
Furthest Right

DiversityWatch (April 4, 2023)


Public conservatives will not admit the relationship between diversity and socialism: the diversity votes for socialism, and they will keep coming or remaining among us as long as we are giving out free stuff.

The third world system involves a few warlords and clan chiefs ruling over a mass of equally impoverished people. The chiefs give out gifts and trade favors, so people can get in good relations with the ruling gang and benefit from it.

Consequently, people from third world backgrounds — this is wired into their genetics — will always vote for a government that behaves like a warlord, basically taking everything so that it can give out some to the favored few who are loyal and sycophantic.

In the West, this has occurred whenever we have imported third world populations. Leftist movements grew on the strength of the Irish in America, Jews in Europe, and Bantu in South Africa. Eventually they took over because they had enough strength to prevent politicians from getting to power.

Were the entitlements to stop, meaning those big programs like Medicare and Social Security that pay out trillions ever year, then the attractor that brings immigration here would go away. People are coming here for the free stuff and they outnumber us twenty to one, so it is not hard to see how this ends.

Killing the goose that laid golden eggs is normal behavior for the human species. Living in our own heads, we mistake ourselves for the source of All, and therefore act to reduce our fears, forgetting that these are not under our control. This destroys all of our best efforts and we start again.





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