
Furthest Right

A New The Ten Commandments

As the old winds down, we are seeing thousands of years of accumulated bad ideas collapse at once. COVID-19 revealed just how little competence, goodness, and awareness of reality is at work in Late Stage Democracy.

Those of us who look toward the future instead of fighting over the crumbs of the past advance certain ideas that in our analysis will benefit those who want to survive. If you read here regularly, you might know these new Ten Commandments:

  1. Avoid self-destruction. All things contain the seeds of their undoing and find the prospect appealing. This means that our natural tendency includes the desire to seek doom, often indirectly by destroying the civilization, nature, and sanity of others around us. The highest morality consists of avoiding self-destruction in all forms, and pursuing that which helps us adapt, evolve, and thrive instead.
  2. No center exists. Life operates through parallels, or many paths to the same general outcome, whether societies choosing the culture that works for them but not for others, or individuals using their own methods (means) to achieve the same ultimate goal (ends) of others.
  3. Think of the whole. Most think in terms of the One, or themselves and those who think like them, which leads to self-centered and short-sighted behavior. Think of all parts of the world and nature for all time.
  4. Excellence exists outside of free will. Humans have always been seduced by the idea of “free will,” or being gods in their own sphere, but achieving excellence requires paying attention to how their sphere connects to all other aspects of reality.
  5. History is driven by ideas. People react to concepts that seem to offer them better options, and act on those until proven wrong. An idea that opens a new space conquers more than a thousand armies.
  6. God is both dead and alive. Most forces of nature only appear when relevant and usually occur through the interaction of other forces. Similarly, God does not exist, but can exist for us when we discover Him as part of the larger order, which both invokes or reifies Him and channels us into replicating His order in ourselves, without which we cannot know Him.
  7. We fit into an order. More than tangible things, the order that pervades all life constantly pushes upward and excludes rather than pushes down the less useful. This gives each of us a place and something to strive for.
  8. Goals are of this order. Each of us has two goals: to maintain a stable, healthy, and balanced mental state, and to create a civilization of a similar mindset and output.
  9. This order reduces randomness. By constantly converging that which rises back into the known stable order, this process of life reduces the randomness around us and increases resilience.
  10. Life rewards ambition. Those who seek to fit within the order and make the best of their position, rather than defying the order to seek what they cannot wield, find reward coupled with mental contentment.

The old Ten Commandments reflected a desire to get people to work together. It turns out that this is the wrong goal, because it causes you to incorporate people in your society who are not good.

The new goal is all about finding the people who have their heads screwed on right and working with them while excluding the rest. Push the bad to the fringes of society, then push them out. They destroy civilization as a matter of character.

As a result, we need a new goal that involves the construction of an order in us that mirrors how the world works. That occurs both in our minds and in our civilization.

Like most era shifts, this one involves moving on from a focus on humans to a focus on that external order, finally getting humanity out of its shell.

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