
Furthest Right

Awakening The Beast Within

We who survive now find ourselves among the fragments of a once-great civilization. We know that in the past, it was better organized and people were smarter and braver, but now we have technology and advanced medicine to protect us.

This civilization has neutered us because it looks toward fears as a substitute for having a sense of purpose. We do not do anything affirmative and positive; we defend against things that have scared us in the past, and spread around money so that no one is poor.

To succeed in this world, you must be a neutral shopkeeper or salesman, remembering that “the customer is always right” and avoiding all actually controversial opinions, while adopting edgy ones that push no envelopes but evoke a sense of naughtiness.

Since a society based on fear focuses always on those who might victimize it, it becomes an oppression by victims. Those who fail to conform to the dominant narrative are seen as enemies, not non-conformists, and are destroyed if the society can justify doing so.

People who exist in a time like this find themselves to be domesticated. Removed of their fangs and gonads, they can only do as they are told, going out to pasture to eat and coming in to the tax-man to be sheared.

For those of us who have undergone the process of losing faith in this system and then rejecting the ideas within ourselves that once supported it, we see the need for fangs. Nature evolved combat for a reason: to avoid parasitism.

After all, nature is a nihilistic — no centralized, universal truth, authority, or awareness — system which operates simply by cause and effect. It is more efficient to be a parasite, since someone else does the hard work and undertakes most of the risk.

Consequently nature develops many parasites, up to as much as 40% of all species. Violence settles parasitism by allowing the strong to remove the weak, and then go their own way, as apex predators have done since the dawn of time.

In the modern time we cannot remove human parasites because since our society is organized around equality, parasites have an equal right to exist among us. They get entitlements, voting rights, and legal protection.

This drives people into a difficult choice of whether to stay neutered and harmless, or unleash their inner beast and start acting against the parasites and the parasite-ideology of equality.

It seems like a hopeless task, since lies which blame someone else for human problems are always more popular among humans that realistic estimations. Even more, it means social ostracism and possibly, political retaliation by the herd.

However, we should take heart; it turns out that those who resist Stockholm Syndrome and turn their anger toward their captors experience greater psychological health than those who roll/bend over and take it:

As one of the few Americans who spent more than four years in solitary confinement during that war, I know that pride and self-respect lead to aggressiveness, and aggressiveness leads to a deep sense of joy when one is under pressure. This is hardly a character flaw.

The military psychiatrists who periodically examine former prisoners of war have found that the more resistant a man was to harsh treatment, the more emotionally stable he is likely to become later in life.

The troublemakers who endured long stretches in solitary, the men we called the tigers, are for the most part more in tune with themselves now than are those who chose the easier path of nonconfrontation, which made them “deserving” of cell mates. The psychiatrists tell us that many of those prisoners who chose a more docile existence missed out on the joy of “getting even” after release; some look back on their performances with regret.

We are the tigers of the modern era. Every day presents us with thousands of reasons to back down, pretend everything will be fine, and accept what we are told. Somewhere in our gut — the same area that fosters bravery — we know otherwise, and so we growl.

This brings out the atavistic urge in all of humanity, which is to defend the good in your tribe and purge everything else with blood and horror. When that switch flips, there is no atrocity which we will not consider good. It is in our wiring.

Our struggle consists mostly of a battle in the heart and mind, however. We are trying to escape the mental bubble in which most people live, where basic ideas like equality infect all of our thinking.

If we assume all people are equal, they become like putty or clay, something we mold with strong organizations and iron rules. We want to force them do what is right, with reward for the good and the fire of punishment for the bad.

When we start thinking outside of equality, we see things through a biological lens, which is sensible because we are biological beings. Preserving the good becomes more important than forcing good and bad alike to behave in a “good” way.

This shows us the separation from ideology/control and the Way of the Beast, which is choice. With ideology, we set up “good” and use control to force all to obey it. With the Way of the Beast, we reward those who naturally do good and conserve them at all costs.

That means beating back and defeating the bad, but we are not concerned with the fact that they are bad, only that they are not part of our group, the good. We are not here to save everyone. In fact, we want most of them to fail and die out.

