Oriental diversity sides with other diversity in arguing for anarchy subsidized by White people.
Different cultures have different behaviors. If you want your culture, you have to exclude all other cultures, which since culture is genetic means excluding all other ethnic groups.
Once democracy has demoralized its people, it imports foreigners who are easier to hoodwink.
It always amazed me that we did not simply burn our trash. Instead we are piling up pollutants for the next generations as these materials break down.
Asia invented the repressive systems now used in the diverse West. The new national security law forces people to gauge whether their speech will vioalte it, which results on voluntary suppression of speech just like political correctness does in the West.
Another diversity hire did not behave like the diversity wanted him to.
Diversity dividing New Zealand and making the White people there neurotic as usual. Repatriate the Maori to Polynesia.
Strong power works better with our mental states and results in a less complicated life; bureaucracy/committee weak power causes red tape and a gradual paralytic entropy of too many dead options. Maybe try fascism without the oppressive need for dogma, and simply repatriate the contra-ethnics.
It is funny how thousands of advanced degrees, hundreds of elections, billions of dollars in critical thinking, and lots of public interest cannot get to the simple reality that diversity does not work and remigration is the future.
Another integration success story keeps spewing guilt, hatred, lies, and Leftism.
Hitler was inept but made it clear that diversity was suicide. The “greatest generation” saved the world for Communism.
If Russia wants to fight this war, it should face the consequences. Sell Ukraine whatever weapons it needs and let Russia bury its dead.
Urbanization worldwide = heat islands worldwide = “climate change” = more people thinking in bourgeois individualistic terms (me first, externalities socialized).
Democracy ends as it usually does. Previous voters chose diversity which means that there is now a swing vote which will always vote for whatever is more Left-leaning. This is a death spiral.
Ken Paxton points out that since the Clintons took over the DOJ, the FBI has been weaponized to protect Democrat corruption.
The article argues that America was built on cooperation and opportunity, which the Left views as “oppression” because it is “unequal.” In reality, America was built on WASP pioneers working together to avoid pitfalls of history encountered by previous civilizations (Rome, Europe, Athens).
Canada adopts internet security bill based on the model of the Chinese national security law.
Why do we allow foreigners to own anything here? Why do we give them rights at all? Oh, right, we are bewitched by the symbol of equality. Our minds are overthrown.
Our diversity health officials have attempted a coverup of the vast bungle that was government response to COVID-19.
The modern miracle comes tumbling down. Technology in the hands of mob rule has ended badly like everything else in mob rule.
Diversity statements are compelled speech, and fewer people than ever before want to voluntarily praise diversity.
Tags: diversitywatch, news