
Furthest Right


White people refuse to unite for many reasons. First, they see that they have more in common with their own caste than all whites, especially the lower castes who engaged in a murderous rampage during the French Revolution.

Second, they are aware of their own ethnic group, or at least regional-ethnic group like “Western European,” and want to remain in that strata, since the more Nordic-Germanic groups are naturally prized. Finally, they are made aware on a regular basis of how badly-behaved most other white people are, and how little they want to do with these pretentious, opportunistic and generally destructive people.

It is the last one which is most immediate to everyday white experience, and explains the most in our lack of desire to unite. We are constantly surrounded by notoriously bitchy, entitled white people, in addition to the stereotypes which we loathe because they are too close to home, like fat basement dwellers who reek strongly of what we hope is cream of mushroom soup.

And yet, this is not in our nature, so it is probably the result of something else. If you take a puppy, throw it in a cage and refuse to interact with it while treating it as an obligation, you will get one angry dog. The white dog is more of an entitled neurotic mess, but the same symptom applies: we have been used and ignored by this society, and so people are going a little bit nuts.

White women especially have become rather badly-behaved, mostly because they have the most to lose. For a woman, the only bright future lies in having a happy family, but when she dedicates herself to her career, just as her husband does, her kids grow up in the care of others and tend to be alienated. Her children, who will see themselves as both an obligation to their parents and something the parents seek to control, will rebel by abandoning the home. The mother will return to work, and find that a lot has happened in the past ten years while she was raising children, and most likely, will end up in a permanent position, meaning with little further advancement. Then she will retire, probably having lost the husband to divorce and the kids to resentment, and will be able to live in a little city apartment, alone, since the only men her age are either married or no longer care about having another “girlfriend.” She will die alone, be cremated, and have her ashes scattered with those of twenty others in a rote ceremony in a nearby wilderness area or floodplain.

Caucasians destroy themselves because by succeeding, they encounter problems that no one else has faced. Europe beat the challenges that the rest of the world struggles with, but in turn, encountered a new set of troubles. One of these is simply overpopulation, which because of the difference between r and K strategies of reproduction, means that lower castes reproduce much faster than their smarter, stronger and wiser brethren. At some point, the lower castes revolt and overthrow their leaders, aided by those in the middle who can make money with mercantile firms but not produce a thriving nation, and so the decay spreads, unraveling the civilization.

As part of this, white people become enslaved to that civilization, spending all their time working and being responsible in order to keep the lower castes in line, and this both reduces white people to being purely financial entities, and exhausts them because they carry the weight of the world on their shoulders. They labor onward because they want the esteem of their peers and the social status that comes with being moderately affluent, in addition to avoiding the fate of ending up in the ghetto or living too close to a chemical plant. But this lifestyle does not deliver what they really need, which is appreciation.

Like all good things in life, appreciation is complex and cannot be delivered in one shot by bureaucratic fiat. It consists of the esteem of peers, but directed toward the independent actions one has taken. A man who can be relied on during a disaster is appreciated, or at least more so than others, but even more than just being valued, he has a place in the community. People turn to him when times are bad. Others are know for their more specific abilities, which is why hierarchy is both vertical and horizontal. On the vertical side, there is a leadership hierarchy, with everyone at some level; on the horizontal side, there is specialization, and localization, such that someone is the blacksmith, pastor, teacher, veterinarian, or other vital role to each local area.

Money and popularity cannot provide what hierarchy does, which is a sense of place that is independent of all other things. People may have a bad year, or lose out at the market, but will still have that place. We cannot reduce the experience of being a whole human being to a salary and investment portfolio. People are grouchy, pretentious, defensive and irritable because jobs waste their lives doing things that are fundamentally irritating, and obviously pointless. We are glorified babysitters, whether addressing the nonsense demands of a foolish client, trying to save people from their own bad health habits, filing paperwork or “managing” people who fundamentally have little concern for the quality of their output. When we retire, we find out that we were not as important as we thought we were, because no one comes knocking on our door when we no longer have something to give to them. Then we discover that life is lonely when we live for ourselves, and everyone else does the same.

Over the course of more than two decades of arguing for nationalism, it has become clear to me that most whites do not want to unite with others even within their specific group — an intersection of race, ethnicity, caste, religion and philosophy — because they are daily exposed to the bad behavior of white people. Since most people are not that bad, when you get to know them, it is likely that this has an external cause, and that this cause is modern life itself, which reduces us to simple functions and denies our inner traits like goodness, perseverance, wisdom, intelligence and moral character. By doing this, it strips us of everything worth living for, and leaves behind hollowed-out, selfish, frustrated and angry people.

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