Escaping bubbleville — the human mental fog created by social feelings and our own desire to be safe from fears — requires that we journey into a cause-effect view of the world instead of existing in a state of moral judgment on things.

If someone does bad, we know that they are bad, but we are not here to preach to them, only to behead them. We see that people simply act according to who they are and what they are, and so those things matter more than how we “educate” or control them.

In this view, that which makes itself endure wins. The question is not how to beat your enemy, but how to survive well while keeping him from interrupting you. He is not an equal foe, but a toxin or infection that needs to be kept away.

This is a million-year game. Some group of humans will get its act together more than others, beat them back, and take to the stars. The others will be forgotten, either languishing in their own mental order or being exterminated. It does not matter; they become irrelevant.

With this frame of mind, we can see the world in a natural context again, and escape the robotic manipulation of human control. Instead we can experience a sense of balance, order, and harmony to our existence and what we do.

As it turns out, this naturalistic view leads to a healthier existence, much as being in nature makes people healthier and happier:

A recent review of hundreds of studies has found mounting “evidence of a cause-and-effect relationship”: Experiences in nature led to improvements in attention span, self-discipline and physical fitness, all while reducing stress.

Because we humans have been surrounded by forests, flowers, and fauna for most of our existence, scientists believe there may be an evolutionary reason that nature feels to us like a comfortable, familiar place.

There’s also what’s called the Attention Restoration Theory, first developed in the 1980s, which proposes that exposure to nature is not only enjoyable, but can also help us improve our focus and ability to concentrate. Nature, says Lem, is simpler and less taxing than the crowds, lights, traffic, and noise of city life.

Nature is home. Not just aesthetically, but in the sense that everything makes sense. The human order obfuscates our purpose and goals in life, replacing the drive toward survival with a compulsion to seek social approval. It makes us frustrated and dark inside.

Nature embraces cause-effect reasoning. Organisms try things, and the plants and animals that succeed tend to live on, where the others fade away. Those that find ways to adapt and endure prevail.

On the other hand, those that succumb to parasites find themselves gradually less capable, until at some point, they are destroyed or made too weak to continue reproducing.

If we have a use for our beast within, it is to summon all of our hatred against the thinking in ourselves that legitimizes parasites. It starts by saying, “No one is equal,” and extends to making all of our thinking wrap around that idea.

We must have claws to survive, but first, we must identify the backdoor that the parasites use to get into our minds, and rip it out at the roots.

This will put us in direct conflict with the hidden competitor who no one seems to be able to name:

Darwinism is coded into the very mathematics of the universe, from the very quantifiable nature of numbers, through to its finite nature. Forms emerge, from the material like molecular structures and living organisms, to the immaterial like personalities, ideas, and beliefs. Those which remain will remain, and accumulate over those which do not. Those which multiply will multiply, and crowd out those which merely remain. Everything – resources, space, even time and the mental energy to hold ideas, is limited. That will eventually produce competition everywhere from species to ideas, and that competition will define what you see and how everything operates from biology to economics – and especially society.

Society is Darwinian.

In this world, the ultimate form of Darwinian competitor in a society will be the hidden hostile actor who wins without fighting. Sun Tzu knew. He was right, and when you combine it with the Darwinistic origins of everything, the conclusion is inescapable.

This failure to understand the world – this adherence to a silly, utopian model which is clearly impossible – it was done to us. The only way to overcome that programming, and get a clear sense of the world, is to focus on the touchstone that the world is Darwinian, and the model we have been taught conflicts with that base, fundamental touchstone. If you can focus on that, you will realize you have been lied to by the very covert, hidden, hostile actors you now know must exist. There are covert hostile actors out there in society, they have aspired to total control, they have gotten a good way towards that outside of our sight and our awareness, and that means it is not only possible, but rather very likely that there is a massive Secret Society, and they all know what is going on.

The hidden competitor wins by convincing us that the world is not Darwinian, that cause does not lead to effect, and that all people are equally necessary when in fact most of them are not only not necessary, but an impediment to health.

