
Furthest Right

Why people vote for Obama: revenge against the powerful

As millions of voters decided between Obama or John McCain, the world was abuzz with the sense of bearing witness to a moment of history that would reverberate well beyond American borders.

“Like many French people, I would like Obama to win because it would really be a sign of change,” said Vanessa Doubine, shopping Tuesday on the Champs-Elysees. “I deeply hope for America’s image that it will be Obama.”

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“It’s obviously a prank, but I have no idea who did it,” said Lindqvist, who is not involved in U.S. politics in any way. “If I had been able to vote in the American election I would doubtless have chosen a young black man instead of an old white man.”

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“I hope Obama wins (because) of the need of the world to see the U.S. represent a more cosmopolitan or universal political attitude,” said Rais Yatim, the foreign minister of mostly Muslim Malaysia.

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And other Europeans made much of Obama’s ethnicity. “It’s a sort of pardon of America for its slave past,” said Alain Barret, a bank teller in Paris. “It lets America turn an important page in its history.”

“It would be fantastic to have a non-white president,” added Letisha Brown, a Londoner.


People are voting for Obama because he’s black.

While liberals complained race might be an issue, it turns out to be their issue… their only issue.

Invert the social order. Undo the power. Vote for the underdog.

And as an subtext: Take revenge on the powerful.

Revenge is for people who have already lost, especially if they’re losing because they lack the traits to save themselves.

Here’s an even clearer vision:


Vote for the one that stands out. The unique one. Be different, be dramatic.

The modern world will make itself sick of itself.


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