
Furthest Right

Your Freedom

You have the freedom to drink yourself stupid.
Do you have the freedom to live in a community without drunks?

You are free to not save food for the winter.
But is your granary free from the inevitable hunger of idle hands?

You have the freedom to shit your pants and dance in the streets.
Do you have the freedom to pursue a meaningful life for yourself and your family?

You are free to do what you wish with your genitals.
But are you free from their incessant commands?

You are free to buy as many televisions as you wish.
But are you free from their soothing images and mesmerizing draw?

You are free to indulge in heedless consumerism.
But is nature free from you?

You have the freedom to say what you want about trivialities.
Do you have the freedom to investigate and teach all truths?

You live freely without the oppression of a king.
But are you free from the fluctuating desires of the multitude?

You are free from death.
But are you free to live?

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