
Furthest Right

Enjoy a Pluralistic Holiday

Over the years, it became clear that most people barely understand the language they are using and therefore, are continually deceived by it. The classic example is the salesman talking about a “lifetime” warranty, which to the buyer means his lifetime but to the salesman means the expected life of the device (usually ninety days).

Back in the 1990s, it was clear to me that no one understood what multiculturalism, diversity, pluralism (remember P.L.U.R.? “peace, love, unity, respect” was the neocommunist slogan then), or tolerance really meant. To the average person, these words conjured up happy feelings and they recognized others used them, and… that was all they thought.

Pluralism means tolerance of other ways — an “agree to disagree” — but by definition, means replacement of your culture. If you had Thanksgiving before, now you have only the option for a personal Thanksgiving. Same with Christmas or anything else that is not a commercial holiday like Valentines Day or Halloween.

Normally, culture is based on the idea that we all roughly agree on a certain set of goals, principles, aesthetics, and moral notions that enable us to work together without a lot of internal chatter. With pluralism, internal chatter is the order of the day, and all we have in common is the workings of The System.

Culture however is the enemy of bureaucracy. Who needs a bureaucrat when we handle our own problems? The bureaucrats want to waste your time because this neutralizes you and they want to neutralize anyone who Knows Better than the primitive methods of triplicate forms and meritocracy. Culture saves you time.

During WW2, our government realized that it could mass mobilize people and convince them to dedicate themselves to a system out of fear. Ever since then, everything we have done has been a war: terror, drugs, smoking, drunk driving, “racism,” and now Whitism all face the axe because that keeps us mobilized.

They are doing this not because they are evil but because the voters selected people who would tell them what the voters wanted to hear. The core of a voter is denial and rationalization: he does not want to hear about real problems, but he wants “uplifting” news so he can believe that everything is going perfectly and he can go back to sleep.

Because voters want to be conned, politicians con them, and that means that politicians have total obedience to The System as a workplace. That is, they want to get along with the rules and their coworkers, and while they want to make things better for the citizens, they have mostly given up on that idea except in small isolated issues.

Everyone in Washington knows that The System ran off the rails sometime about a generation after it was founded, and they have been patching it together since then, inching toward The Total State because that, in their view, is the only way to address all of the “problems” that voters identify and minimize real problems.

To someone with a hammer, everything looks like a nail; to someone in management, every question, issue, or problem looks like a management solution. If management has total control, they rationalize, it can directly fix all problems. If there is a fire, it puts water on it; if there is poverty, it puts money on it.

This shows us the fundamental inversion of human thought caused by permanent civilization. Instead of thinking ends-over-means — I must find meat and make a fire by nightfall, and will do so by any means necessary — it thinks it terms of means-over-ends, namely that there is a right way to have a fire and buy meat and anything else is taboo.

If government was sane, it would ask what makes a thriving civilization and then indirectly sponsor that. It would see culture as a benefit, and realize that only mono-ethnic societies can have this, then keep government minimal so it stays out of the way of culture, natural selection, and the tendency of our best people to be competent.

However, that society has no big role for managers and bureaucrats. As Burroughs said, the bureaucracy invents democracy, not the other way around. The bureaucracy requires careers for managers and clerks — most modern jobs are glorified clerking — and so it inserts itself into the process.

The voters approve it because the bourgeois mentality is that you make lots of money on city-jobs so that you can pay people to do the nasty stuff that you will rationalize is beneath you. Do not clean your own toilet; make money so you can hire a toilet scrubbing person to deal with that ugly issue associated with biology and thus death.

To the voter, everything should be a service. They pay government taxes so that it takes care of all of the problems that they do not want to deal with. The bureaucracy nods and rubs its hands together under gleaming beady eyes. It will take care of problems (badly) and take a lot of money to do so.

In the end, the ultimate parasite on humanity is itself. Put a hundred people on a remote island and they will rapidly come to agreement that they need government to handle the scary stuff. Over time, this government bloats and expands, and they are rapidly on their way to full Communism while rationalizing themselves as altruistic including pluralistic.

This means that contrary to all of the political dialogue we see on the airwaves today, there is no bad guy. There are merely bad ideas born of laziness and individualism, and this leads through a series of mathematically-predictable steps to everyone being equally poor under Communism.

Thanksgiving feels subdued these days because the idea behind it was killed sixty years ago. It just took awhile for the consequences to reveal themselves. Where once we had a national holiday, now we have a commercial holiday and an option for you to celebrate, but the cultural significance is long dead.

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