
Furthest Right

White People, Clean Your Own Toilets

Around here you will read a lot about how White Genocide is ongoing, it is the result of egalitarianism which is just mass individualism, and how this was always the intent behind diversity and socialism. You will see how this benefits the bureaucracy that wants to stay in power forever.

These do not exist to stir up White self-pity. We are not a self-pitying race, nor are we interested in making ourselves weak through blaming others for our problems. We did this to ourselves, first with the rise of the middle class, and then through democracy, which has been making insane and stupid decisions ever since.

At this point, we are the bratty children of a hopeless future. We are coddled by our wealth, yet realize that we are doomed, therefore we act like self-destructive but self-centered little zombies who seek above all else to avoid having to change our thinking, acting, and risk-taking in order to achieve a goal.

People support whatever allows them to stay in that armchair. For conservatives — these are all non-Leftists at this point — that means expressing righteous indignation, moral condemnation, and a hope that somehow everyone gets converted to some proxy for the “right way” like Christianity so that they stop doing whatever is not wanted.

Just like the green products scam, people like whatever impacts their lifestyle the least. They do not mind buying coffee at a different place, buying green appliances, or buying guns and camping gear. They do mind changing what they are doing and most of all, changing their thinking.

To change thinking, you do two things: first you go back to your assumptions, and then you think about what the likely results in reality will be from your actions. This means that you stop playing the game of proxies and symbols and speak up for what actually works and what is likely required for that to happen.

In particular, it is hard to take White people seriously when they bemoan the third-world takeover of America but then support immigration, endorse civil rights, praise Abraham Lincoln, and keep hiring third world people to do their laundry, clean their homes, mow their lawns, and fix their sheetrock.

White people need to clean their own toilets. We are brats of the modern era because declaring everything doomed lets us equally declare that we should do nothing about it. Instead, we just moan and then moralize, all while supporting the system that oppresses us.

It is like slapstick. People declare a sanctuary city, then are amazed when property taxes and thus their rents and home prices go up. Unions steal a few billion more dollars, then are shocked when the jobs go away. Citizens vote for free stuff from government then are gobsmacked when the economy collapses.

In the same way, White people express indignation at illegal immigration, but then hire illegal immigrants for cash, not realizing that this plus the free social welfare state makes them all come here. Clean your own toilets, White people. You are the creators of every problem you bemoan.

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