
Furthest Right

Video star

Want to introduce more people to the ideas you find at this blog? Make a difference. You will sleep better at night knowing that you have done something no matter how small.

A volunteer team is assembling videos, in which audio of articles being read out loud is played while some form of visual art or storyline plays out on the screen. These will be uploaded to YouTube and spread around the internet like the subversive memes they are.

Since they don’t require actual reading, they may attract or at least irritate those who are not inclined to read. Even further, they get into the stream of entertainment, which means that even if people don’t understand them today, they might in another ten years.

In time the team might also focus on making a few original parody/satire movies.

They need volunteers:

  • Video editors
  • Audio editors
  • Voice actors

They need experienced multimedia creators and editors who can produce high quality videos. As a video editor you will get a free hand to use your creativity and of course be credited at the end of each piece. The workload will not be high, especially if several people work together.

The aim is to put out high quality video, not churn out every article ever published on To volunteer, send an email to [email protected] or post in the comments thread.

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