
Furthest Right

COVID-19 Response Forces a Rethink of French Revolution Narrative

Back in 1789, the French Revolution upended European history: monarchs were being overthrown and executed, and a new government of The People had taken power.

Like all things humans do in groups, this was based on the lowest common denominator, namely the urge to blame someone else for the problems caused by human groups. As France grew powerful, many remained simply peasants of low ability, and they felt left behind by the economy and its social structure which rewarded competence.

A few wise voices pointed out that the purpose of the monarchy was in part sequestration. That is, it took dangerous stuff like money and power and kept them away from normal people because normal people did not have the commonsense analytical judgment to use them well.

With the French Revolution, it was assumed to be fiction that common people — those below 125 IQ points and without strong character — would misuse money and power in a tyrannical way, meaning accumulating them for the sake of having a claim on being important and not to use them toward a positive end.

Through science, education, and embrace of wisdom from foreign lands, we were told, we could rule ourselves better than the kings could. The aristocrats got executed, the wealth of the nation divided up, and paradise awaited. Or so went the prevailing narrative.

Two centuries later and we are still waiting for this paradise, but for some time, the wealth and wisdom of the past carried us forward enough that life was still pretty good, if you ignored the constant wars for democracy. Where the kings fought foreign foes, we now fight for symbols and policies.

All of this came to a screeching halt in the later days of the COVID-19 panicdemic. Suddenly, it became clear that the reaction to the virus was overblown, the initial assessment of it as widely deadly was wrong, and our experts and leaders were just following each other in a big circle as they increased their own power and wealth in a tyrannical way.

Ironically, it does not matter whether it was made in a lab or not; what matters is that it was not the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic of the style portrayed in the movie Contagion from which our leaders got their playbook, but a relatively mild flu hybridized with a tropical fever.

We were told that something was real that was not real, and then it was forced upon us by people who sneered at us for our “ignorance,” all while acting in ignorance of the reality that was becoming plainly observable but was still denied so that they could seize more power, wealth, and social importance.

History will probably record that the initial panic coming out of China was probably the result of people faking serious illness in order to get healthcare that they needed for other issues, and that the Chinese government did nothing to change that perception because they wanted to cripple the West.

Future historians may even record that the real pandemic was careerism. Everyone from the Leftists who used the panic to steal votes on down to the TikTok dancing nurses was acting to further their career or sense of self-importance at the expense of the lives of others.

Thousands died from unwise medical experiments like the vaccines and respirators, a whole generation was retired early for refusing the vaccines, many seem to be dropping dead from myocarditis, and the world economy has taken a huge blow that will be exacerbated by lawsuits for decades to come.

This phenomenon killed our belief in self-rule. It became clear that the same nasty things people do to each other in their personal lives were now occurring on a wide scale in democratic government. Forget the pedophiles and Satan talk from the moron Right for a moment, and look at the careerism.

Many doctors boosted their income by milking the healthcare system. Many nurses and other lower personnel seized jobs by driving out others and drawing attention to themselves with ever more strident proclamations of doom. Every bureaucrat got more funds for his department and new powers, and the welfare cheats feasted.

Just like the ability to be a neurosurgeon visits only a few per hundred thousand, the same is true of leadership. Most managers are not that great; it is a skill like being good at physics, improvisation on a pipe organ, or being a realistic sculptor. Most people cannot do it and do not understand it, even actively opposing it.

Some of our people can rule us much better than all the rest. In the past, we promoted such people to aristocracy, enabled them to have intelligent wives and big families, and all of our fortunes raised because we had good leadership. Then we changed everything, and now we have endless scamming while the TikTok dances continue.

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