
Furthest Right

How to Dismantle the Capitalist Patriarchy and White Supremacy at the Same Time

How to Dismantle the Capitalist Patriarchy and White Supremacy at the Same Time

Smoke weed everyday
Dye your hair
Wait tables
Set-up a Twitter
Manage at least one Tumblr
Periodically go to college, but never finish
If you must finish, make sure your degree is in sociology or communications
Get some tattoos
Have three long term relationships end before you’re thirty
Live in a small apartment but never clean it
Buy a cat and never empty its litter box
Or a shelter dog that never stops barking
Spend lots of money on clothes, but only on vintage and thrift store attire
About four times a year get extremely drunk in public and start crying
Be constantly texting
Make certain your parents know you find them morally inferior to you
Justify your personal failings by blaming opaque political and social issues for them
Smoke weed everyday

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