
Furthest Right

Happy International Day of Slayer!

While the normies are busy talking about the last Napoleonic War for Democracy (NWD) and how great it is that we mashed the poor Germans for looking (ineptly, spastically) for a way out of the French Revolution system, it might make sense instead to celebrate the International Day of Slayer.

This holiday spotlights elective identity. Identity is comprised of several layers — species, race, culture, ethnicity, religion, social class, community, family, and philosophy — and the music you like reflects your philosophy of what is aesthetically beautiful. It is as important as what you read and any other way you choose to spend your time.

For many of us, the music we listen to, whether Bruckner or Baphomet, reflects how we see the world. In the case of metal, it is a mythological-historical view that transcends the contemporary focus on the individual and peer pressure. We look toward eternity and embrace power as good, not something to be feared and withdrawn from.

Heavy metal celebrates power and finding beauty in noise. It converts everything the egalitarians and dualists see as terrifying into a necessary part of the natural world that produces our ability to enjoy life in the first place. Slayer made a massive stab in that direction and in my view, deserves celebration as part of the restoration of humanity.

Show No Mercy (1983)

Haunting the Chapel (1984)

Hell Awaits (1985)

Reign in Blood (1986)

South of Heaven (1988)

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