
Furthest Right

Is the Alt-Right Still Relevant?

Think back to America between the time of Star Wars and Revenge of the Nerds. The 1970s made geek stuff cool again, but by the time we hit the mid-1980s, the narrative was of the high-scoring nerd kids taking on the popular jocks and destroying them.

These movies would strike as anomalous now because the obedient students rule the school. The jocks have been relegated to human dildo status; the actual hackers and wildcat inventors have dropped out or are in anger management classes. The nice girls are in hiding, the mean girls have no power, but the obedient “head girls” are in control.

No one misses the jockocracy, but it was healthier. It at least rewarded real-world tasks. When your society decays to the point that money, religion, promiscuity, and sports are more important than culture, there is nothing much left that is not on fire anyway.

But now the clique that rules the high school are the A-students without imagination. They are “creative” of course, meaning that they have a palette of techniques they use to spice up any assignment or change any design. But they are rote thinkers with partial intelligences and they hate and fear actual thinkers.

There are still remnants of the Old America. They are busy working hard to get good grades, going to church, and planning for their marriages and divorces. They know they need to earn absolute gobs of money to pay for the taxes and stay far away from the breakdown of the cities and lower middle class suburbs under diversity.

This group is no longer the group that rules the high school. The clique that rules the high school are now the do-gooder kids not edgy enough to be real nerds or geeks but definite bean-counter material. They are the obedient. They believe what their teachers and government tells them because they want good jobs. This is their sole motivation in life.

Obviously, these are partial people. They have appetites, not souls. They do not aspire to any principles above bourgeois self-interest. They are tools of the system, and they do not mind. The Democrat party and its ideology are their key to power and money, so they support it.

Now they are calling us “weird.” This is a proxy for uncool or nerd. While the ruling clique is now nerdy, they are not nerds; nerds learn things in autistic depth to be good at them because they think technology is cool. Nerdy people fetishize Star Wars and Star Trek while attending conferences on Agile development with Rust.

We used to call people like them “normies” because they have no direction except jobs, stuffy families, and having some claim to fame like collecting vintage board games that they can use as an identity and claim to self-importance down at the pub. Social media made this worse, but individualism is the cause.

Civilizations make narcissists like this because civilization makes life too easy. There are advantages to this, but also a waste product consisting of partial humans who lack the complete “full human” circuitry, and therefore can think only of themselves, in tangible material or symbolic terms, in the shortest span of time.

The normies gain control over time because they are willing tools of the system. They will stay late at work, do boring pro forma make-work, and listen to and repeat any amount of drivel at school, jobs, and political rallies. They pay attention to the television. They get excited by sales at Costco and eat quinoa.

These are the people calling us “weird.”

The Alt-Right arose during the Bush era when people asked what conservatives would be, if they were not merely trying to preserve the America after the first world war. A real Right would be more like a Dead Can Dance album or Lord of the Rings, not democracy with socialism but also with Jesus and endless war.

We were tired of the constant rehashing of the WW1/2 narrative which said that we, the good guys, would all join together to defeat the foes of democracy. It seemed to us that those foes of democracy were just trying to preserve their nations against democracy. Misery loves company, and miserable people in democracies spread democracy like AIDS.

Historically speaking, the Alt-Right arose from two major forces. First, the Tea Party pointed out that most of our government now is entitlements created by civil rights law that resemble socialism more than America. Second, a growing cultural movement recognized that America was better before the mid-1990s change to diversity as our raison d’etre.

Our sense of humor came from the regulation that everything that we could not talk about we needed to talk about, and this made our society funny as we all hobbled around trying to avoid taboo topics and noticing that everything is failing all at once together. The downfall of Rome II is hilarious if your sense of humor is “dark” enough.

That sense of humor is centered around the grim tragicomedy of the Great Replacement, or the plan to import third world foreigners as voters and replacements for the indigenous populations of Europe and the pioneer civilization in the Americas.

In short, everything that White Nationalists were talking about after 1945, and conservatives talked about until the 1960s gentlemanly agreement to refuse to mention race and social class, came forth in a new form following the lines I and no one else described in the early 1990s: resistance to diversity itself, not specific ethnic groups.

Opposing diversity is one of those positions that almost no one can fathom. They are trained on a Kafkaesque binary where you either endorse diversity or are a “racist” who hates and fears the groups in question. The anti-diversity position says that it does not matter which groups are involved, simply that poly-ethnic societies are suiciding.

The point made by the anti-diversity forces is simply that diversity is genocide. It destroys social trust, creates internal enmity in the civilization, then genetically eradicates the founding population. No one thinking clearly could ever tolerate it much less endorse it.

The Alt-Right brought the Great Replacement into average American homes with a mixture of humor and bypassing theories, statistics, and moralizing for a look at hard facts about life. Not just about race, but about relations between the sexes, the tyranny of the administrative state, civil rights law, and government entitlements.

When Trump got elected, and then whatever happened in 2020 came to pass without an objection from The Establishment, the Alt-Right seemed to go away. It had made its point; its arguments were now mainstream Republican arguments for the first time since the late 1950s. Its language made it into mainstream political discourse.

In my view, however, the Alt-Right has become more relevant than ever. We are surrounded by lies and failure and these need to be mocked and dethroned. Threats like the Great Replacement and other innate traits of democracy and bureaucracy still threaten our future. Our path is to civilization suicide unless we take a more realistic turn.

Whether or not it stays as an organized Alt-Right — probably impossible because of the lawsuits — or simply lives on as memes, essays, music, art, poetry, and books, the Alt-Right is what we need to (a) fight back against the destruction of civilization by egalitarianism and (b) keep our Right-wing politicians honest by enforcing a set of goals.

Some of us have already moved on to the next level. The Alt-Right remains entrenched in the remnants of libertarianism and racially-aware socialism, neither of which are the full picture. For those who want to go further, the Ult-Right awaits.

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