
Furthest Right


Juneteenth refers to the day when we celebrate the liberation of the slaves in the South. For many of us, it is a mixed bag. We love the South, but are glad that slavery is over because it was an inferior substitute for the manorial feudalist system that really creates what we need.

If we recognize the bell curve as real, we see that relatively few possess the wiring for leadership. Most simply lack the circuits; they cannot do it, no matter how hard they try, how much they are educated, and how much money is chucked their way by Uncle Sugar.

In my view, slavery was not wrong; it was an adaptation to the conditions of its time, which included many Africans being sold by those who conquered them. Their other option was death; slavery offered them cradle-to-grave care when nothing else would.

Obviously, I prefer feudalism, where we stripe our own people by IQ band, and assign the lower bands to manual and repetitive labor in exchange for not simply snuffing them for being marginally useful at best. Chattel slavery introduced diversity, and diversity is death.

This requires strong nationalism — one ethnic group per nation — since different groups naturally treat each other as opposition, competition, or enemies.

American chattel slavery, by violating this principle, was not wrong but was a wrong, or something done to civilization which was ultimately destabilizing. This came about because the West abandoned feudalism, and this resulted in treating humans like economic units only.

If we have a greater wrong to correct, it is that we have refused to see people for who and what they are. For example, we need people who are of the same ethnic group in our society, and to recognize that people are unequal in ability and therefore rank.

A sane society pushes its most talented to the top, which in turn displaces the less-talented, making it over time become a society of greater competence. With feudalism, this was a formal order; without it, people had to find other ways to rise, and did so in part through slavery.

For us to honor what slavery was, we should correct the crisis that caused it, namely a multi-ethnic society in which culture serves the economy instead of the other way around. Perhaps we will all be liberated when we leave behind that failing system.

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