
Furthest Right

Human Organization


Humans have a potential that other species lack because we can change our nature through our behavior. Where other species act solely by instinct, humans can “program” our being and choose positive or negative, light or dark, honest or dishonest with the application of self-discipline. This is why humans are unique and worth preserving.

Human morality relates essentially to co-existence in civilization and nature. It includes a warning not to dominate or destroy either because that would be evil. It would be like killing your own mother after she raised you. However, the definition of good/evil has an excellent reference in the (Christian) Bible as follows:

The LORD God commanded the man, saying, “From any tree of the garden you may eat freely; but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat from it you will surely die.” Then the LORD God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him.”

From an organizational perspective it is quite clear that “man” as an individual cannot resist the temptation of bad and/or evil. He requires an organization around him in order to remain “good.”  Since man remained good, it became incumbent upon the female to understand the evil part for without it she would not know what good is. This amplifies the original Biblical interpretation with some influences from Fred Nietzsche.

Brett Stevens made the point that “bad guys were right all along” and when combined with the generally held belief that girls like bad boys (and marry good boys) it is obvious that bad does not equal “evil.” Evil is more like what a Swedish woman recently remarked as (via social media), that “rape by a migrant is much worse than rape by a white male”: evil is the destruction of civilization, of good people, of human potential and a commitment to not alter our nature for the better.

There are these unending similarities between being human, being a person and being an organization. On each of these levels, feedback loops (based on two inputs amplifying one another) and feedforward loops (where one input measures the other in advance to anticipate change) demonstrate the principles of human organization:

  1. Complexity. The human level concerns itself with life, which includes involuntary bodily functions like breathing etc. Humans are also similar to most things in nature in terms of having a life cycle. The good part is being born while the bad (not evil) part is dying. There is some debate on nature versus nurture for either good or bad humans where this level of thinking concerns mostly the nature/genetic content, while the nurture content is a feedback loop from the person and organizational levels. Essentially good and bad humans are acceptable, but evil humans are not. There has been some psychological suggestion of genetic dysfunction that could be classified as evil. However, since the “investigators” of this phenomenon receives little support, little understanding of this matter is at hand today. This is a serious problem in terms of understanding complexity because without clarity on this point, for example, artificial intelligence may turn out to be an evil demon. In other words, there is a feedforward loop from humans to people (and robots) and organizations that we seem to have no idea about.

  2. Animality. The person level is where a person can start to control his bodily functions to a degree (with his own individual mind) and that means one can do it in a good, bad or evil way. A human similarity with animals is that it requires controlled food intake followed by controlled excretion of the unwanted materials. This is all good and it becomes bad when excretions are used as a defensive mechanism such as with baboons and birds. However, it becomes evil when people throw feces on airport floors and statues to get attention. Food intake can also be evil on the same basis such as obesity and bulimia.

  3. Family. The person level includes the basic family because of the intimacy factor. This would not include extended families or dynasties. According to the Bible the immediate family should be a good thing to avoid “evil” behavior by “man.” The assumption is that if you are too good or too bad, then you are evil, hence that specific requirement for a nuclear family. In other words, the family should strive to be just good or bad, while knowingly avoid being “too” much either way. This is a cross-feedforward loop from the human side. The cross-feedback loop from the basic family to the human is “nurture” and is based on decisions made and examples exhibited by parents (amongst others). As far as good, bad and evil are concerned, the basic family would be good if values like acknowledging mistakes (not just saying you’re sorry), respect, love for others and being proud of a job well done are supported. But bad if arguments are the order of the day and evil if manipulation and homicide is exhibited. (Education is exempt from manipulation in this context).

  4. Formalism. The organizational level is multi-faceted because of varying requirements set by persons or groups. It appears to get worse with more humans entering the fray through population growth. Just like how a chef would change his cooking methodology between having a few or many customers, society needs to be able to change its “formalism” almost continuously. However, apart from organizations barely able to keep up with their own basis of existence, organizations are essentially humans who in their capacity as persons/families (have to) utilize other persons/families or smaller organizations to deliver products to all humans in return for their support. Humans and persons therefore have feedforward loops into organizations but organizations affect humans and persons via feedback loops as well. The organizational level has on its own a much larger propensity for evil, probably because perpetrators can hide easier.

    In fact because of the feedforward loops, organizations can become quite “dark” and in return the darkness will trickle down into the lower levels of employees (like a child, the slave will become like his master). Organizations are competitive and we can assume some of that will be good or bad. But the evil part is when organizations start to hide their true intentions. This is not hide and seek, this is hide and destroy (overtly or covertly). For example, genocide is evil (according United Nations definition) and so is Planned Parenthood, not because they facilitate abortion as a medical condition (animals also abort), but because they encourage fornication and hence make money out of the expected increase in abortions by selling body parts. Another even more visible example is the politician that sells fads to his voters to gain power, fame and fortune for free. While the politician perpetrates this heinous and evil act, the voter is deemed to be “really stupid” and thus “deserving” of such evil manipulation, while the voter actually prayed for and trusted “his representative.”

Sequencing above types of evil may pan out as follows;

Human evil: Genetic dysfunction
Person/family evil: Throwing feces, too much/little food intake, manipulation, homicide
Organization evil: Genocide, abortions, politics

Some sense needs to be put into this and one effort would be to say that crime statistics could identify probable genetic causes for feces throwing, murder and genocide (in the feedforward loop direction). It is more difficult to establish causal effect in the feedback loop but it may be possible, by moving people around the world, that organizations cause the different enzymes and viruses across different continents to change the DNA of their own “expats”, who once had the same racial DNA (genetics).

Another way organizations can influence human genetics is by throwing a number of people “together” in a sort of careless way, not knowing what the genetic outcome will be (which may be demonic in a sense such as in artificial intelligence). However, what is apparent today at least, is that any organization can have a much stronger (sometimes fatal) influence on persons in terms of nurture i.e. suicide at work.

The following risks can be extracted from the above analysis:

  1. Egalitarianism. Misunderstanding of human nature and the similarity of that across humans, persons and organizations. This risk will be triggered by artificial intelligence perpetuating this unpredictability and the outcome is probably going to be evil.

  2. Dysgenics. The much vaunted (natural) potential of humans, persons and organizations will not come to fruition if evolution is interfered with in the sense where bad genes are perpetuated versus good genes, as seen by Mother Nature.

Human organizations depend on rewarding desired behavior and punishing unwanted behavior, but this creates a grey area for behavior which fits in neither category completely. Based on the identified risks above we may never “really” know what is good, bad and evil because of the fine lines (trip wires) we face on a daily basis.

This gives rise to the idea that it may be safer for a civilization to limit itself and punish only evil behavior that crosses a line into that which harms the civilization as an organic whole. One way would be to start a three-way justice system where a judge must decide between what’s good, bad and evil (or maybe ugly too).

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