
Furthest Right

Crossing The Rubicon

Is it worth it all?

Is it worth the long days working to create the artwork, recording the songs, writing lyrics, making melodies, and the endless thinking “what if the thought police censor our music and throw us off the Web?”

As you all know it is a question we all must ask: Can we say what we want to say and still be allowed to exist? Can art be free or must it repeat the one-liners from 1968 to succeed?

As we write these lines we are tired to the bone. Since we released Patriot Child we have had very little rest. In April we recorded the new album Airing from Kolyma and the days seem like an endless corridor full of obstacles. Finding a studio is not easy, most are scared to upset the NGOs who patrol the country, and finding people willing to review our music is sometimes even harder. Songs dealing with migrant sex crimes are not welcome everywhere. Songs dealing with the total silence from politicians and media are even less welcome.

But things are changing. Anarcho-Capitalist Tim Whale of Emerging Indie Bands recently wrote a review despite us being who we are. He did it because he believes in something instead of just following the herd, and every such move forward is a move away from conformity. Brave people walk outside of the box and we see a change in attitude.

Just like all other people who make use of their birthright to speak freely we do it for free. Small sums of money that could cover perhaps one percent of the work we put in is well enough pay for us.

And still we continue. Like everyone else we do it for the sake of it. No one is to tell us what to think and not think. No one is to limit us. Especially no fake news lover with too much spare time who “work” for tax money they share with a bunch of welfare tourists.

We hope that someday it will all turn. Someday the virtue-signaling music industry of 1968 will have lost control and non-conformist music will once again be allowed on all major platforms. One day it will not be controversial to question political correctness or write songs about the Hungarian revolt of 1956. That day will come and the more music we record the sooner it will come. Because we push the boundaries and make them look at themselves.

But until then we will be tired. Exhausted by the never-ending struggle to bring new music to the world. And each fan that writes to us, explaining how one of our songs made him cry because he realized that the Communists are losing grip on culture, or that she got back memories from her youth before the start of mass immigration when she heard Lilou sing, each such fan convinces us that it is worth it. Thousand times over. We would never have done anything else.

To all our fans in the US, in Canada, in Chile, in Great Britain, Australia, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Russia, cast out into a mental diaspora, thanks for all your support, and thanks to Brett Stevens for giving us the opportunity to write here on Amerika.

You make us keep going. And there is no going back.

Lilou & John

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