
Furthest Right

Simple, Brutal Truths

When the human drama ends, we can begin to speak about reality, for it seems that humanity and reality are opposites. We live in our big brains, and reality unfolds outside of those, its intentions and meaning unknown to us because we insist on thinking in human terms.

This means that few focus on the actual task before us, living instead in a “bubble world” of emotions, judgments, and feelings as mediated by a group interested in selling stuff to each other and controlling the narrative in order to keep it permissive.

We focus on this symbolic reality, phrased in terms of what other people like and thus what will make them like us, instead of the cause-effect relationship between our actions and their results, especially when it comes to policy. Not surprisingly, results are pretty bad.

Those who want a functional civilization can fight back against this spaced-out mindset by reminding people of some simple, brutal truths that enable us to avoid self-destructing and instead, to have a prosperous and meaningful existence.

  1. All civilizations rise and fall. They do so on the basis of their degree of social organization, or social order.
  2. They can have wealth, technology, and power, but still fall. Collapse occurs from within and means a loss of order.
  3. Our civilizations are part of Western Civilization, which is collapsing because it replaced a desire for order with a demand for equality.
  4. The way to beat this is to demand that, instead of equality, we have social order.
  5. All other problems are a subset of this one, the struggle between order and equality.

With these, we can also have some tools for understanding reality:

  1. Symptoms are distinct from causes in that if a symptom is removed, the underlying cause remains and expresses itself in other symptoms.
  2. Any things which change simultaneously with a cause, and can be manipulated by variation in that cause, are parallel effects.
  3. Any things which if absent interrupt the pattern of cause, but when present in a group result in an effect, are parallel causes.
  4. Any activity which does not address the pattern of cause represents wasted energy, and a dangerous surrogate for fixing the actual problem.

This translates into a way of looking at our future:

  1. Once upon a time, we found an ideal order for a civilization. We strayed from this and are now trying to rediscover it again.
  2. That order was a pattern of cause, meaning that it had multiple parts, not one big simple idea like all of our modern notions.
  3. We will only get back to it by ending the cause, which is looking for a single idea that can make society functional again.
  4. Properly speaking, we can only go forward to it, by creating it again, which involves removing the extraneous and focusing on the order we want to create.

We know that our civilization, despite having much power and wealth, is coming apart in the sense of losing order, and with it we lose unity and the ability to relate to one another. This is a bigger threat than war, famine, or recession. A society that comes apart ceases to exist.

That leads us to the biggest brutal truth of all, which is that we either cast aside our despair and formulate the will to fix this mess by any means necessary, or we become cucked in the ultimate way, accepting our doom like sheep led to slaughter.

Which was, Western people?

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