
Furthest Right

The West Enters Free-Fall


There is no binary for intelligence, although there are different plateaus which operate in a method similar to a binary when a specific task is considered. At 120 IQ points, there is a threshold which determines the ability of people to understand complex political issues, and another exists at 125 IQ points.

But to see these issues clearly also depends on having a certain spirit that is capable of leadership. This is a warlike spirit, a gut instinct of what is right and the knowledge that without being forced to do otherwise, people drift back into the usual narcissistic oblivion and produce degenerative stupidity where they could have a truly great civilization.

People with this spirit tend to, when put in power, beat back the foolishness and leave everyone else alone. This terrifies your average person, who wants to face no consequences for his own bad behavior. If given the choice, he will select anti-leaders: people who herd together the group and make sure they all get along, at the high but long-term cost of ignoring the need for united action to constantly improve society, or it will be absorbed by stagnation and begin to crumble.

We are now seeing the full face of the crumbling in the West. With birth rates in free-fall, people miserable in jobs and broken marriages, the average person neurotic like a cat on meth, enemies both inside and outside our borders, record-breaking national debts and industries that are paper tigers, our elites — politicians, media, academia and other enfranchised “successful” people — are fiddling while Rome burns (or at least, the tinder is ready and soaked in kerosene).

Yesterday the big social media companies agreed to take on the public role of censors, and they were cheered for it by our elites because they need distractions. Look at this masterpiece of deflection:

Beyond national laws that criminalize hate speech, there is a need to ensure such activity by Internet users is “expeditiously reviewed by online intermediaries and social media platforms, upon receipt of a valid notification, in an appropriate time-frame,” the companies and the European Commission said in a joint statement on Tuesday.

The code of conduct arrives as Europe comes to terms with the bloody attacks in Paris and Brussels by Islamic State, which has used the Web and social media to spread its message of hate against its enemies.

…Twitter’s head of public policy for Europe, Karen White, [said] in the statement. “However, there is a clear distinction between freedom of expression and conduct that incites violence and hate.”

“Hate speech” means, roughly, anti-egalitarian speech. It is a way of saying that none can claim the Emperor has no new clothes on at all, because then the herd would panic, and goal Number One is keeping the herd together at all costs. Even if that means we sacrifice our long-term future such that we are undergoing downfall like Rome and Athens did. Especially that.

The hype over ISIS possibly recruiting through social media is a red herring. These rules will actually be used to formalize the policy that Facebook, Twitter and Reddit have demonstrated of removing or suppressing non-Leftist speech. In other words, they are now controlled mouthpieces of the power structure just as much as Pravda or the Pyongyang Times. In fact, they are better mouthpieces.

The new model of censorship is here: saturate users in propaganda, then remove anything they post which does not confirm that propaganda, creating an echo chamber where it seems like there is only one safe opinion — with token variations to express your individualism, of course — and any substantively different view is considered to be hate speech or some other synonym for anti-narrative ideas.

This has effectively created information contraband and opened up a market for people who want not just free speech, but true and accurate speech, since much like citizens in the former Soviet Union, anyone with a working brain knows that if they see it on a big site, it is controlled propaganda. The alt-right might be the most famous information contraband network at this time.

But let us look into the near future, which by the inertia of time, is already part of the present:

Our leaders are committed to “fiddling while Rome burns,” or more accurately, inducing you to fiddle. That means that it is time for the Gladiators and a solid dose of panem et circenses to keep the voters infantilized, oblivious, stupefied and self-focused. The individualism of people is both a means of neutralizing them, and the reason that these leaders are in power in the first place; it grew like a disease among us, and then as it took over gave itself more justifications and power, so now it holds sway.

The elite have become sandbagged. They are hunkered down, having circled the wagons, and are in desperation mode trying to hang on to power. Since fixing the actual problems would invalidate the conditions on which they were elected, they will not do that, but instead will enforce in increasing degrees the necessity of agreeing with the Narrative to get anywhere in life. If you disagree, you will not have jobs, housing, friends or mates. You will be ostracized as an icky person that no one wants to get close to lest those ideological cooties rub off.

Globalism is not commerce itself, but the shared political system of Leftist liberal democracy which now controls the world. As a result, all nations are adopting the same laws, attitudes, products and other utilities for influencing their citizens. This means that the idea of “nations,” as in proposition nations united internally by ideology, is dead. Only ideology remains.

With the counter-revolution, other groups are setting up their own ideological global orders which operate within the Leftist world-nation. The Trump revolution is part of this: Leftists act like a hybrid between an organized gang, a cult and a union or guild. They beat up anyone who upsets their members. Now right-wing people and white people wants a tribe of this type for themselves. It will be open war on the streets.

The good thing about this is that when multiple gangs are powerful, the Leftist grip on media and government will collapse. Like the gay mafia, Jewish nepotism, the old Anglo-Saxon order and other special interest groups, Leftists specialized in promoting their own and excluding everyone else. No more: now multiple groups will be doing that, and by competing, they will keep the Leftists in check. They will probably also start taking their share of the excess wealth of the dying West.

This means that well-funded, highly organized tribes based on some inherent identity — race, culture, sexual preference, political and religious leanings — will each be protecting their members from other groups. To keep the peace, there will at first be mutual tolerance as each group tries to minimize external warfare in order to bulk itself up so that it can be the biggest and win. Ultimately this one will be decided by biology: the average middle-class person in America, whose tribe will be the Trump tribe or whatever follows it, still has a chance at a balanced, sane life and normal family. When the generations change over, those are the ones who will be left standing.


