This parallels the psychology of the citizen who wants to be equal but must always play the victim: Africa is starving, and somehow the rest of the world must fix it. Let them go their own way.
Disparate impact means that if results are different between different groups, “racism” is assumed instead of the logical common sense and scientific position of different abilities for different groups.
Migrants have enough money to pay to be smuggled into Europe, but if it were applied back home everyone could avoid poverty with the magic of donkeys, toilets, solar panels, and other labor-saving and risk-reducing tools.
Border control exists for a number of very solid reasons, but the Democrats want new voters and do not care what havoc they cause. It can always be blamed on Trump of course.
Diversity is a huge problem everywhere. In India, Muslims and Hindus are in perpetual conflict because they have different values, ways, ethnicity, religions, and moralities. Only one can win.
Turns out that spending all of your money on anti-racism and anti-poverty programs forces you to print more money and makes the money worthless. This is not inflation; it is currency devaluation.
American foreign policy under Leftism consists of buying off foreign powers, much as Rome once paid off the barbarians to keep the peace for the bourgeois voters.
Muslim extremists want a global day of jihad to celebrate the bombing campaign that kicked off after Hamas murdered a thousand civilians.
Texas joined the USA to get help with the vastly more numerous Mexican invasion. Now that the USA is failing to do this, the contract is null and void. Secession is back on the menu.
They are coming for the free stuff, and he wants to give it to them so they vote Democrat forever just as the Clintons intended.
Third world against first world. People are allying not by social class but by global social class, and the class war continues, although now it is also a race war of all against Europe, Japan, the US, and Israel.
In order to avoid being called “racist,” police everywhere are backing away from minority suspects.
Since the civil rights revolution of the 1960s and ensuing Democratic presidents, all of government has placed diversity first in funding.
Free speech is the first casualty of diversity. Soon we will be able to talk about nothing but sports, television, and shopping.
As diversity fails and proves Hitler correct, no matter what we think of his methods, more people are coming out in favor of strong ethno-nationalism.
The way our laws are written, once they get in they are impossible to remove. If we change our laws, they will stop coming.
Everywhere it goes, diversity makes smuggling people a profitable enterprise. But with zero diversity, this would not be a problem.
Rather than sounding like Hamas, the far-Right should focus on the idea that ethnonationalism is the only stable foundation for a civilization.
Tags: diversitywatch, news