
Furthest Right

If All Non-Whites Vanished Tomorrow

The weak link in the chain of logic that supports minority protests against the majority, from Black Lives Matter to A Day Without A Mexican, is that beyond guilt, minority groups have nothing to offer the majority. It is this way in any society where a majority group, no matter what race, presides over minority groups.

If all non-whites vanished tomorrow — hopefully instantly repatriated without harm — what would happen to whites in America and Europe?

Our labor costs would go up, but we have millions of unemployed. We might have fewer doctors, but we would have far fewer patients. Construction jobs would go back to white guys. Cost would rise, at the level of what is paid, but would also fall as social welfare systems found themselves with far fewer recipients.

Would our cultural diversity perish? No, because we have museums and recipe books, and can do what others do. Would we lose vibrant diversity? Most white people seem to have fled it, except for the ethnic restaurants and kumbaya social events. Would we lose friends and neighbors? — undoubtedly, but most people socialize within their own groups.

In short, nothing would change after a brief adjustment period, and rising costs would be met by falling taxes and lower externalized costs from a failing social apparatus. Whites would lose nothing. Minority groups — assuming they were not harmed — would gain, as in their own countries they could live by the standards of their cultures, values and religions, and have something more important: pride in themselves and a sense of shared purpose.

This is the shrieking fear hidden behind these protests. Minority groups are not needed. We will carry on as we have always carried on, building nations and creating civilizations that fit us. Any momentary inconveniences would be offset by a restoration of our own pride and sense of command over our destinies.

What does this leave for minority groups? Only guilt: a type of projected shame on us for being prosperous and having built great civilizations. And what purpose does guilt serve? It is retroactive, and acts only to destroy those who wish to rise above the norm by artificially humbling them.

America and Europe are awakening to the emptiness of multiculturalism. We can cut our own lawns, make our own kebabs, and build our own houses. We would lose guilt and the lower social trust environment that diversity creates, and feel pride in ourselves again.

What have we got to lose?

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