
Furthest Right

Leap Into Life: The “Real” World versus Reality

The longer you hang out here on planet Earth, the more likely it is that you will find someone who, when you point out that what is popular is unrealistic, sneers at you and tells you to join “the real world” and that things just do not work like you say.

People of this nature have gone into defensive mode. If they admit that what “everyone agrees” is true is in fact illusion, then they become the bad guy who is pimping lies on innocent victims, not the enlightened guardians of the altruistic but unexpected truth as they portray themselves to be.

It is as if they have covered reality with a blanket labeled EQUALITY and now are fearful that you are pulling back one corner to see what is underneath. If you find anything good, soon the whole blanket will be removed, and since confronting reality means recognizing that equality is artificial, they sense the end of their power.

In their view, which we might call the Urban Haute Bourgeoisie (UHB) view, the “real world” consists of those things that make other people happy, content, oblivious, and confident, therefore likely to purchase products and services. The anti-realists live hand-to-mouth on the consumer decisions of others.

As it turns out, their “real world” is in fact an unreal world comprised of human social opinions, advertising, and the types of compensatory deflections that make people inspired because those excuse their misdeeds and incompetence while styling them as victims.

Once you get out of the suburbs, urban condominiums, and desk jobs however, the real world awaits. One part of it is the actual productive sector, agriculture and machine work, where people must make things actually function or perish. Another part consists of those alienated from the unreal world by its anti-realistic bias.

Although “the real world” as told to us by its advocates consists of what people think of you, the actual real world involves how things work and how you can make them succeed. It delves beneath the social veneer and looks at your satisfaction with life as a process, not the commentary you can make about it.

With this in mind, we can see that “real world” advocates are in fact arguing for denial of reality. All of mass culture — democracy, consumerism, trends — involves this denial of reality, and explains why our people have fallen for one mass delusion after another in defense of this Utopian nonsense.

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