
Furthest Right

Egalitarianism Assimilates Any Goal

In human dialogues, the simplest answer usually wins, right or wrong. Whatever the audience can comprehend gains a plurality and takes over from the often more nuanced and complex fullness of the question.

With ideology, the symbolic nature of that mode of thinking quickly dominates everything else since it is a form of moralism, and moralism is a type of aesthetics, meaning that it reflects how things look to others, not how they turn out in consequences.

This means that in any discussion where realistic concerns come up against ideology, the ideology takes over. The simpler it is, the more pronounced this effect is. For example, any time egalitarianism, the cornerstone of the Left, gets brought into a group, it quickly replaces the soul of that group.

In the environmental movement, this change could be seen most clearly, simply because after Leftist equality became part of the goal, it quickly became the primary goal, as we see in the climate change mania that has replaced the necessary discussion about overpopulation and urbanization:

The Paris Summit for a New Global Financing Pact – seen as a stepping stone behind the push to reform the global financial system – opens tomorrow with the stated aim of “laying the foundations for a new system that will meet our common challenges: tackling inequality, climate change and protecting biodiversity”.

Tackling inequality has nothing to do with saving the planet. It might in fact be best saved with total inequality, as Klaus Schwab hints, where most people live in tiny concrete cubes and eat bugs instead of owning things.

And yet, this project went from “using equality as a tool for saving the planet” to equating saving the planet with “tackling inequality.” The zombie mental virus took over again. You can see the bourgeois egalitarian zombification happening here:

We are determined to end poverty and hunger, in all their forms and dimensions, and to ensure that all human beings can fulfil their potential in dignity and equality and in a healthy environment.

While the Right — generally morons saying salacious stuff instead of credible analysis — likes to pretend that there is some great scapegoat behind it, the fact is that people are easily influenced by peer pressure, and peer pressure rewards lowest common denominator things because they are popular.

There is no Satan behind this, no shadowy group of Freemasons or Jews pulling the strings. It is just the Human Problem as usual: individualistic individuals, bound together in groups by fear of things the group agrees not to discuss, settling for what is left, which is a disorganized, neurotic mess.

We see herd panic in the response to the ecocide that is ravaging our planet. We cannot talk about overpopulation or urbanization taking over the globe, so we create a golem called “climate change” that is then used to justify worldwide neo-Communism.

No one is manipulating us. Without a hierarchy where our best — and not merely our most profitable, popular, or political — are on top, we lead ourselves into self-destruction every time. We are our own enemy. We have met the enemy, and he is us.

We are especially misled by things that simplify. Symbols reduce the world to yes/no binaries of pleasant sensations versus fears. Ideology makes symbols into a religion. Social popularity makes us feel safe and fear the day the Crowd turns on us.

Equality is the prime manipulator of our time. Talk about equality to a group of humans, and they stop thinking. The symbol is Utopian and represents a morality above all other moralities, therefore it cannot be opposed, which means that they must relinquish autonomy and go with the flow.

Individualism leads to herd behavior. Equality is the opposite of quality. However, people fear quality because it creates a hierarchy of those who can achieve, and prefer mediocrity because everyone can participate equally. Left to their natural devices, humans create third world societies.

To manage this crisis, we need to start changing how we deal with those on our level instead of changing how we deal with those below us:

Drawing on constructivist theories, we argue that organizational members’ interactions with external audiences also dynamically produce identity. We call the extent to which such interactions diverge from audience expectations performative atypicality.

Target and Trader Joe’s are atypical in different ways. Target, especially when it first launched its strategy, differed from its competitors in the kinds of products it offers. Selling merchandise that one would find either in a typical department store or supermarket, it provides an unconventional mix of offerings. We refer to this form of noncompliance as categorical atypicality. Trader Joe’s, in contrast, differs from its competitors not in what it sells but in how it interacts with outside stakeholders. We call this type of divergence from expectations performative atypicality.

Performative atypicality means that we turn to our partners in production and demand not an equitable relationship but a relationship based on mutually beneficial exchange; categorical atypicality on the other hand would mean trying to change what society is in an eternal sense.

Society will always be an attempt to make civilization, or an order based in culture and thus genetics where the best thrive and the worst are removed. This is the best it gets, for human beings, and the egalitarian society is an ersatz proxy for what society is when it is healthy.

For us to follow the typical far-Right scenario and insist that people stop demanding a functional society and instead follow ideology or religion, which when written becomes a type of ideology, is to set ourselves up for failure.

For us to instead demand that those who are creating this environment start dealing with each other instead of trying to snowjob the herd serves us by making stakeholders accountable for results again instead of just brainwashing the Crowd as usual.

We want to offer the same product — safety, self-righteousness in our excellence as a means of self-importance for individuals, belief in our forward direction, with a different negotiation, i.e. we are not here to provide direct benefits but to protect culture so that it keeps the economy healthy.

After all, we have seen that the loss of culture has wrecked American business, although it had help from the usual democracy idiocy like socialism, affirmative action, immigration, and micromanaging regulations that did nothing but enrich lawyers.

Humans tend to succumb to animal motivations which are entirely logical given that we must as individuals survive and reproduce, but since we are dependent on social groups for contact with others, we succumb to peer pressure that promises reproductive success:

Male and female observers were equally good at predicting interest levels, but they were more accurate when predicting male interest: Predictions of female interest were just above chance. Observers predicted interest successfully using stimuli as short as 10 s, and they performed best when watching clips of the middle or end of the speed date. There was considerable variability between daters, with some being very easy to read and others apparently masking their true intentions. Variability between observers was also found. The results suggest that the ability to read nonverbal behavior quickly in mate choice is present not only for individuals in the interaction, but also for third-party observers.

The Left succeeded because they capitalized on this peer pressure and made having Leftist opinions necessary for socializing. Diversity further exacerbated this situation. Now one either bleats the diversity dogma or works, lives, and dies alone.

The Right can turn this around by making peer pressure reward that which is functional. Every time we campaign on abortion, prayer, patriotism, or other symbolic issues, we venture into the territory of the Left, and since they demand less from people, they win.

When we start demanding of each other and our institutions that a functional approach be taken, then we achieve the performative atypicality which enables us to break free from what everyone else is doing that is failing.

A new world awaits on our doorsteps, if we are brave enough to see it.

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