Who is this hidden competitor? Various people have various answers. From my analysis, the hidden competitor is us, or rather those among us who decide that they can win at the control game.

This is an ad hoc group, meaning that anyone who shows up and acts like one of them fits right in. Think of a secret society without masks, sacrifices, and orgies. You show up, demonstrate that you are competent and only in it for yourself, and they let you in.

These people work with each other. They give each other deals in a quid pro quo, but they are still operating at a level that most people will never see. They spread insider information among their group. They share opportunities.

They do this simply because they perceive it to be in their advantage. They are the cleverest shopkeepers of all, and they believe that the world is Darwinian and therefore, they need to acquire all of the power and money possible.

People will tell you that there is a specific group responsible, a (((Them))) who have manipulated humanity throughout history. This might be the freemasons, Illuminati, Jews, international bankers, or Scientologists, depending on who you ask.

A more sensible explanation confirms my counter-theory, which is that this is a group comprised merely of opportunists who have learned how to manipulate the system well. This group selects itself, and they know others like them.

Our society dedicated to “safety” and freedom from fears creates them. Our real goal is the selfishness of the individual, who wants to be safe from attack by others, and therefore creates imaginary walls of protection through “equality” and law.

In reality, this just sublimates the beast within and makes it cruel, since it is blocked from expressing its natural form. It becomes indirect, sadistic, and controlling in its frustration. It seeks to act out its rage at the world but on other people.

Humanity goes wrong the same way every time. When we get into groups, individuals use the group to defend themselves against the group, forgetting that this just makes the group more powerful, and the focus of the group is on managing the entity known as the group, not on goals. With that step, human groups lose focus on reality, purpose, and meaning and turn instead toward managing each other, a neurotic spiral into insanity; with that step, we turn toward control instead of cooperation, and lose any chance to experience life in a genuine manner, since everything we do will be mediated through our own perception of how the group works and our desire to compromise, pander, placate, pacify, flatter, and manipulate the group.

This is why we need to let the beast loose. Humanity works when we are loosely-formed cooperative groups, e.g. “Me and Dave are going to go slaughter this mammoth, and anyone who successfully joins in gets a share of the meat.” They break down when we agree on the group in advance, and the distribution in advance, and then some people find a way to get meat without taking risk or making a contribution.

Our beastliness needs to occur most profoundly inside of ourselves. We need to reject fear, and eject from our personalities any fear of being attacked by others. Maybe it will happen, maybe not; no rule will stop it, nor any law. We have to want to stand on our own.

The beast in us accepts nature as beauty that requires horror. We know that fear is part of life, and accept that; we are not trying to make a world without fear, death, pain, suffering, violence, and inequality.

Humanity goes crazy because when you put any two humans together, they start conspiring to re-engineer reality. If “we all agree” on something, it becomes de facto real. People try to socially engineer Utopia out of fear.

It always ends badly. Sort of like the desire to mix races, remove religion, abolish culture, feminize men, and make people equal, all of this social engineering consists of denying reality in order to make everyone feel safe from everyone else.

This shows us herd behavior when the predator is in fact, us, or at least part of us. We all try to manipulate each other in order to be “safe,” but no such state exists. Instead, we drive ourselves mad.

For us to unleash the inner beast, we have to deny the idea of “safety” and through it, “equality.” These are Utopian concepts based in fear, ignorance, doubt, negativity, self-doubt, and paranoia.

Instead, we must bring in the law of the beast: we see life as an opportunity for excellence, and aspire to that, knowing that some must fall. Natural selection will rule us. “Safety” is an illusion, except in the sense of avoiding deceptive traps in our technology.

Humanity must overcome its fear — enshrined in equality, individualism, pluralism, tolerance, “love and light,” “we are all one,” and other gibberish — of reality itself, including its need that some must win for being more adept at adaptation.

To do this, we must become beasts, or those who are disinterested in the fates of others. Some people are suffering and dying, because people always are. We are focused on the goal, and we have no interest in perpetuating or stopping the suffering of others.

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