
Furthest Right

It’s You or Them When The Dreamers Dream

There is no diversity with Freedom of Association. Under forced integration, there is an absence of armed conflict, only as a delaying action until sufficient numbers can be imported to overpower you.

It is common knowledge that people who are not part of an indigenous culture will feel they are denied opportunities in direct proportion to the strength of that culture. Therefore, when given a vote, they will exercise economic and social self-interest by voting to weaken or destroy that culture.

The Drexel University Professor who asked for White Genocide as a Christmas Present in 2016 was just stupid enough to be honest. Our current US President understands this and when possible, he pushes back.

The Trump administration has declined to renew the temporary protected status of Salvadoran immigrants to the US, giving an estimated 263,000 people less than two years to leave the country or be deported. The Temporary Protected Status (TPS) designation has allowed immigrants from El Salvador to live and work in the US since 2001, when a pair of earthquakes crippled much of the Central American nation.

There are two aspects of this story that require further flushing out. First of all, this was supposed to be a temporary amnesty starting in 2001. It was for people specifically displaced as a result of a natural disaster. Once the disaster was cleaned up, there was no legitimate reason for 263,000 non-citizens to be given free reign in the US. Even El Salvador doesn’t need fifteen years to rebuild housing. These people could have returned 10 years ago.

But the earthquake was an excuse, the point was to get these people into the US, not away from any earthquake. There is a specific reason why a fifteen year vacation in Mexico, Argentina or Brazil was not acceptable. It just had to be the Good Ol’ US of A! Why make that sort of a paranoid statement? Well, President Trump has been forced to remove 60,000 Haitians after a 2010 earthquake, and about 60,000 more Nicauraguans and Hondurans who were given temporary status after a hurricane in 1998.

All three revocations have been met with similar types of protests. ¡It’s simply heartless and cruel to send hordes of foreigners who disrespect our country while loudly proclaiming allegiance to their own back home to the Motherland! There is only one cure for homesickness and that would be home. Yet this sort of thing, even when it fulfills both the letter and the condition of the law under which these people have been brought in, is seen as cruel and inhumane.

Amanda Baran, a consultant to the Immigrant Legal Resource Centre, called Monday’s decision “reckless and heartless”.
“El Salvador is one of the world’s most dangerous countries, and will be unable to absorb the return of these thousands of people whose lives are inextricably intertwined with those of ours here in the United States,” she said in a statement. Amnesty International also decried the decision, claiming the US “could be sending people to their deaths”.

Now Amanda Baran may or may not consider these “refugees” more or less than a paycheck. But if the Center For American Progress memorandum on DACA is accurate, these people are the new Hessians employed on behalf of the Amerikan Left. “Conservatives” who claim they can reason with La Raza, or that these people are Good Catholics who are natural conservatives, are deluded at best. At worst, they have put an industrial demand for cheap, transient labor over the needs and wants of citizenry born in their own nation. Maybe the mercenary Senator Jeff Flake has more in common with the aforementioned Hessians than I previously thought.

To understand why you can’t reason with La Raza or that these people are Good Catholics who are natural conservatives, here is what Malcolm X had to say on the subject of race relations from the logical and well-reasoned viewpoint of a minority.

This isn’t a crazy, illiterate or ignorant human being at all. He thinks, reasons lucidly and can only conclude that your cracka ass deserves a dirt nap from his point of view. There is no logical reason to think that well-spoken, clean-shaved and intellectually perspicacious “refugees” from Syria, Liberia or El Salvador would otherwise reason with respect to their own self-interest.

When the resistance to Donald Trump demands DACA, they are threatening to shut down a whole lot more than just THe Federal Government. Under the laws and regulations of our current system of forced integration; they have to go back or Amerika has to die in a bonfire. Which is it, Ladies and Germs?

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