
Furthest Right

“Behave” reprinted on British Freedom Party site

Amerika and myself are fortunate to have my article, “Behave,” re-printed on the British Freedom Party website. This party does interesting things and their support means a lot to us.

The party’s objectives are:

The objectives of the British Freedom Party shall be to defend and restore the freedoms, traditions, unity, identity, democracy and independence of the British people, to establish full sovereignty over all our national affairs by restoring the supremacy of the British Parliament, to withdraw from the European Union, to promote democratic British nationalist principles, to promote the social, economic, environmental and cultural interests of the British people and to preserve and promote the ancestral rights and liberties of the British people as defined in the British Constitution. – British Freedom Party

We live in interesting times. The post-1789 order of the nation-state, with accompanying post-enlightenment “progressive” (leftist, liberal) ideals, is failing as the effects of its plans are finally seen. And parties like the British Freedom Party are rising up to show us the world outside the equality cage.

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