and a half times as rich as the richest East German region, Saxony. Every other available indicator of economic performance (productivity, capital intensity…) shows a similar gap. There was a three-year gap in life expectancy as well.
The cost of cleaning up the mess left behind by socialism has been colossal. Net fiscal transfers from West to East Germany since 1990 add up to €1.9 trillion (in today’s prices), which is roughly equivalent to the GDP of Britain.
Add to that the human cost associated with over four decades of totalitarian rule – the imprisonment of dissidents, the shooting of people attempting to commit Republikflucht (=’desertion from the republic’, i.e. emigration), censorship, surveillance etc. – and you can make a fairly strong case against socialism.
Americans realized with great shock that they had fallen prey to soft totalitarianism, a newer version of what the Left imposed on people in the last generation through Communism. Now, censorship is done through angry mobs of citizens in the streets or private companies like Google, and the press is compliant because it gets leaks that way but is not strictly “government controlled,” and people are not thrown into gulags so much as they are denied opportunities which are regulated by government and popular opinion. The media became the conductor of this orchestra, and frequently destroyed lives of those who said something that was not “politically correct,” or in other words conforming to the narrative of equality, diversity, pluralism, entitlements and wealth redistribution.
Into this void came the Alt Right, who opposed both the Leftism of the post-Soviet era and the ineffectual “Right-wing” parties that had done nothing to stop it over the past six decades. By raising a principled objection and using aggressive humor to point out the utter stupidity and failure of our current way of life, not just the government but the values we have adopted, the Alt Right shot to the front of the line by addressing the actual concerns of people while government chased increasingly eclectic ideological concerns. People might not like the Alt Right, but they like how it has thwarted the path of decay that the Left under Hillary Clinton saw as a “sure bet.”
In the days after Charlottesville, the Left made a massive miscalculation, and by embarking on a regimen of censorship and oppression, made themselves look exactly like the Communists and Jacobites that the people of America and Europe feared that they were. While the Left was talking about bad optics for the Alt Right, the real bad optics were for the Left, who acted like blindly rigid and doctrinaire Leftist ideologues like we remembered from East Germany and other Socialist success stories. This just underscores our fear that our entire system is actually, contrary to what it tells us, extremely fragile and tottering over the abyss.
People now want to go back to the point before we went down this path. They are excited about the America of the 1980s and 1950s because those are the two most recent cases of respite from the steady Leftizing of everything. Even more, some are starting to realize that the assumptions upon which modern Western government are based — individualism and equality from The Renaissance™ and The Enlightenment™ — are wrong and lead to an endless cycle of shuttling between Right and Left versions of the same style of government. This means that we never get what we need, and spend all of our energy on the big football game of polarized politics.
Now that the Left is making further missteps by censoring non-Rightists for saying true things that the Right might use, resistance is growing. More than ever, people in the West realize that we are living under the nu-Soviet regime, and that our only escape is to remove the idea of equality that gives it perceived legitimacy, and seems to cordycept people and make them chase it to their doom, simply because like “world peace” it is an idea that seems to solve all problems, even when by removing conflict it creates regression toward the mean.
Another word for that regression is “randomness,” as it means when applied to groups:
But none of these had any major impact on our study’s results. Regression to the mean can be thought of as an application of a statistical concept called the Central Limit Theorem, which mathematically describes the average tendency for any measurable process controlled by random forces to orbit a central (mean) value. In other words, if one tries to measure some attribute on multiple occasions, and that attribute is governed by random forces, then the measurements will tend to hover around an average value. When one tosses a pair of dice, for example, the sum of the two dice tends to be seven. Regression to the mean simply means that a roll of two or twelve (extreme departures from the mean) will tend to be followed by a roll that falls closer to seven, or the mean value.
When governed by random forces, human results tend toward an average instead of a number above it. This means that the more random our behavior is, the more mediocre we become. It would be hard to find a better summary of America, which is being battered by forces of randomness: consumer trends, political issues of a symbolic nature, social changes based on rebellion, and other factors of entropy have worked together to make sure that the path of events in America is wholly arbitrary and without deliberate, consistent purpose.
Leftism is a force of randomness because it is based in the individual and therefore, in rejection of any order above that individual, with token exceptions made for one all-powerful General Secretary and commonsense prohibitions on murder, assault and theft of personal items. Since there is no greater order, the individual does whatever it wants, and society absorbs the consequences. This contrasts Rightism, where the there is a purpose to society and the individual maintains it as a term of their membership in that society.
