
Furthest Right

Elites Inverted

In the early days, Mencius Moldbug attempted to adapt the Indian caste system to the United States, describing the different castes — or genetic ranking — of Americans through the following schema:

Early in UR I suggested a five-caste taxonomy of American society, and described the conflict of American politics as a struggle of three of these castes (Brahmins, Dalits, Helots) against the other two (Optimates, Vaisyas). For those whose time is short, Brahmins are intellectuals, Dalits are what Marx called the lumpenproletariat, and Helots are unskilled laborers. Optimates are the old “upper-crust” aristocracy, and Vaisyas are the petty bourgeoisie.

Naturally, to someone from the Traditionalist camp, this listing seems skewed. We are familiar with the Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaisya and Sudra castes, and those make more sense when one looks at the Bell Curve and realizes the breakdown of intelligence.

These castes are generally expressed as follows: Brahmins are leaders and thinkers; Kshatriya are warriors and artisans; Vaisya are shopkeepers and bankers; Sudras are manual labor.

But now, we get some data on American castes from a news story about political alignment:

For decades, Democratic presidential candidates have been making steady gains among upper income whites and whites with college and postgraduate degrees. This year, however, is the first time in at least six decades that the Democratic nominee is positioned to win a majority of these upscale voters.

According to the Oct. 20 Reuters-IPSOS tracking survey, Hillary Clinton now leads Donald Trump by 5.6 points among all whites earning $75,000 or more. This is a substantial improvement on the previous Democratic record of support among upscalee white voters, set in 2008 when Barack Obama lost to John McCain among such voters by 11 points.

This tells us who are now in the Brahmin role: Vaisyas, or those who make their income in keeping shops. Kshatriyas and Brahmins have been displaced by the voting capacity of the Sudras, who breed more rapidly and thus gain a majority in any successful society, displacing the power of their betters (yes, I said it) and thus causing the society to fail.

Our “intellectuals” want us to believe they are Brahmins, but in reality, they are experts at making products out of ideas, which places them in the Vaisya camp. Vaisya dominance of thought has brought us to a binary state, where one is either with the Party or little people, much as in the Soviet Union and Revolutionary France.

Our “leaders” are similarly inclined to make appearance and emotional-symbolic resonance products, and these are similarly Vaisya.

Commerce has dominated the West because of equality, which puts the Sudras on top as buyers, voters and regulators of social importance. All three of those vectors — consumerism, democracy and socializing — are demotist, or that which favors quantity over quality.

The West will begin a restoration of health when it re-inverts this inversion of social order.

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