
Furthest Right

From Revenge of the Nerds to Napoleon Dynamite

History will record that prole-rule is the worst thing ever because most people conform to trends, fads, and fears instead of thinking about what is real. Individualism means equality which means freedom from reality, enforced by your fellow humanity.

That in turn produces an illusion machine. Proles stunt, or gesture for the purpose of drawing attention to themselves, and other proles participate, with the goal of making themselves popular too.

We see this in many forms. White suburbanites place WE ARE ALL ONE signs on their lawns; ghetto minorities release mix tapes and go polar bear hunting on World Star. The impetus is the same: draw attention to myself, so I am important, since being important in reality — doing something of value — is off the table.

Societies go down this path because people are afraid not to emulate one another because of social concerns. If you go with the flow, you are never to blame and no one can tell you that you are wrong; step outside the mainstream, and if anything goes wrong they will all blame you and destroy you in order to hide whatever crisis or quandary you have uncovered.

This shows us how human herding behavior differs from that of literal sheep. Sheep form a ball of selfishness, with each sheep trying to get to the center to be away from predators, in turn forcing others to move and creating a circular motion.

Humans, on the other hand, run away from the only predator we have, which is the herd itself, by going deeper into the herd by affirming its fascinations and dogma. In order to get free of the judgment of others, we have to affirm it, we think.

Groups tend to find external scapegoats for their problems, since this is the lowest common denominator of social interaction. To accept others, you have to explain away their failings, which requires finding something else to blame.

In prole-rule, then, we get a circular motion of humans, each blaming something random, while all attempt to avoid the judgment of others by signaling their acceptance of everyone else. This is a reality-denial vortex.

A reality-denial vortex operates by pushing back on reality through the device of group consensus that things are not as they are, but instead are what we want them to be. This is the root of ironism and a reactive, rebellious mindset.

Consensus of this nature — meaning a reality-denying unity based on socializing — in turn produces denialism. Reality-denial meets bad results because we are part of reality, not it a part of us.

In turn, as the consensus makes bad decisions that fail, people within the consensus are forced to signal their obedience by denying that the decisions have failed. Just as they are anti-realistic, they become anti-noticing, and refuse to admit how past decisions of the group have been bad.

That in turn produces bullying, or badgering and ostracism of those who refuse to accept the denialism and its underlying consensus. People like the perception of unity, and they punish those who fail to comply or demonstrate (simply by being alive, in some cases) an alternative, since the existence of an alternative vitiates the idea that the consensus is necessary and therefore good.

America started out as a Revenge of the Nerds society. That is, the winners tended to be conservative, healthy, Nordic, athletic, intelligence, and academically-gifted.

The losers were not WASPs, but from other groups who had come to live among us, tended to be weaker and, even if academically-gifted, seemed to do so only in a narrow area. They were not “well-rounded”; they were nerds.

Having had my head shoved into lockers enough times, I initiately sympathized with the ROTN narrative. Why should the successful oppress the weak? The strong were bullying the weak, for no reason other than that the weak were, well, weaker.

As it turns out, that relationship inverts in a late stage civilization. The weak have the greater numbers, and so they will ultimately overthrow the strong and create prole-rule.

Similarities between the French Revolution narrative and the ROTN outline reveal how much the mindset is the same: organize the many misfits and weak, overthrow the strong, and achieve some kind of Utopia. The movie fades out before we see it.

After the Revolution, what happens? The former weak become the nü-strong. These new elites then bullied the former strong, asserting total dominance because they knew that their time would relatively short.

If you wonder why Leftists are so unstable, consider this: everything about their philosophy is unnatural. Equality is not found in nature. The weak eating the strong represents decay in nature. There is nothing necessary about Leftism, which means that it is optional, like a hobby or lifestyle choice. To compel us to go along with it, they can only use raw power, since otherwise many of us will notice that Leftism is unnecessary and decline to adopt it.

Thus we enter the Napoleon Dynamite era of bullying. The weak dominate the strong, and show us that the weak are bullies, too, except that their bullying does not produce upward motion toward higher standards, but degeneration to lower standards.

We see this most clearly in the Big Tech from Silicon Valley. With the nerds in power, they seek to control all thought by eliminating anything other than their fashionable neo-Communist perspective.

No matter what we think about the old conservative USA, it never approached this level of censorship, repression, and retaliation through “de-platforming.” Its bullying served a purpose: make people more well-rounded, or at least, eject those that were not, since their judgment and leadership skills were suspect.

That triggers those who are weak in character, meaning those that cannot drive themselves to understand their world, adapt to it, and then maximize possible outcomes by qualitatively increasing their activity.

Humans fear most of all having to change themselves, not external change. As a species, we want to be able to avoid thinking about what we do so that we can remain in our inner worlds of wants, emotions, and daydreams.

When an external presence requires us to adapt, especially to something non-human or non-social in pattern, this provokes fear in us, since we realize that we can fail. The spectre of natural selection and loss of social status looms large.

With the revolt of the nerds, that position becomes inverted. People no longer need to adapt to external reality, only human social reality, and this lets them live in their own minds more than in the world. They can disconnect and call it victory.

Such movements always take on an egalitarian character, which means that no matter how poorly you perceive reality, you gain equal status to others and can build on that by drawing attention to yourself, usually by your arguments for further revolution.

In this way, revolution itself becomes a herding behavior. We all seek to avoid reality, so we dive further into the Crowd, promoting human control over reality over the idea that reality, ultimately, is in control and we must adapt.

This ignores the grim fact outlined by history which states that inequality benefits us: the rise of the competent through hierarchy means that we are ruled by competence, not popular incompetence as is the norm now. However, it scares us because competence, like any standard, requires removal or demotion of those who are less competent.

We are getting ready to write the postmortem on modern democracy, which uses legal structures like Constitutions to limit mob rule. As it turns out, herding behavior wins over many iterations, wearing down any limits to its absolute authority.

Control appears wherever humans herd. When we are responsive to nature, what is real becomes evident; when we become a human echo chamber, what is real does not matter, and so the narrative must be controlled in order to keep the herd compliant.

History will record that yet again humans could not resist the allure of being “in control.” In the name of liberating ourselves from a hierarchy of competence, we liberated ourselves from reality, and then we fell into a navel-gazing solipsism which ends only with collapse.

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