The “fash wave” that is sweeping the West consists of a desire for order. We did not thrive under Leftism, but it took several centuries to break down what was left of our social order. Now we realize that we must not only defeat Leftism, but rebuild society in an entirely new direction, one based on order and the type of principles and realism that are required to desire order and maintain it. This is not something we are doing as a political choice, but a social and cultural one. We want a thriving, top-notch society again and we cannot have that while civilization is held hostage to the acts of individuals, which cause randomness and break it down.
Overreaction as seen on the Left only occurs when we have challenged an existing order deeply, and by demanding order, we have attacked the fundamental premise of the Left. This is why we do not have to dress up in Nazi uniforms or bring Confederate flags — although I have no problem with this — in order to provoke the Left. They know what we are, which is their undoing. We will always trigger them.
Because of that, power is on the side of the Alt Right now. Whenever we show up in town, Antifa and riots/vandalism will follow. Cities have the choice to either crack down on Antifa by removing masks, which seems to do the trick, or to refuse to help the Right and therefore to end with damage to their towns. Now is the time for the Alt Right to do more rallies, more public appearances, and issue more political and cultural ideas. Every thing we do will cause the Left to contort in a paroxysm of rage, and this will make life worse for ordinary Americans, but instead of this forcing people to obey the Left, it is making them hate the Left.
Neo-Nazis are reacting badly to the Alt Right because we have replaced them. There is no longer a need for swastikas and 14/88 when there is a group saying a plain-language, commonsense and un-fetishized but more mature version of what White Nationalists and neo-Nazis have desired for years. We took out all the antisocial and historical elements, and replaced them with what one might call a fearless conservatism that is not limited to, but includes, racial and ethnic awareness, as well as in defiance of the Left, caste and class awareness. This is why the neo-Nazi wing is critical of the Alt Right:
Stormfront posters complained that the ragtag collection of groups brandishing homemade shields and screaming openly about Jews gave other neo-Nazis a bad name. They viewed the death of 32-year-old Heather Heyer almost exclusively as bad PR.
The rifts between Stormfront’s white supremacists and the younger, more internet-savvy generation that cut its teeth on 4chan have shown before.
…Stormfront’s present-day concerns coalesce around recruiting best-practices. The alt-right’s flamboyance, they say, could alienate potential enlistees to their movement of hate.
The point is that they missed the boat: the Alt Right has recruited people by being defiant and open, instead of cult-like and clandestine. The Alt Right shows up and speaks common sense and everyone loses their minds; the neo-Nazis show up and blart out angry hateful propaganda and no one is challenged because they have seen this behavior in movies and television, and it is what they expect. The Alt Right is the opposite of what they expect.
In the future, the Alt Right might consider just showing up in suits with tiki torches just to see cities burn. When our normalcy causes the Left to behave like insane criminal vandals, then people recognize the Left for what it is; when we behave like we might be unhinged, then the Left looks more moderate. Our goal is to make them look extremist and to make ourselves look like the sane, normal and wise alternative.
We want the message that we are the sensible adults here to be battered into the heads of everyone watching these conflagrations from afar, in this case voiced by miscegenating violence aficionado Kyle “Based Stickman” Chapman:
Chapman then went on to blame “commies” and “international domestic terrorists” for recent violence at right-wing rallies in California and other parts of the country.
Regarding Berkeley, he said the police failed to keep right-wing and leftist protesters separated during the first two rallies and that this resulted in violent clashes. For what he called “Berkeley 3.0,” the third political rally in April, Chapman said the police “finally did their job,” and this resulted in “not one incidence of violence.”
Let the police know: if they keep us safe, and unmask Antifa, there will be no violence or vandalism. We do not initiate the violence, because our goal is not violence or power but change. We have no interest in violence until it is necessary and we hope to avoid that point from the standpoint of simple efficiency and reduced risk to all parties. But we are here to replace Antifa and the Left because they are following insane ideas that are mostly responsible for the destruction of our civilization. Cities can either accept this changing order and accommodate us, or continue supporting Antifa and suffer the concomittant violence/vandalism.
The official narrative has collapsed, and because nature abhors a vacuum, there is need for something to take its place. Instead of ideology, we offer calm and commonsense assessments of our position in history and as a civilization. The main difference is that our scope is larger than a focus on the individual alone as the Left demands, and this difference is crushing them as people realize how far America and Europe have unraveled. The Left will fail because they insist on defending the status quo while the Alt Right wants to rebuild and improve it.
Tags: alt-right, antifa, the arc of history, the establishment, the narrative, vandalism, violence