Progs (originally for “progressives” but some suspect, a la Robotron 2084, it stands for people reprogrammed into being fast-moving robot zombies) will at first fight a rearguard action — much like conservatives have for the past two centuries — to hold on to their dominance of the single-narrative society. But that idea has been dead for some time. Instead, people will go entirely into their own realities. They will work in different offices, socialize with different people, live in different communities, watch and read different things, including on the internet, and have entirely different lifestyles. It used to be that civil rights laws allowed any group to do this except whites, but now, every group will demand that right, and it will increasingly radicalize them.

A white liberal and a white conservative will not recognize each other on the street. Their attire, speech, vocabulary, behavior and activities will have entirely diverged. If a member of one tribe beats up on another, and it was not warranted (e.g. a personal matter), the gang will descend but now it will be total warfare in the way liberals already practice. People will be hounded out of jobs and homes, beaten up or killed on the street, and face punitive hacking and bullying. These groups will segregate quickly to avoid the risk of accidentally triggering a war. Territory will become more important than property value; what makes the property valuable is that it is in with your tribe.

The liberal college campus where when someone is “triggered” a great witch-hunt is launched shows us the beginnings of this trend. In the future, these groups will not attend the same colleges, but everyone will behave like SJWs, but as if those SJWs were Crips who read Machiavelli. “You disagree with me so you must be silenced” is the new “racism”: of course they disagree, and that is why they separate; they hate each other and the very existence of the other group is offensive. The degree of radicalization that is shortly coming will seem unreal to us, but it’s straight out of West Side Story: if you let the sun set on you in another group’s territory, you will wind up dead and no one will have seen anything or be willing to testify. Cameras and police cars will malfunction. It will be open war to hold territory, which means excluding everyone else.

Peter Thiel suing Gawker under the guise of Hulk Hogan is another foreshadowing event. Each group is going to assert itself like a violent revolutionary group that also knows how to manipulate the economy, politics and the legal system. It is one thing if Gawker reports on its own tribe, which we assume is a Left-tribe or gay-tribe, knowing that the more inherent outlook (sexual preference) will trump the lesser (political orientation), but if Gawker starts beating up on members of another tribe… all-out war. We have had bomb-throwing Communists and Anarchists, but now it will be tribal war for information space, too. Report on another tribe and your car may explode, and again, no one will have seen anything. Your plane might get forced down in a hostile community, and you will be removed at gunpoint and fed to the pigs.

This is the dawn of a new Dark Age. All aspects of each tribe will be fully radicalized. On the white Right, it will be total patriarchy, extreme nationalism, vigilant social hierarchy and strong values/philosophy — including religion, but even stronger than that bond — which will be enforced by all members, with those who drive off or kill off the Other gaining strong acclaim and the protection of their community. They are going to be looking at your 23andme results for hidden Asian, African or Middle Eastern ancestors; they will lock your doors from the outside and burn down your house if you are caught reading The New York Times. On the white Left, it will be much the same: public executions with a single 7.65mm bullet to the back of the head for even looking longingly at a copy of Bleak House or The Sun Also Rises.

Leftism seeks to militarize citizens. It has now done so. The tribes are diverging. The idea of America fighting a war as a unified force is comedic at this point. If war breaks out, the tribes will be shooting at each other on the battlefield, and open warfare will break out back at home as each group vies for dominance. Every citizen is a soldier for his own tribe and the only rule is to act in pure, unbridled, aggressive self-interest. If an Other drives through your town, and gets robbed and his body is never found, no one will care — they expect the same treatment in Other communities.

Right now, our faux elites have lost control of the narrative. This is not uncommon; in fact, it is the normal outcome of Leftist revolt. The French Revolutionaries started killing each other, kicked off the first truly world-war with Napoleon, and the Russians morphed into the antithesis of what they desired. Paradoxical belief systems like Leftism always go this way because their instability requires greater extremes of power to administer, which causes internal murderfests and totalitarian regime status. The Left-elites of the West are just trying to hold the lid on now:

Like many opinion leaders he’s noticed just now there are no brakes. “They” — the Ivy League, the Republican party, Bill Nye, the churches even — have lost the ability to impose consequences or respect the natural order of things. For years we’ve talked it down and until finally we’ve pulled the brake pedal from the floor and chucked it out the window. “A lioness hath whelped in the streets” has become no more remarkable than CGI dinosaurs in Jurassic Park. “And graves have yawn’d, and yielded up their dead” is just an episode in The Walking Dead. That “the heavens themselves blaze forth the death of princes” is undoubtedly true. Too bad that he died last April in his Minnesota home.

They are hoping to do this with censorship, hate crime laws, media control and hiding any events which do not fit the narrative. Cops are already refusing to acknowledge that most crimes have been committed, up through assaults, because they do not want to end up in the political crosshairs when Black Lives Matter protests in their towns. Wait until other ethnic groups get in on that action too. The only crime that is safe to report is white kids stealing gum, and soon even that will be taboo for anyone but members of a white tribe. The more government hides, the less useful it is, which is why people will soon rely on local tribal warlords instead of anyone in Washington or their state capital.

Leftists were warned many times that their ideas were illusory. Crazed with power, they persisted in their folly because they wanted to eliminate the idea that any single standard could organize a society, like culture or an ethnic majority. This has backfired on them because as diversity fails from its internal paradox, it has made group identity more important, so that there can never be another single standard, least of all liberalism, which became what it hated by imitating its methods without the inner guiding purpose that made them legitimate. Now only warfare remains.

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